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Wind Carrier


By Ashley ShiflettPublished 3 months ago Updated 3 months ago 3 min read
Wind Carrier
Photo by Cassiano K. Wehr on Unsplash

“Hush! Now”!
I hear from somewhere in the distance.
Cries echo around me and I realize I'm not alone.
I see nothing but I can feel everything.
It's damp.
It's cold.
I fervently feel around for any clue as to where I am. I notice deep grooves on the ground half filled with what I assume is water.
“I said hush, '' a gurgling shout came from a distance. It is much louder this time.
The room falls silent. All the noise that I hear now is faint whimpering trying to hold back cries.

“What are they gonna do? What are they gonna do?” A young girl next to me cries out.
“Shut up!” A man yells back.
“They will come back if they hear you.”
You can hear the fear in his shaky voice.
Sure enough a door slams and you can hear multiple footsteps approaching.
I slide myself back on the ground until suddenly I slam into a wet stone wall. Before I make a move I need to observe my surroundings.
I see light outside our door now. All that I can make out is a blurry stone wall behind the light. You can hear the jingle of the keys and multiple voices speaking a language that is familiar.
I would recognize the noise anywhere. It's goblin.
Whimpering and scurrying fills the room as the door swings open.
“That one!” A gray finger points out from under a black robe. He points to the young girl that was next to me earlier.
“No,no,no!!” She begins screaming and flailing as one of the robed figures approaches her.
My eyes are less blurry now. I can see 4 figures have entered.
Each in varying sizes but all quite tiny.
I smirk.
I rise in the darkness with my hood still drawn up.
“You! Sit down!”
The one with the black robe says to me. He's obviously the one calling the shots.
“Drugging party guests is hardly a way to kidnap.” I shake my head at them.
Waving a finger I rise completely and tower over them.
“You brought an elf here?” The guard is angrily looking back at his comrades.
“Half elf.” I wink.
I feel the air around me. I breathe in and the movement of my body echoes the earth's.
I feel the pressure build around me until the power is almost too much to control.
With a sigh I release the pressure.
“I love to see them fly.” I shout with a smile. The goblins get knocked out of course. They are tiny weak creatures after all.
There is a gasp in the room and everyone shoots up. They run for the door trying to escape.


“Mavle.” Someone calls my name.
“Get up Mavle.” He says again. I feel soft hands shake me.
Wearily I open my eyes.
“OH finally.” Sole leans in and gives me a tight squeeze.
“We all thought you were a goner.” He smiles the same awkward smile at me.
Wha… I don't understand.” I looked around and we were in a field. Off to the south I could see our town. It was Engulfed in flames.
“Most of the town is that way.” He points to the woods in the east.
“The rest captured”... Sole pauses.
“Or dead.” He whispers softly.
So it wasn't entirely a dream.
“I Managed to get you out just in time.” He says as he sticks his thumb up to me.
“Thank you.” I stared blankly at the burning town.
“Your dad will want to see you.” He says as I begin to rise.
I ignore him as I walk to the flames.
“Your majesty!” He yells after me.
“Your father…”
“I'm going to get my people.” I say as I let the earth lift me one last time.

Short StoryFantasyAdventure

About the Creator

Ashley Shiflett

I have always had a passion for writing.

I hope to share my love for stories with everyone that I meet. I'm hopeful that in some way they will motivate you, help you smile, or even encourage you through a difficult time.

All are welcome!

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  • Samrah nadeem3 months ago

  • Samrah nadeem3 months ago

    Nice story

  • John Cox3 months ago


  • John Cox3 months ago

    Wow! This story is such a rush! Are you planning to write more?

  • Phil Flannery3 months ago

    I agree with Dharrsheena, a powerful story. Beginnings of a bigger tale.

  • Whoaaaa, that was sooo powerful! Half elf. So she'd be more powerful if she was a full elf?

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