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A Defeatist

The Best Short story

By Abdul QayyumPublished 21 days ago 3 min read
A Defeatist
Photo by Piotr Musioł on Unsplash

A Defeatist

Elias lived a life never-endingly hung within the shadow of "what uncertainties." Each choice, each activity, was weighed down by the fear of being labeled a defeatist. He wasn't born that way. As a child, his eyes shone with the same brave flicker as the other boys, the ones who climbed the tallest trees and chased after rebel fireflies long past nightfall. But some place along the way, fear took root, a weed that choked the once dynamic plant of his strength.

It begun unpretentiously. A set out to bounce off the tall jumping board got to be a stomachache that helpfully constrained him to remain on the edge. A chance to stand up to the school bully morphed into a "misplaced homework" pardon, the sting of his claim disgrace distant more awful than any potential punch. Each withdraw chipped absent at his certainty, clearing out behind a empty resound of what may have been.

By adulthood, Elias was a ace of camouflage. He mixed into the background, a quiet spectator within the fantastic play of life. He had a conventional work, a calm flat, and a fastidiously arranged schedule. Each day was the same, a consolation zone built from fear and consistency. His colleagues considered him dependable, in the event that a bit dull. His as it were companion, Clara, a lady with eyes that held the shrewdness of a thousand stories, saw the glint of longing behind his carefully developed cover.

One stormy Tuesday, the repetitiveness of Elias's life smashed. On his way domestic, he seen a robbing. A youthful lady, scarcely out of her youngsters, was battling against a burly man, her handbag clutched frantically in her hand. Freeze clawed at Elias's throat. Each fiber of his being shouted to run, to vanish into the secrecy of the crowd. But for the primary time in a long time, something shifted within him.

He saw the dread within the youthful woman's eyes, a reflection of his possess buried fear. Disgrace, hot and burning, burned through him. He couldn't be a defeatist any longer. Not nowadays.

Taking a profound breath, Elias ventured forward. When he talked, indeed he was shocked by his possess voice. It was firm but shaky. "Take off her alone," the man requested.

The mugger, a mountain of a man with a pitiless grin, turned his look to Elias. Despise glinted over his confront. "Get misplaced, skinny," he snarled.

Elias's knees wobbled, but he stood his ground. "I said, take off her alone. It's not worth it."

A tense standoff followed. The rain came down harder, obscuring the world into a watercolor of fear and assurance. At long last, with a growl, the mugger pushed the young lady aside and stalked absent into the storm.

The youthful lady, trembling, looked at Elias with wide, thankful eyes. Alleviation and a surge of something associated to pride washed over him. He had confronted his fear, and in doing so, had gotten to be something more than a coward.

Clara, detecting the alter in her companion, coaxed the story out of him the following day. As she tuned in, her eyes shone with a newly discovered respect.She whispered, "Elias, you weren't a quitter." "Boldness isn't the nonappearance of fear, it's acting in show disdain toward of it."

Elias's heart pounded against his ribs. He hadn't seen it that way, but her words resounded profoundly. Confronting the mugger hadn't deleted his fear, but it had appeared him a quality he didn't know he had. It was a start, a flash of resistance against the long-held title.

The occurrence got to be a turning point for Elias. He begun little. He talked up in gatherings at work, advertising his thoughts with a newfound confidence. He joined a neighborhood craftsmanship lesson, a childhood dream he had buried for fear of disappointment. The way wasn't simple. Fear still hidden within the shadows, a consistent companion. But presently, Elias met it head-on, equipped with the memory of his act of rebellion.

Life didn't gotten to be a tornado of brave enterprises. Elias wasn't a superhero, nor did he pine for the highlight. But he started to grasp the small challenges, the ordinary openings to step exterior his consolation zone. He learned the delight of saying yes, of taking calculated dangers, and of grasping the obscure.

One evening, years afterward, Elias sat with Clara in a cozy cafe, observing the rain streak down the window. He was more seasoned, a number of chuckle lines crinkling the corners of his eyes. He not saw a quitter when he looked within the mirror. Instep, he saw a man who had battled his fear, a man who challenged to live a small more bravely each day.

"Keep in mind that stormy Tuesday?" Clara inquired, a grin pulling at her lips.

Elias chuckled. "How may I disregard? It was the day the quitter found his strength."

The rain exterior proceeded its rhythmic dance

Short Story

About the Creator

Abdul Qayyum

I am retired professor of English Language. I am fond of writing articles and short stories . I also wrote books on amazon kdp. My first Language is Urdu and I tried my best to teach my students english language ,

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