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Netanyahu and Putin: The Same.

Two Sides of The Same Coin.

By Nicholas BishopPublished 25 days ago 3 min read
Putin and Netanyahu.

When you look at President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu they have much in common. Both men have been around for years and have led their countries for decades. In Netanyahu's case, he has led Israel on and off. In contrast, Putin has ruled Russia for several decades.

Both men are hardline nationalists. Both men make no bones about putting their nation and people first even if that puts them at odds with the rest of the world. Other leaders in other parts of the world have come and gone. In contrast, Putin and Netanyahu have survived the years and are political survivors.

Netanyahu's background was in the Israel Defence Force. Mr. Netanyahu has taken part in many military operations against Israel's enemies. Putin's background was in the KGB no doubt taking part in anti-western operations. Benjamin Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin shaped their views from the careers they did.

Putin's mentor was Boris Yeltsin who oversaw the fall of the Soviet Union and replaced it with the Russian Federation. Vladimir Putin succeeded Yeltsin and Putin was looked on as the Saviour of Russia. Netanyahu worked with hardliners like Yitzhak Shamir and other Israeli hardliners.

Netanyahus party Likud is supposed to be a Conservative Party. However, the party has been drifting to the far-right for a while. Netanyahu has been called the Godfather of modern Israeli Fascism. Putin's Russia First is an ultra-nationalist party and could be regarded as fascist.

Both Putin and Netanyahu are currently involved in a war. Putin invaded Ukraine to stop it from moving more towards the West. Putin hoped to take the whole of Ukraine, however, that didn't happen. His attack on Ukraine stalled and now Putin holds much territory which Ukraine has been trying to win back ever since. The West has been bolstering Ukraine with weapons ever since. The war drags on and on with no end in sight.

Netanyahu has been fighting Hamas in Gaza since Oct 7 last year. When Hamas attacked Israel killing 1,200 and around about 200 Israelis kidnapped by Hamas. Netanyahu invaded Gaza and reduced the territory to a pile of rubble. Thousands of Gazans lie dead, dying, or permanently injured. However, for all of Netanyahu's military might many hostages remain in captivity and Hamas remains a clear and present danger.

Putin is a wanted man for crimes against humanity in Ukraine. The International Criminal Court issued a warrant for the Russian President's arrest. However, Putin is not stupid, he will not travel outside of Russia to places he could be arrested. South Africa took Israel to a court called the ICJ. The court ruled that what Israel is doing in Gaza could be seen as genocide. The International Criminal Court has or will be issuing arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes.

So to sum up, both men are war criminals. The difference is that Putin is regarded and likely is an enemy of the Western world. Netanyahu is regarded as a friend of the West and for some reason, the Western world feels obligated to protect the Jewish state.

Politically it is in the interest of Benjamin Netanyahu to keep this war going. Should the war come to an end, Netanyahu would be facing charges of corruption. Many in Israel hate Netanyahu and his far-right coalition. Many want the war to end get their hostages home and find peace with the Palestinians. As long as Netanyahu and His coalition cling to power this will not happen.

Vladimir Putin has been sworn in as President and has now ruled Russia as long as Joseph Stalin. Therefore, His dictatorial regime will continue and the war with Ukraine and confrontation with the West will continue.

Putin and Netanyahu in 2024 are two of the most dangerous men on the planet. The Gaza and Ukraine war could kick off World War III and that is ultimately and inherently where the danger lies.


About the Creator

Nicholas Bishop

I am a freelance writer currently writing for Blasting News and HubPages. I mainly write about politics. But have and will cover all subjects when the need arises.

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