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My Mind´s Reflection

Good Things

By marie e ehlenbachPublished 4 months ago 4 min read

When the world around me is wrapped in slumber and the only sound is the gentle hum of my thoughts, my mind becomes a storyteller, weaving narratives about who I am and what I mean to the universe.

It whispers secrets and truths, painting pictures of my past, present, and future on the canvas of consciousness. Sometimes its tales are gentle, like a warm embrace, reminding me of moments of joy and triumph. Other times, they are tempestuous storms, churning with doubts and fears, testing the strength of my resolve.

My mind speaks of dreams and aspirations, urging me to reach for the stars and pursue the desires that flicker within my soul. It whispers of untapped potential and hidden talents, encouraging me to explore the depths of my being and uncover the treasures buried within.

By Ethan Dow on Unsplash

But alongside the whispers of encouragement, there are also echoes of criticism and self-doubt. My mind can be a harsh critic, cataloging my flaws and shortcomings with meticulous detail. It replays past mistakes like a broken record, each note a reminder of my humanity and imperfection.

Yet, amidst the cacophony of voices, there is a quiet, persistent melody—a reminder of my resilience and strength. My mind tells stories of resilience, of overcoming obstacles and rising from the ashes, stronger and more determined than before.

By Clarisse Croset on Unsplash

In the end, my mind is a complex tapestry of thoughts and emotions, weaving together the threads of my experiences to create the fabric of my identity. It is both friend and foe, companion and adversary, guiding me through the labyrinth of life with its stories and reflections.

And as I listen to its tales, I am reminded that the most important story of all is the one I write for myself—a story of courage, compassion, and endless possibility. In the end, it is not the stories my mind tells about me that define who I am, but the ones I choose to believe and live out each day.

Bad Things!

By Muhammad Zain Ahsan on Unsplash

In the labyrinth of the human mind, there dwells a complex network of thoughts and emotions. In this intricate web, there was a voice, neither benevolent nor malevolent, but a reflection of the individual’s conscience.

One day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape of consciousness, a decision was made. A choice that veered away from the path of righteousness, leaving a lingering sense of unease in its wake.

As the deed was done, the mind stirred with a cacophony of voices. Some whispered words of caution; their gentle admonitions were a reminder of the moral compass that guided the soul. Others roared with condemnation, their righteous fury echoing through the corridors of thought.

By Maria Teneva on Unsplash

“You have strayed from the light,” they cried, their accusations sharp as daggers. “You have chosen the path of darkness, and now you must bear the consequences.”

And yet, amidst the tumult, there was a voice—a quiet, steadfast presence amidst the chaos. It spoke not with judgment or condemnation, but with a gentle wisdom born of understanding.

“You are human,” it murmured, its words a soothing balm to the wounded spirit. “You are flawed, but you are also capable of growth and redemption. Mistakes are a part of the human experience, but they do not define you.”

By Wicliff Thadeu on Unsplash

With each word, the storm within began to subside, replaced by a sense of clarity and acceptance. For though the choice had been made, there was still the opportunity for reflection and repentance. The journey toward self-discovery was not without its pitfalls, but it was through facing the darkness within that one could truly embrace the light.

And so, with a renewed sense of purpose, the mind set forth on its journey, guided by the whispers of conscience and the promise of redemption. For in the tapestry of human experience, it is not the moments of darkness that define us, but our ability to rise above them and seek the light once more. Growth.

Good & Bad Things!

By cristina ponciano on Unsplash

There exists a delicate balance between the deeds of good and the deeds of bad. Within this domain, the conscience serves as both judge and jury, scrutinizing every action with unwavering precision.

When the echoes of the day fade into the hush of night, the mind becomes a storyteller, recounting the tales of virtue and vice with equal measure. For every act of kindness, there is a whisper of approval and a gentle nod of recognition from the depths of the soul. “You have done well,” it murmurs, its words like a warm embrace, affirming the inherent goodness within.

But alongside the praise for noble deeds, there are also echoes of regret—a haunting refrain that lingers in the recesses of memory. When faced with the consequences of wrongdoing, the mind becomes a relentless interrogator, probing the depths of motivation and intent.

By Cristian Escobar on Unsplash

“You have faltered,” it intones, its voice a solemn reminder of the imperfections. “You have left the path of doing what is right, and now you must reckon with the rebuttal.

And yet, amidst the tumult of self-reflection, there is a glimmer of hope—a beacon of redemption that shines through the darkness. For in the realm of the mind, there exists the capacity for growth and transformation, even in the wake of misdeeds.

With each acknowledgment of wrongdoing comes the opportunity for good! The mind becomes a guide, leading the way toward reconciliation.

“You are flawed,” it whispers, its words a gentle reminder of the inherent humanity within. “But you are also capable of change. Learn from your mistakes, and let them serve as catalysts for growth! Growth!

By Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

And so, armed with the wisdom gleaned from both triumphs and tribulations, the mind ventures forth into the unknown, navigating the complexities of the human experience with humility and grace. For in the tapestry of life, it is not the deeds of good or bad that define us, but our capacity for introspection and growth in the face of adversity.

Thanks, Marie

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About the Creator

marie e ehlenbach

I started writing when I found my imagination needed a place to be! Yes, I will write about anything that comes to mind! Living near the National Park in Washington, DC. I find it is the place to go to let your imagination take over!

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  • marie e ehlenbach (Author)4 months ago

    Thanks you, Marie

  • Daphsam4 months ago

    Great story!

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