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My Lion’s Gate Portal

A moment of shadow work

By fungal earthlingPublished 10 months ago Updated 4 months ago 2 min read
from @fungiacademy

My Lion's Gate Portal

“The Lion's Gate Portal refers to an astrological event that occurs every year on August 8th. It is believed to be a powerful cosmic alignment between the Earth and the star Sirius, which is the brightest star in the night sky. During this time, the energy is said to be heightened, and it is believed to be a time of increased spiritual awakening, transformation, and manifestation. Many people see it as an opportunity to set intentions, release what no longer serves them, and align with their highest purpose. It is often associated with themes of abundance, creativity, and personal growth. The name "Lion's Gate" comes from the fact that it occurs when the Sun is in the zodiac sign of Leo, represented by the lion.”

Within the intricate realm of astrological forces, I find myself immersed in the enigmatic presence of Mercury in Leo, shaping the essence of my being.

As I navigate the vast landscape of my mind, I become acutely aware of the delicate balance between my intellect and ego. In moments of insecurity, my thoughts yearn for validation and recognition. The approval of others becomes the nourishment my intellect craves, a guiding light in the vast sea of self-doubt.

Without the coveted validation, a sense of intellectual inferiority engulfs my spirit, casting a shadow upon my confidence. I find myself at a crossroads, faced with the choice of retreating or mustering the courage to share my thoughts with the world.

In the face of potential rejection, I may choose to withdraw, seeking solace within the sanctuary of my own ideas. My voice, tainted by timidity and hesitation, struggles to find its true resonance. Fearing judgment, I become confined by self-imposed limitations, hindering the genuine expression of my intellect.

Alternatively, I may adopt a different path, one enshrouded in boldness and assertiveness. In an attempt to mask my insecurities, I push my thoughts and ideas onto others, hoping to shield myself from the vulnerability of self-doubt. Yet, beneath this facade of confidence, I know that my boldness is but a guise, concealing my true feelings of uncertainty.

In my quest for validation, I may even venture to claim the title of creative genius, skillfully blurring the lines between reality and illusion. Deep down, however, I recognize that my mastery lies not in genuine brilliance but rather in the art of bluffing, a coping mechanism to protect my fragile sense of self.

Yet, amidst the labyrinth of my struggles, a flicker of hope emerges, illuminating the path to self-acceptance and authentic creative expression. It is through introspection and profound self-reflection that I begin to unravel the truth – my insecurities do not define me.

Armed with an unwavering belief in myself, I learn to communicate my thoughts and ideas with grace and conviction. No longer shackled by the fear of rejection, I embrace the diversity of perspectives, engaging in meaningful conversations that nurture growth and understanding. As my personal odyssey unfolds, I continue to discover the immense power of vulnerability. The walls that once confined my intellect crumble, paving the way for the flourishing of my creativity. I acknowledge that true connection transcends unanimous approval, and instead, I find solace in the authenticity of my voice. With newfound confidence, I step boldly into the world, a beacon of authenticity and brilliance. My communication becomes a mesmerizing tapestry of ideas, woven with humility and unwavering self-assurance. Embracing the liberation from the limitations of insecurity, I radiate a genuine creative genius, inspiring others to embrace their own unique selves.


About the Creator

fungal earthling

I write techno songs. I also feel deeply about things. You can find my free flowing feelings here.

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