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Who Are The Real Marxist-Leninists Now?

Is Infrared (InfraHaz) warning us or fearmongering?

By ANTICHRIST SUPERSTARPublished 2 months ago 4 min read
Who Are The Real Marxist-Leninists Now?
Photo by Emily Crawford on Unsplash

The Evolution of Political Ideologies: A Critical Analysis

The Lebanese-American InfraRed (InfraHaz) presents a thought-provoking examination of the evolution of political ideologies, particularly within leftist movements, and their potential transition towards authoritarianism (or a type of authoritarian capitalist fascism). He touches upon the influence of external forces, the rise of extremist movements, and the erosion of individual freedoms in the face of increasing authoritarian tendencies. This essay aims to analyze the key themes and arguments presented in one of Infrared's speeches, contextualize them within historical and political frameworks, and explore their implications for contemporary society.

Infrared begins this particular speech (from one of his livestreams) by highlighting the role of external actors, such as intelligence departments and global institutions, in shaping political discourse and cultivating specific ideological tendencies. He suggests that the era of "pan-leftism," characterized by a post-historical analysis of the historical Left, was cultivated by these external forces to serve the interests of monopoly capital. This observation raises questions about the authenticity of political movements and the manipulation of ideologies for vested interests.

Furthermore, Infrared identifies a shift in the nature of political activism, from youthful insurrection and rebellion to a more authoritarian and coercive approach. He suggests that contemporary movements are moving away from merely protesting and disrupting societal norms towards actively enforcing power and dictating agendas. This transition, he argues, represents a qualitative shift in the exercise of power, characterized by a Hobbesian worldview where might makes right.

Infrared also explores the ideological orientation of contemporary leftist movements, suggesting a trend towards authoritarianism and fascism. He argues that certain leftist factions, particularly those embracing Maoism and authoritarian socialism, are unwittingly aligning themselves with fascist tendencies. This observation challenges conventional notions of political alignment and raises concerns about the potential convergence of seemingly disparate ideological strands.

Moreover, Infrared warns against the dangers of ideological extremism and the erosion of democratic norms in Western societies. He suggests that the rise of authoritarian tendencies is not confined to extremist movements but is increasingly pervasive within mainstream political discourse. This observation underscores the fragility of democratic institutions and the need for vigilant safeguarding of civil liberties and democratic principles.

In conclusion, Infrared offers a sobering analysis of the contemporary political landscape and the challenges facing leftist movements. He highlights the complexities of ideological evolution and the dangers of authoritarianism, urging his followers and listeners to critically examine political discourse and resist the allure of simplistic ideological narratives. Ultimately, Infrared's speech serves as a call to action for individuals to remain vigilant in defending democratic values and advocating for a more just and equitable society.

This essay has examined the key themes and arguments presented in Infrared's speech, providing critical analysis and contextualization within broader historical and political frameworks. It underscores the importance of understanding the complexities of political ideologies and the need for vigilant safeguarding of democratic principles in the face of increasing authoritarian tendencies.


One possible criticism of Infrared's takes is that he presents a highly subjective and ideologically charged analysis of political ideologies and movements. Infrared's (InfraHaz) language is often emotive and inflammatory, using terms like "Nazism" and "fascism" to describe certain leftist (and progressive and liberal/libertarian) tendencies. This can be seen as overly simplistic and reductionist, failing to accurately capture the complexities of political ideologies and their historical contexts.

Additionally, Infrared relies heavily on conjecture and speculation, attributing the evolution of leftist movements to external forces without providing concrete evidence to support these claims. While he raises valid concerns about the influence of external actors on political discourse, the lack of empirical evidence weakens the credibility of his analysis.

Furthermore, Infrared's characterization of certain leftist factions as inherently authoritarian or fascist may be seen as overly broad and reductive. He overlooks the diversity of perspectives within leftist movements and fails to acknowledge the nuanced differences between authoritarian socialism, democratic socialism, and other left-wing (and centrist) ideologies.

Overall, while he raises important questions about the influence of external actors on political ideologies and the potential for authoritarian tendencies within leftist movements, his subjective and emotive language, lack of empirical evidence, and oversimplified characterization of political ideologies undermine his effectiveness as a balanced and nuanced political analyst.

Then again, what if the "liberal" perspective on this issue is fundamentally flawed? As someone who listens to many different political (and philosophical) commentators at different times of the year, I can't help but come to the conclusion that it has become increasingly popular to dehumanize different types of people who fail to conform to one's (particular) standards of morality (and/or who don't have the "correct" opinions).

Therefore, this communist idea that some liberals, anarchists, libertarians, fascists, and right-wingers, etc. will resort to violence to enforce their extremism, desires, greed, or delusions in the midst of greater poverty is becoming increasingly difficult to forget. As compelling and disturbing as it might seem to someone like me, I hope it will never turn into reality.

While I'm not necessarily really a fan of communism and the GULag system, political persecutions, imprisonment and institutionalization of people for political reasons, etc., I can't help but notice that some of these things are already happening under our "liberal" system which has become increasingly authoritarian over the last few years (or decades).

For example, I was shocked by how abysmal and filthy the prison conditions were for some of the people arrested for the January 6th riot. Reading the descriptions sounded like a bad dream or nightmare. But then again, I also had to face the reality that other people have also had to endure this particular (type of) prison as well, and that a lot of those people aren't white. So the reality is that (at least in America, if not other countries as well) working class people of all races (e.g. the Uhuru Movement) are being oppressed, discriminated against, mistreated, and persecuted by the elitist, imperialist establishment.

social mediareviewpoliticsopinionnew world orderhumanityhistoryfact or fictioncontroversiesCONTENT WARNINGcelebritiesactivism

About the Creator


"the marginal people of the former Soviet states are being ground up in Ukraine...A front can be an especially great way of getting rid of troublesome peoples."

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  • Ameer Bibi2 months ago

    Excellent story writing style amazing

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