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Why Muse's Undisclosed Desires is an Underrated Love Song

Love songs are a dime a dozen, but why does this feel like a different love song?

By Samantha ParrishPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Muse has undoubtedly made an impact on the music world in the past two decades. They showed us how far someone can take obsession can go with Hysteria. Time Is Running Out became the anthem of escaping the confinement of any situation or relationship.

Muse came out at the right time for those in the days of teenage angst. It gave everyone what they wanted to hear.

Over the years, the tone of the songs has gotten lighter; shifting away from darker tones and lyrics. With the release of the album Madness which had a whole twist on the tone of their songs, people were excited for the new phase of Muse. However, Undisclosed Desires went virtually and critically unnoticed.

Some critics took to saying it sounded similar feel to Depeche Mode songs. I can see that being a modern-day version of Enjoy The Silence.

To the core of it, Undisclosed Desires is a song about accepting the scars and personal demons of the person you love.

People work hard through their issues of the past or present. We live with unseen scars every day, and having someone acknowledge and recognize those scars is the ultimate act of love. That you'll love that person with the love they never got.

When you're with someone, you are with all of that person and what they are going through. Love is being with the good and the bad. When you're in a relationship with someone with a lot of inner problems, they can sometimes be fixed by showing the love that person never got.

look at these opening lyrics

I know you've suffered

But I don't want you to hide

It's cold and loveless

I won't let you be denied

Being in a relationship with someone you love doesn't magically make the problems go away. Being with someone does make you want to get better to be better for that person. But it should be that the person you are with should understand why some things aren't easy for you. That person should want to know what's going on, why things are so hard for you, and to help that person open up to what they thought no one would ever care about.

Love doesn't make the trauma disappear. The process for coping is different for people depending on what they experienced in their life prior to the relationship.

This set of lyrics right here still lives in my heart from the day I listened to it fourteen years ago.

I want to reconcile the violence in your heart

I want to recognize your beauty is not just a mask

I want to exorcise the demons from your past

I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart

A true act of love is someone willing and wanting to understand. To have someone see the pain that others dismissed. To acknowledge the suffering the person is going through.

The sensitive theme of the song comes from a personal place because of who inspired the song.

Undisclosed Desires was written for the current girlfriend that frontman, Matthew Bellamy was involved with.

Despite the song not reaching a global effect to the audience that loved the first songs Muse put out, Undisclosed Desires did go to a few crowds that loved the song. I got to see the people who found this song and used it creatively with the message they got from it.

Being a creator, it's not about how much critical acclaim it gets but knowing who it impacted. This song impacted the ones that needed to know that their pain is valid.

We all seek acceptance from the ones we love, but it means so much when someone openly expresses that they are accepted. Something that no one ever thinks they need to hear. Wouldn't you want someone to take care of you? To know these scars? To know what happened to you? To know the anger you carry in your heart and to accept what caused the pain in that anger? Someone that wants to be with you and know that of all the people that left your life...this person will stay regardless of what you went through?

That's what Undisclosed Desires is.

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About the Creator

Samantha Parrish

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