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Flat Earth: Fact or Fiction?

Get the Science Involved

By Aditya GurungPublished 27 days ago 2 min read

Ever looked out at the horizon and thought, "Hmm, Earth seems pretty flat"? Buckle up, because today we're tackling a mind-bender that's been around for centuries: the Flat Earth theory. Hold on, though, before you dismiss it as utter nonsense. There's a rabbit hole down there, and it's surprisingly deep.

We all think we know the Earth is a sphere, a blue marble hurtling through the vast emptiness of space. But what if gravity played by different rules? Nick from Yeti Dynamics cooked up a trippy simulation that shows how gravity might behave on a flat Earth. Imagine running towards the "edge" – it wouldn't be a sheer drop, but a constant uphill battle, with buildings leaning ever more dramatically to maintain a sense of "down." Spooky, right?

Here's the real kicker: on Flat Earth, the biggest danger wouldn't be falling off the edge, but… wait for it… rolling back towards the center! Sounds like a bad sci-fi movie, but the math (supposedly) checks out, assuming Earth is a giant pizza and gravity acts like a rebellious teenager. Of course, this model ignores a rather crucial point: a massive object like Earth would naturally collapse into a sphere under its gravity. Think of it like a giant stress ball – it just wants to be round. Plus, everything bigger than a pebble in space is, well, space-spherical.

But wait, there's more! Flat-Earthers are a creative bunch, and they have some pretty ingenious explanations for the evidence that seems to contradict their beliefs. Sailing around the world? Just a giant, flat circle! Lunar eclipses? A flat Earth casting a perfectly round shadow (because, apparently, physics works differently on pizza-Earths). Time zones? Caused by a spotlight sun that follows you around like a lovesick puppy.

And don't even get us started on space photos. According to Flat-Earthers, it's all a giant hoax perpetrated by… Big Globe? Apparently, space agencies, airlines, and globe-makers are all in cahoots to keep us believing in this "round Earth" nonsense. Talk about a shady conglomerate!

So, are Flat-Earthers serious? The internet age has a way of amplifying extreme voices, blurring the lines between parody and genuine belief. But here's the thing: science thrives on healthy skepticism. It's about questioning existing theories and seeking new evidence. Flat Earth explanations, however, are more like duct-tape fixes than actual theories. They ignore mountains of evidence like a kid refusing to eat their vegetables.

But hold on – here's a mind-blowing twist! From the perspective of a super-speedy cosmic ray particle, Earth would actually appear flat! Time and space get all funky at these speeds, making our planet look like a cosmic tortilla. So, the shape of Earth might be relative, depending on who (or what) is doing the looking.

This brings us to the beauty of knowledge – it's a never-ending puzzle. New discoveries fit with old ones, building a picture of the universe that's constantly evolving. But there's always the possibility of a missing piece, a clue that throws everything off and sends us back to the drawing board.

Maybe Earth is a sphere, maybe it's a giant pizza hurtling through space with a spotlight sun. The point is the journey of discovery, the thrill of asking questions and piecing together the puzzle, even if some of those pieces are a little…well, flat-out wrong. So, what do you think? Is Earth a pancake paradise or a spherical spaceship? Let's discuss this in the comments below! After all, the only wrong answer is not being curious.

humanitysciencefact or fiction

About the Creator

Aditya Gurung

Curious. Myth & Mystery hunter. Chases stories.

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  • Alex H Mittelman 27 days ago

    Fascinating! Good work!

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