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A bag-woman

A minutes fall

By Antoinette L BreyPublished 2 months ago 2 min read
A bag-woman
Photo by Ilse Orsel on Unsplash

,.. .It was a sunny day. Lynn was in a sunny mood. She was finally in control of her life. She was excited about takeing her next step. Her heart was racing she was confident but nervous. She counted out her change, and headed to the payphone located next to the front door of the cafe. Nothing ventured nothing gained. She dropped the change into the machine. The phone was answered and she asked to speak with Al. Four seconds or so, passed and then she heard his voice. She felt a burst of confidence. No small talk she would get straight to the point. Lynn asked him if he would like to date her. His response guted her. Some girl had invited him to go on a cruise with her, He was no longer on the dating market. Lynn knew he was lieing. She thought back on the times he had advised her to lie. She silently hung up the phone.

Suddenly a haze floated over her. She felt a force entering her thoughts. She mentally pushed it off her, but within thirty seconds her role in life had changed. Suddenly she was no longer in control. She felt a force pulling her to sit on the sitwalk, as a messy bag-woman. She pushed through it and entered the neighboring restaurant. Once she entered the restaurant and claimed a booth, the force disappered. But this was the beginning of these brief occupations of her mind. If she could have anticipated the price she would have paid for trying to satisfying her desires, she never would have asked him for date. He had glowed when she was around,but yet she had misread the signals. Lynn wanted to just move on, but something was pulling her down. One minute, one phone call had transfered her from a career woman to a potential bagwoman. She ate her meal feeling confident again. But her sanity which was so treasured was now in jeopardy.

This incident became her secret. She prayed that it would never happen again. That this one minute couldn'i lead to the drowning of her life dreams. She had always thought that she had the power to control her fate.But now she was wondering if there was a force greater and more powerful then her, that could control her fate. What ever was causeing this, she was ready to fight for her life. The minute was over and she sat and ate her meal.

For the moment she had a apartment and money from odd jobs. For a moment she could push off that image. It had sent shivers down her back but she was not a bag-woman yet. She wondered what that sixty second phone call would cost her. Why was she being punished for going after what she wanted in life. Wasn't that the American way. Why were her dreams suddenly being raped from her. This could not be the power of God. She had always thought he loved her.

Short Story

About the Creator

Antoinette L Brey

I am an elder in a time of freedom. I am now retired. All i want to do is have fun. Without a daily routine, my imagination is one of my only salvations. I am not planning on writing a book, it is just for my own pleasure

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  • Tiffany Gordon 2 months ago

    Well written! Would love a Part 2!

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