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5 Songs for your Soul

Rhythm to relate to

By Samantha ParrishPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Music is an essential need for our everyday activities. I've been expanding my interests in other songs, not looking at the beat, but at the lyrical content to understand the song. Amidst my search in new songs, with a mature understanding to what the artist has been conveying through a clear focus. I've found the songs to share that have gotten me through some dark times to heal my soul during rough patches of my life. If you are going through a rough part in your life and need some peace through music. I hope this list helps.

1. Heal by Loreen

Loreen was the winner in the 2012 Eurovision competition. After that, her career skyrocketed, but this song in particular is my favorite for having a simple soothing sound then her usual pop and upbeat tunes. The song goes on to explain how frustrated she in in her relationship, that something has to change as she doesn't see him as the same person she fell in love with. There is a message of hope that the relationship can be fixed, to be healed.

2. Wonderful Life by Hurts

Hurts is known for having synth-pop somber songs, but this one is a personal favorite of mine through rough times. This is a song with a story telling about two broken people that have found a second chance, a comfort in each other through the pain in their lives. A silent understanding of the pain that is hard to convey. I've always felt that the main chorus of the lyrics sung right to me. There have been songs about the positivity of persurverence to strive and survive. But this song says it straight to not give up despite the problems, it's still a wonderful life to continue. In the middle of the song, the synthesized beats with percussion mixed with it always gets me right in my gut for how powerful it resonates.

3. Frozen Pines by Lord Huron

This song came into my life at the right time as I had been healing from my battles with depression. When this song begins , I automatically feel like I’m in a forest with the way it sounds , somber and ethereal. It’s a song that talks about the way we pass through life, wandering where we go next. The acceptance that we have to let people go or move on from the people we were with. We may not know if they are OK, the relationships we had didn’t end on a sour note , but the chapter has to close. The next chapter begins to an unknown future to someone within these lyrical woods. We never know where our lives go from an event they changed the way we thought. After I listened to this song, it gave me a realization to my placement in the world. To have a sense of comfort that everything would be OK.

4. All The King's Horses by Karmina

Not many songs have a metaphorical example to the old Humpty Dumpty tale in a song. We've all had these moments where we fall and feel as though we can't be put back together again no matter who helps. Same as Frozen Pines, when the song begins, the way it sounds, it feels like chills, like wind whisking in a barren loneliness. Then when Karmina sings, an echo in her voice feels like a chill as well. We've had these moments knowing we have to keep going despite the pieces we find ourselves in from heartbreak or hardship. This song has that message of what it's like to keep going despite falling off that wall. I can't look at the old Humpty Dumpy tale again after I heard this song. It's relatable and empowering ballads are sure to help after a hard time from any pieces in you that are broken.

5. Creation by The Pierces

I thought I'd end this with a song that has a positive feel to it, to dance and sway after getting through the emotional turmoil. The Pierces were considered a modern day ABBA with the songs that sound like the 70's. This song was one of the last ones the sisters did, as a farewell and strive to thrive. The lyrics have this message to keep going, we have a placement on this earth, to grow, fight, learn, and love. I know this song will have you out of your chair and dancing to a celebration of your own life. It'll all be OK.

These songs have helped me out through the rough patches on my life. It's helped me to move on from past relationships, find the strength to get back on my feet, or find solace in a time of turmoil. If your going through a tough time, I hope these songs can give you a sense of comfort as it has done for me.

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About the Creator

Samantha Parrish

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My book Inglorious Ink is now available on Amazon!

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