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Behind the Curtains

A Psychological Monologue

By Andy KruPublished 6 months ago 3 min read
Top Story - December 2023
The Rejection Diaries

Today marked another chapter in the ongoing saga of auditions—an exhilarating yet nerve-wracking journey that we, actors, embark upon with both trepidation and excitement. The audition room, that sacred space where dreams either take flight or gently land, is a realm unto itself, holding the power to shape destinies in the span of a few minutes.

As I stepped into the room, armed with my monologue and a carefully curated sense of optimism, the air crackled with anticipation. The script in hand felt like both a shield and a compass, guiding me through the labyrinth of characters and emotions. The audition, a performance within a performance, requires the delicate dance of authenticity and interpretation—a dance that, at times, leaves the actor breathless with the intensity of self-exposure.

The psychological landscape of auditioning is a terrain rich in paradox. The vulnerability required to embody a character clashes with the need for a thick skin to navigate the inevitable uncertainties that come with rejection. The dichotomy is stark—a delicate balance between baring one's soul and maintaining the resilience to weather the storm of "no."

Today's audition, like many before it, ended with the familiar nod of acknowledgment, a polite smile, and the ambiguous promise of a future call. Yet, as I exited the room, the lingering uncertainty cast its shadow, and the mind began its relentless interrogation. Did I deliver the essence of the character? Was there a subtle nuance I missed? The psychological aftermath of an audition is, in many ways, a silent battle with self-doubt and the ever-present fear of rejection.

And then comes the email, the letter, or sometimes, the deafening silence. Today's verdict: a kind rejection. The impact of rejection is a quiet implosion—a kaleidoscope of emotions that range from disappointment to self-reflection. It's a psychological puzzle, each rejection piece fitting into the larger narrative of an actor's journey. The mind grapples with questions that linger like ghosts in the shadows: Was it me? Was it them? The psychological gymnastics begin.

Rejection is not just a verdict on a performance; it's a judgment on the self—a personal assessment that requires a resilient spirit to endure. It's a fleeting moment that has the power to linger, coloring the canvas of an actor's self-worth. In this psychological labyrinth, the actor must learn to decipher the whispers of doubt and transmute them into stepping stones toward growth.

The consequences of rejection are not just confined to the audition room; they seep into the actor's everyday life. The challenge is to navigate the blurred lines between self-identity and the characters we portray. The rejection of a role can often feel like the rejection of a piece of oneself, and the task is to disentangle the two—to separate the art from the artist.

Yet, in the aftermath of rejection, there is room for resilience, for the unwavering belief that the right role, the perfect match, is still waiting in the wings. The actor's psyche must be a resilient garden, where rejection is not a weed but a fertilizer for the seeds of future success.

And so, the auditioning journey continues—a psychological odyssey of self-discovery, resilience, and the unwavering belief that the next role might be the one that sets the heart ablaze with passion. The actor's life, a tapestry woven with the threads of auditions, rejections, and the indomitable spirit to embrace it all.

As I reflect on today's audition and the intricate dance of emotions that followed, I am reminded that rejection, though a formidable force, is not the final note in the actor's symphony. It is a pause—a moment to recalibrate, rediscover, and rise again.

In the grand theater of life, auditions are the rehearsals for the soul. Each rejection, a scene that didn't make the final cut, teaches us resilience, fortitude, and the art of navigating the delicate dance between vulnerability and strength. I embrace the uncertainty with open arms, knowing that every rejection is a call to refine, redefine, and rekindle the passion that drives me. The psychological labyrinth is not a maze of despair but a canvas for self-discovery—a space where the brushstrokes of rejection contribute to the masterpiece of an actor's journey.

To fellow actors navigating this complex terrain, remember that rejection is not a verdict; it's a comma, not a full stop. The story continues, and each rejection is but a prelude to the next exhilarating chapter. The curtain may fall today, but tomorrow holds the promise of a new act—one that might bring the role of a lifetime.

As the stage lights dim, I look forward to the next performance, the next audition, and the unwritten scenes waiting to be unveiled. For in the grand narrative of an actor's life, rejection is not the end—it's a poignant pause before the next stirring crescendo.

Until the next curtain rises.


About the Creator

Andy Kru

You’d lose your mind trying to understand mine.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. Excellent storytelling

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Comments (9)

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  • Josh4 months ago

    Beautifully written. This piece perfectly captures the emotional journey of auditioning, from the highs of hope to the lows of rejection. A must-read for anyone in the creative field.

  • Daphsam4 months ago

    Great writing piece!

  • Stella Yan PhD5 months ago

    Your words are like a comforting blanket to me! Excellent work.

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  • k eleanor6 months ago

    This story has my heart! Not kidding for real. I LOVE IT! Such a beautiful flow throughout the entire piece. Love the inner growth and the way in which you shared it with us. Deserve the Top story. Congratulations ❤

  • Chamath Mishael6 months ago

    Nice one

  • JBaz6 months ago

    Very well written, and insightful

  • Margaret Brennan6 months ago

    This is so true to life. I have entered so many photography contests only to see a photo that wasn't mine win. Why? mine are good. Sometimes even better than the one that won. I often wonder what's wrong with me. Then I realize, it's not me, it's who's more popular or more well known. Certainly, not one who's just starting out. Congratulations on TS. This is well deserving.

  • Lana V Lynx6 months ago

    That is so mature and uplifting, Andy. I can easily see how someone like Jon Hamm or Bradley Cooper - both are breakout in later stages of their careers - had that monologue with themselves. And now I’m sure they have so much choice that they can reject many roles. Excellent writing!

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