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Introduction for "Living in MAGIC"

my personal development book, a work-in-progress

By Katie KieslingPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Introduction for "Living in MAGIC"
Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash

(Hello lovely Vocal members! I would love some feedback on this introduction for a personal development book I'm writing. Please answer honestly in the comments - Would you be intrigued enough to continue reading? Why or why not?)


The word magic has been following me around for as long as I can remember.

As a little girl, my favourite stories to read about (and write myself) would often involve witches and spell-casting. No matter if the plot takes place in our world, or the thought-up world of the author, I love these stories.

In my early 20s, I was introduced to a card game called Magic: The Gathering - something my husband had been familiar with for 20 years before we met. In fact, this card game is how he and I met, and I’m so grateful to my university roommate for introducing the game to me. (I’m sure she didn’t intend for the game to be the catalyst in meeting the love of my life, but here we are!)

Finally, when I became a certified Life Coach, the word magic appeared everywhere I turned - in books, in social media, and sometimes it seemed to popped up in day-to-day conversations! I had introduced something new into my life (personal growth), and therefore became more exposed than ever to this word.

Part of me has a fear that the word magic is in fact overused, especially in the personal development realm. However, it is because I kept seeing and hearing magic everywhere I went that I decided to move forth with this book - to me, these instances of magic were signs from the universe: “Kaitlyn, you are on the right path.”

Witches are portrayed in the media as being able to bring forth physical manifestations of their magic - through the aid of an object like a magic wand, or they allow the magic to flow through the palms of their hands. Maybe it's because of these imageries that I’ve always believed everyone is capable of magic, and that magic comes from within. It may not be of the supernatural variety from the fantasy novels and films we indulge in, but we humans are magical in our own unique ways … and I love us for that!

However, not all of us necessarily know how to bring forth our personal brand of magic ... and it took me awhile to figure this out. We're not explicitly taught something like this. I've made it my mission, through this book, to share some of my personal experiences and insight, as I've moved through my own personal development journey.

Please know, I’m not here to tell you what to do with your life. You’re here, reading this introduction, because something resonated with you - the cover, the title, the synopsis - and my hope for you is that you’ll take away ONE thing from this book. What is that one thing? Well, that depends on you. Speaking from my own reading experience (with fiction and non-fiction books), I tend to take away one thing from my first reading … then I read the book again and take away a new thing … and again ... and again. This is my hope for you: By reading this book once, you can walk away with one new tool or insight. Reading the book a second time, you can walk away with a second tool or insight. How many times you read this book is your choice - and I certainly don’t recommend rereading it back-to-back. Read it once, digest and reflect, and implement a change that feels comfortable for you and your lifestyle. Once you’ve developed a nice, healthy habit, by all means please come back for more!

Before we get too far ahead though, I’m sure you’re wondering what you can expect from this book and how to use it. There are five main components to this MAGIC method - five aspects I believe are keys to unlocking our magical selves, and creating daily positivity.

As you read, you'll notice there is an aspect for each letter of magic. These words were chosen carefully, not for the sake of having a word to fit with the acronym ... and believe me, it was a challenge for some of the letters because there are too many amazing words! But these five absolutely reflect what I have noticed to be important for personal growth and daily happiness. What are these five words, you ask? Keep reading to find out!

Feedback Requested

About the Creator

Katie Kiesling

* 29, she/her, Canadian

* Reader, writer, lover of language

* Board game enthusiast, and wannabe board game designer

* Fiancée currently, Wife in May 2023

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