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Theory of Collective Consciousness

Is there more power than we think?

By fungal earthlingPublished 5 months ago 3 min read

Collective consciousness could be a key part in discovering how to manifest our futures in a healthier and inspiring way.

I wrote a story regarding humans advancing by realizing the power of collective consciousness. Some of this revolves around mass amounts of people practicing an intention ritual to spread positivity and peace around us. This is needed in times of war and genocide, I feel personally. I am creating positive stories for the sake of wanting more of a hopeful future of the more beneficial side of humans, disregarding wars. In fact, for a healthier human future, we need to stop having wars right now. First of all, why are we letting angry men control parts of the world? Anyways. Here is one of many stories about futuristic visions that I feel may come to fruition. Perhaps in my dreams.


Humanity’s advancements in the knowledge of consciousness and energy significantly shifted the way the future would look like for managing our mental health in more ways than we could possibly imagine. Thanks to innovative research and the emergence of human potential, we unlocked an incredible power to elevate our vibration and engage with the world in ways previously unimaginable.

As humans delved deeper into the realms of consciousness, a group of visionary scientists, known as the Frequency Explorers, made a groundbreaking breakthrough. They unveiled a technology called "Elevate," which harnessed the power of our own energy fields to defy gravity.

"Elevate" was an incredible invention that not only helped humans defy gravity but also allowed them to walk on water. By aligning our frequencies with water molecules, this groundbreaking technology enabled individuals to interact with the water's surface as if it were solid ground. Through specialized devices and training, people learned to elevate their energetic resonance, unlocking a remarkable ability that went beyond the physical realm and tapped into our higher consciousness.

The impact of this frequency elevation extended beyond personal experiences.

Inspired by the harmony they felt with water, communities began to prioritize environmental conservation. Energetic healers and scientists collaborated to restore polluted water sources, using their elevated frequencies to cleanse and revitalize ecosystems.

As news of this extraordinary phenomenon spread, humanity embraced the transformative power of raising our frequency. People from all corners of the globe eagerly embarked on a journey of self-discovery, unlocking their hidden potential and harnessing the power of their consciousness.

The ability to stand on water became a symbol of unity, as individuals connected on a deeper level, transcending cultural, social, and geographical boundaries. Communities formed around energy centers, where people gathered to share knowledge, practice meditation, and collectively elevate their frequencies.

With the newfound ability to walk on water, humanity reconnected with nature in profound ways. People strolled along the shores of tranquil lakes, their light footsteps creating mesmerizing ripples, while others ventured into the heart of mighty rivers, feeling the flow of life beneath their feet. They discovered a deep sense of harmony and reverence for the Earth's water bodies, recognizing them as sacred and interconnected with all life.

Energetic healers and scientists collaborated to restore polluted water sources, using their elevated frequencies to cleanse and revitalize ecosystems.

This newfound ability also spurred innovations in architecture and urban planning. Cities transformed their waterfronts into vibrant, sustainable communities, where buildings seemed to float on water. Aesthetically stunning walkways and parks became common, inviting people to engage with the water's surface and bask in its serene beauty.

As humanity continued to raise its frequency, the impact rippled out into other aspects of life. Enhanced intuition, heightened creativity, and expanded consciousness became commonplace, leading to advancements in arts, sciences, and the exploration of the cosmos.

In this future, the ability to stand on water through elevated frequencies became a catalyst for personal growth, environmental stewardship, and collective evolution. It taught us that the power to shape our reality lies within us, waiting to be awakened and harnessed. As we walked on water, we realized that the boundaries we once perceived were merely illusions, and that our true potential as human beings is limitless.

And so, as the sun set on a world where humans could stand on water, their elevated frequencies illuminated a future brimming with infinite possibilities. Through the unity of mind, body, and spirit, humanity embraced a harmonious coexistence with the Earth and the vast cosmic tapestry, propelling us toward a future of expanded consciousness and boundless exploration.

science fictionfutureartificial intelligence

About the Creator

fungal earthling

I write techno songs. I also feel deeply about things. You can find my free flowing feelings here.

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