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Fortnite Chapter 3: Season 3

We are Vibin' and Survin'

By Charna SansonPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Picture courtesy of Fortnite

Well here we are again! New season means a new article. This new season of Fortnite is as chilled as it can get. The IO have been eradicated, Sloane has been taken care of and The Foundation and Jonesy are one step closer to finding GENO. While they are off on a man hunt the islanders have treated themselves to a well-deserved break. PARTIES ALL AROUND.

Battle Pass

I think we all know that a new season means a new battle pass but for those that a new to the game or returning after a long rage fueled break, here is what Epic have provided for us this season.

Season 3 battle pass

Now if your beady little eyes can see, we have a certain dark and ominous figure hiding in the it's not a bush camper, it is in fact Darth Vader! Yes, the dark side has joined forces with the islanders and is joining in with the partying. Darth Vader is currently Level 100 on the Battle pass. The dark side is joined by these other skins

  • Evie (Ada Wong's hip niece)
  • Snap (Lego gone wild)
  • Adira (Secretly wishes she was in Mass Effect)
  • Stormfarer (Egyptian Mummy wannabe)
  • Malik (Just here for the parties)
  • Sabina (Barbie doll on drugs)
  • Darth Vader (Enough said)
  • Indiana Jones (Maybe he can find the Crowned Victory i've been searching for)

As you progress through the levels more styles are available for certain skins. Snap is a build your own dummy, you can unlock his styles by collecting Tover Tokens, these are available around the map and via challenges. I love this season's skins; They are cute, simple, fashionable and there's something for everybody.

The only problem I have with this Battle pass is again the lack of Emotes. We have 7 altogether, 2 of which are built in for certain skins, the ones that are available on their own are nothing special and pretty simple. Just like last season it lacks the excitement when it comes to unlocking an emote, last season I hardly saw anyone use the emotes and I'm afraid the same will happen here.

Overall score for the Battle Pass is a shocking 6/10

Map Changes

This season's map changes have been isolated to the Western part of the map. After The Collider was destroyed and Covert Cavern was decommissioned, there have been considerable map changes within that area.

Picture by Epic

Covert Cavern has now been transformed into the Rave Cave , where the parties go on all night long and the enemies keep on coming. The Rave Cave has also got it's own rollercoaster A.K.A Screwball Coaster. This area is the current hot drop due to the amount of loot and the availability of transportation.

A little but further south we come across Reality Falls. This area itself is aesthetically pleasing and well within the theme of Avatar, with its blue and purple colour, massive mushrooms and not to mention the big magical tree that resides in the center of it.

Picture by Epic

We also have new unnamed POIs such as Drill Hill formally The Fortress, Grovey Grove and my new favorite Displaced Divot, this little area is home to one of the bunkers from Dusty Divot and also that big massive Chair that everyone loves for reason.

These map change are pretty and fun to explore, but i would've liked to have seen some more changes on other parts of the map as well, not just that one area.

Overall i would rate the map changes are 8/10


Every season we are introduced to a new weapon that will either annoy a lot players or cause delight in others. Last season it was the Drum Shotgun, but unfortunately that has been removed so now we need a new favourite.

What's New?

The Two Shot Shotgun

Picture by Epic

This fat thing is my new favourite. Its big and bulky and holds a lot of fire power (when aimed right) Firing two burst shots when used, this shotgun can come as a nasty surprise. It has a quick reload rate and the damage is high. Make sure you pick up one of these bad boys.

DMR: Designated Marksman Rifle

Picture by Epic

This gun is very similar to how the Scoped AR worked, it is better used for long distance and has an easy to use scope. The downside to this gun is that a purple rarity can do a max of 53 on the body and 80 on the head, so it makes you wonder how weak the lower rarities are. It is faster than a sniper and has a low recoil, i would recommend this gun for those who enjoy sniping but don't have the aim.

Hammer Assault rifle

Picture by Epic

For me, this gun can do better- but with the removal of the MK7 we are stuck with it. It does have good damage and is reliable; it unfortunately lacks accuracy and the kick needed to feel powerful when used. I don't see this gun lasting and think this is the only season we will see it in. But of course this is my opinion, hop into a match and see for yourself.

What's gone?

  • MK7 Assault Rifle
  • Huntsman Sniper Rifle
  • Scoped AR
  • Anvil Rocket Launcher
  • Drum Shotgun

Overall i would rate these changes a 9/10


Some new and exciting things have happened when it comes to moving around the map. We still have cars, ziplines, Parkour and Sprinting. But this time and all time favourite has returned...THE BALLER

Yes, this little hamster ball has returned letting players swing and bounce to their heart's content. Mostly found at Rave Cave and Screwball Coaster there's non stop fun in these little balls.

We can now ride into battle valiantly upon our noble steeds...well more like Wolves and Boars. Yep, these guys are now our friends and will let us ride off into the sunset after a Battle Royale.

And last but not least, Slipstreams are back. We last saw these babies in Chapter 1 Season 10, they weren't a fan favourite but its good to have them back, again these are mostly found around the Rave Cave and are isolated around the Western part of the map

I rate this 10/10


Storm Sickness

A new addition is Storm Sickness. When we get trapped in the storm, we can usually heal ourselves and can actually last a long time without dying. Epic have decided to do something about those players that Storm Camp and are now forcing them to fight. If a player was to spend too much time in the storm, they receive Storm Sickness; this hastens the effect of the storm making it harder to heal and escape.

Picture by Epic

Reality Saplings

This little addition is an interesting one. With the saplings, one must simply plant them at specific area in map and nurture them, they carry on from match to match, just Tents, and each time you nurture and use them; new and better loot is expelled from them. Unlike tents you simply cant hijack another players sapling, you must find an unused one and begin from there.


These new changes are different, exciting and makes us eager to explore. Fortnite is the game that keeps on giving, with it's live events, new weapons and map changes. If it wasn't for the lacking Battle Pass i would happily rate this Season a 10/10, but due the low score i gave the Battle Pass i can only award this season a 8/10.

See you all next time! Stay Vibin'

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About the Creator

Charna Sanson

Hello! Charna Sanson

I write video game reviews. I love all genre of games!

Been a gamer since my father handed me a controller and have been avoiding responsibility ever since!


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