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My Father

The Quiet Strength That Built Our Family

By RitvizPublished 2 months ago 3 min read
My Father
Photo by Liane Metzler on Unsplash

My Father

There's something about a father that is both simple and profound. He isn't always the one in the spotlight, but he's always there, a steady presence in the background. This is the story of my father, the man who quietly shaped my life and our family's destiny.

I remember it like it was yesterday, the day I asked him for a remote control car. I was about 12 or 13, at that age where everything seemed urgent and necessary. But our family was middle class, and those things weren't part of our usual budget. My father was a practical man, someone who valued hard work and discipline. So when I asked him, I could see the hesitation in his eyes. It wasn't just the cost; it was the sacrifice that came with it. I didn't understand it then, but I do now. To him, providing for his family meant more than just fulfilling whims—it meant creating a stable and secure future.

But he did it. He bought me that car, probably juggling bills and cutting corners to make it happen. And he did it without a single complaint. I remember the way his face lit up when I tore open the box, the joy in his eyes as I raced the car up and down the street. It wasn't just a toy, it was like a symbol of his love, his willingness to put us before himself.

My father wasn't a man of many words. He had a gruff exterior, the kind that made you think twice before crossing him. But beneath that tough veneer was a heart of gold. He was the kind of man who worked long hours, sometimes taking on extra shifts, to ensure we had what we needed. He was up before the sun, out the door before we were awake, and back home after we were in bed. It wasn't glamorous, but it was heroic in its own way.

He was a protector, too. I remember once when a stray dog wandered into our yard. My father, despite his fatigue, grabbed a broom and shooed it away, his voice booming in the night. It was a little scary, but it also made me feel safe. I knew that as long as he was around, nothing could harm us. He was the rock on which our family stood, and he took that role seriously.

Of course, he had his moments of anger. There were times when I'd push his buttons, testing his patience like any teenager would. He'd raise his voice, his eyes narrowing with frustration. But even in those moments, I knew it was because he cared. He wanted me to be responsible, to understand the value of hard work and the importance of family. And, deep down, I knew that no matter how much he yelled, he'd always have my back.

Now that I'm 28, I see things differently. I understand the sacrifices he made, the sleepless nights, the worry, the endless work. I see the lines on his face, the calluses on his hands, the weariness in his step. These are the marks of a father, signs of a man who gave everything to ensure his family's happiness. It's a quiet kind of heroism, the kind that doesn't seek recognition but deserves it nonetheless.

There were moments of humor, too. I remember when he tried to fix the washing machine, refusing to call a professional because he insisted he could do it. It turned into a hilarious mess, water spraying everywhere, and my mother laughing so hard she cried. But he didn't give up.

He kept at it until it was fixed, and then he stood back with a satisfied grin. That was my father—determined, stubborn, but ultimately successful in his own way.

As I write this, I realize how much I owe him. Everything I am today, I owe to his guidance, his strength, his unwavering love. He taught me what it means to be a man, to be responsible, to care for those you love. He taught me that being a father isn't just about providing—it's about being there, day in and day out, through thick and thin.

My father


About the Creator


I write gripping short stories that blend suspense, horror and romance. With a flair for creating thrilling plots and unforgettable characters, I captivate readers from start to end. And also share insights on some general topics.

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  • Esala Gunathilake2 months ago

    Absolutely brilliant.

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