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Diary Of A Call Girl - Part 1

A Look Into The Life Of Emma: A Call Girl From London

By Luna WPublished 18 days ago 3 min read

A Little Look into My Interior

I have recently just moved into my wonderful new apartment. I’ve just moved into the very vibrant Shepherd’s Bush. Well, it’s lively and colorful to me, having grown up in the back streets of Berkshire! Anyways, I thought some of you aspiring clients might want to know a little more about my lush apartment. Or is it because I love it so much myself that I can’t help gushing about it? Hmm - probably the latter…

Zebra print fabric and apple wood scent

Anyways, my gorgeous new abode is all done out in style for my new life as an independent escort having previously worked for an agency called Candy Shop Escorts, and I can't thank these guys enough for giving me a chance to build my confidence and get to where I am today. The sitting room of my upmarket apartment has the most sensational squishy two seater sofas in zebra print, for instance. And, in front of those lies a beautiful large faux fur cream rug. I can’t begin to tell you how comfortable this is to stretch out and snuggle down on - especially since it’s in front of my cozy wood burner. Incidentally I always use scented wood for my burner, preferably apple or some other gorgeous fruit scent for a touch of personal decadence.

Oversized black glass chandelier

My bedroom is my pride and joy though. Being an escort you may expect this. But really, this is class and erotica in one. On the walls, for instance, you’ll find tasteful black and white erotic prints. These match the huge black glass candelabra I have hanging from the ceiling and the set of black glass candlesticks on my dresser. Again, I’ll use scented candles - usually Ylang Ylang or Frankincense - something musky to put both me and my client into a sensual mood. Music is streamed through inbuilt speakers in the bed. The client gets to choose this which means there’s been quite a selection - from Lionel Ritchie to Guns and Roses. Whatever turns you on babe…

And boy, what a bed. The mattress alone cost me around a grand. But truly it’s worth every penny. This is the kind of bed you sink into and sigh out with pleasure for. Then again, that sigh of pleasure could just be for me being in there with you? Certainly I had a very ecstatic response from a client last weekend. In fact, I could hardly get rid of him! He kept wanting to book me for another hour, then another hour.. until eventually I had to inform him I had another client that evening. And I truly did.

It’s never good having to tell a client it’s time to go. Most don’t overstay their welcome and happily stick to the allotted timescale. But there’s always the odd one. I was having a few cocktails with a couple of girlfriends - also escorts - in Smith’s Cocktail Bar in Shepherd’s Bush the other night. They both said they too had encountered the client or two who insisted on outstaying his welcome. One of my friends, Zandra, said she simply gets out her knitting and puts on Coronation Street (she keeps an episode on tape especially for this reason). What’s your biggest turn off? Answers below please gents…

Part 2 will be coming very soon so please stay tuned and follow me for the next chapter of my life as a call girl. I will be covering my day to day life and what it takes to do my line of work.


About the Creator

Luna W

New here and trying something new. I believe life is too short and we should create as many memories as possible. I hope you like my stories. 💗

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