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Episode 2: First Meeting

Ben patiently and skillfully approaches the neighbor's white cat, starting a challenging journey to build friendship

By Lương TrầnPublished 16 days ago 4 min read

Ben, the mischievous dog, after many efforts, finally attracted the attention of the neighbor's white cat. However, to really make friends with this cat is not easy. Although Ben tried hard, the cat still seemed quite reserved and cautious. Ben knew that he needed to be more patient and tactful to build trust and friendship with the cat.

The next morning, Ben woke up with a new plan in mind. It decided to try a gentler approach. Ben started by bringing out a piece of fragrant grilled chicken that he really liked. It knows that cats also like to eat chicken, and this can be a good way to attract your cat's attention. Ben placed the chicken near the fence, then lay down a distance away, not seeming too concerned. It hopes that not being too enthusiastic will make the cat feel safer.

The white cat slowly approached the chicken, still watching Ben. After a while of observing, it began to come closer and smell the meat. Ben remained still, only wagging his tail gently to appear friendly. The cat bent down, took a small bite and quickly backed away, continuing to observe Ben. Seeing that Ben still did not make any threatening moves, the cat turned around and ate a few more pieces. Ben feels very happy about this step.

After eating the chicken, the white cat felt more confident. It approached the fence, where Ben was lying, and sat down, still keeping a safe distance. Ben gently raised his head, licked his lips, then lay down, trying to be friendly and not scare the cat. Ben knows that this takes time and patience.

The next day, Ben decided to try a new tactic. It brought out a colorful feather that Mr. Hai had given it. Ben knows that cats love to play with feathers. It started waving the feather in front of the cat, hoping that this game would make the cat feel interested. The cat looked at the feather for a moment, then gradually reached out and gently played with the feather. Ben patiently continued the game, waving the feather back and forth. The cat began to feel more comfortable and played with the feather enthusiastically.

After a few days, the relationship between Ben and the white cat gradually became better. The cat began to get used to Ben's presence and no longer seemed so reserved as before. One afternoon, while Ben was lying in the sun on the porch, a white cat suddenly appeared next to him and lay down next to Ben. Ben looked at the cat, wagging his tail happily. This was the first time the cat actively approached Ben like that.

Ben knew that their friendship was going very well. He decided to take the cat to explore his garden. Ben jumped into the yard, looked back at the cat and signaled by wagging his tail. The cat stood up and followed Ben cautiously. Ben led the cat around the garden, introducing it to the interesting corners that it liked the most. The cat seemed very interested and gradually became more comfortable while exploring the garden with Ben.

While exploring, Ben and the cat came across a small bird pecking at seeds under a tree. The cat immediately crept closer, preparing to pounce on the bird. Ben understood that this bird was his friend and did not want it to be harmed. It quickly ran over, blocked the cat's path and gently pushed it away. The cat looked at Ben, seemingly surprised but quickly understood. Ben barked softly a few times, as if to say: "This is my friend, we don't harm our friends."

The cat stopped, looked at Ben and then at the bird. Finally, it nodded and stepped back. The little bird looked at Ben with thanks and quickly flew away. Ben felt satisfied because he was able to protect his friend without offending the cat. It turned around and continued to lead the cat to explore other corners of the garden.

As the sun gradually set, Ben and the cat returned to the porch and lay down to rest. The white cat curled up next to Ben, feeling safe and comfortable. Ben gently licked the cat's head, as a friendly and welcoming gesture. The cat closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth and peace next to his new friend.

From then on, Ben and the white cat became close friends. Every day, they play together, explore and protect each other. Mr. Hai, seeing Ben and the cat happily together, felt very satisfied. He knew that Ben had found a precious friend, and from now on, Ben's life would be more fun and interesting.

Ben has learned that friendship requires patience and sincerity. Although it was difficult at first, with effort and sincere affection, he was able to make friends with the white cat. Ben and the cat overcame initial barriers and built a beautiful friendship, promising many exciting adventures and experiences in the future.

to be continued ...

Contemporary Art

About the Creator

Lương Trần


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