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Have you ever wondered if animals dream and if they do what exactly is it.

By Ayesha Published 2 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Pasha gulian on Unsplash

Throughout my entire life, I have found immense inspiration in the fascinating world of octopuses. Their ability to camouflage and mimic their surroundings, as well as their diverse ways of locomotion, never cease to amaze me. Each octopus possesses its own unique personality, and I consider myself fortunate to have developed a special bond with a day octopus. This particular octopus had a small scar just below her eye, which led me to affectionately name her Scarlet.

Observing Scarlet, I have noticed that she goes through various sleep cycles. At times, she is completely still, peacefully slumbering like an octopus snoring. However, there are moments when she enters an active phase of sleep. This phase resembles the REM sleep experienced by humans, during which we dream. It is quite intriguing to think that Scarlet might also be dreaming during these active sleep phases. Trust me, she definitely is. Just observe her movements, akin to a dog's paws twitching while they chase rabbits in their dreams. Although we cannot be certain if dogs dream, we can confidently say that they do. Similarly, Scarlet's active sleep phase could indicate that she is processing memories or recalling environmental cues, contemplating how she would blend into different surroundings or perhaps even flashing colors like she would in the wild after catching a crab.

Indeed, it is fascinating to consider the various factors that could contribute to an individual's experience, whether it be the location, the building, or even a mental map of their habitat. This mental map could potentially save their life in a future encounter. It is truly remarkable to observe the curiosity that Scara exhibits towards you, as well as her ability to analyze the situation and realize that there is no real threat present. The question of how she could have such a basis for her actions is one that often crosses my mind. It is clear that there is a complex thought process occurring in Scara's brain, with no cultural influence or innate memory to guide her. Everything she learns is derived from her environment, which motivates her to seek out new experiences and continue learning. The speed at which she dismisses the notion of you being a threat, to the point of initiating contact, is truly astounding. Her curiosity clearly outweighs any potential danger, even when faced with a larger, unfamiliar creature like yourself.

It is fascinating to witness the incredible abilities of this man. Despite his small size, he possesses the power to strike with his four limbs at a speed of 50 mph, which is as quick as lightning. In fact, some species of this man can even shatter aquarium glass with a single punch. The stakes are undeniably high for him, considering that he lacks a protective shell, a skeleton, and claws. However, his brain serves as the ultimate weapon in his defense.

Remarkably, this man has devised a defensive shield simply through his thoughts and imagination. Observing the landscape, he takes inspiration from clams and decides to adopt their strategy. He utilizes tools from his environment to manipulate and protect himself, which is the essence of tool use.

Now, let's shift our focus to the day octopus. Although they do not live in groups, they form unexpected partnerships with reef fish. During their hunting expeditions, they often team up with coral trout. Interestingly, the coral trout communicates the presence of food to the octopus by performing a headstand and pointing its nose. This observation sparked an idea in my mind.

Curiosity led me to wonder if the octopus would understand my pointing gesture. As we embarked on a hunt together, I noticed that she was struggling to catch a few elusive crabs. In an attempt to assist her, I began pointing in the direction of the crabs. It was a remarkable moment when my hand became a means of communication between us, bridging a gap of 550 million years of evolution.

This encounter made me realize the vast amount of knowledge that still eludes us. Every conclusion we reach seems to open up a multitude of new questions. We have so much left to discover, not only within our own world but also beyond. Perhaps, one day, we will venture to other planets and embark on a new journey of exploration.


About the Creator


Like to write for fun while investigating and exploring the world

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