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The Wealth You're Seeking Is On the Other Side of This Quiet Transformation

There's no get-rich-quick scheme that works better than changing the way you think about your wealth.

By E.B. Johnson Published 10 months ago 7 min read
The Wealth You're Seeking Is On the Other Side of This Quiet Transformation
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

There is, perhaps, no topic more exciting or more horrifying than money. That has become even more true as so many struggle to make ends meet and keep their heads above water.

All the same, money remains the basis of most of our daily interactions. It touches the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and even the friends and family we surround ourselves with. Money impacts everything, but most of us are so horrified of it that it paralyzes us. Right into a state of perpetual scarcity.

Achieving the wealth you need for comfortable life doesn't need to start with some million-dollar idea. In fact, that's not how most self-made people get started at all. Unless you're a trust-fund baby, creating wealth starts with creating the mindset you need to inspire positive momentum. The actions you take make you wealthy and all of that begins with your sense of who you are.

To create material wealth, you have to change the way you think about it.

Money is one of the most important aspects of our society, and it permeates everything we do. Think about it. There isn't a single task that you do in a day that doesn't somehow involve money. The dog you walk costs money, the clothes you wear cost money; the food you eat and the pastimes you keep cost you money.

Everything we do costs money, and that has changed the way that some of us have formed relationships with it. Though there are a million and one get-rich articles and schemes out there that will tell you the "secret" to making money. They'll give you all kinds of steps and hoops and hurdles to jump through, but the biggest hurdle we have to jump through is the one we create in our minds.

The primary reason so many of us struggle to break out of the "brokenness" we find ourselves in is that we have a completely fearful and hateful relationship with money - and that leads to a denial of a number of opportunities.

By shifting the way we think about money, we can create positive beliefs which then - in turn - inspire positive behaviors. These behaviors align with the vibrations we're seeking to attract in our lives, and also create new opportunities and outcomes that we might otherwise have been too angry and sad to see (hello, depression).

Money isn't the secret to happiness, but it does give you the option and opportunity to pursue the things that do bring you happiness. There's no secret to it. If we want to attract mega-millions, we must align our beliefs and behaviors to the activities and actions that will bring us that money.

Are your scarcity hangups keeping you poor?

For most of us, we come by our scarcity hangups honestly. We grow up in environments where money is hard to come by. We watch our parents treat it like a scarce commodity. Worse, some of us are raised in environments where money becomes a source of stress or abuse. All of that adds up to change the way we think and feel about wealth ourselves. It becomes foreign to us, scary, unachievable.

In that mindset, we develop the core of our scarcity hangups. These hangups follow us throughout life and change the decisions that we make and the actions that we take toward creating material wealth and security for ourselves. Be honest. Do any of these scarcity hangups sound familiar to you?

Wealthy people are evil people

We live in a strange time, where the divide between the rich and the poor seems to be getting bigger by the day. Horrendous crimes continue to be perpetrated by the rich against the poor, and that can do a lot to shape how we see money. Believing, however, that all rich people are garbage makes you then start to reject the possibility of wealth in your own life - something that is both limiting and self-defeating. Just because you're rich doesn't mean you're bad. Money doesn't change you unless you allow that to happen.

Material living is superficial (aka "bad")

Sure, there is much to be said against an overly material life, but there is nothing wrong with being comfortable. Often, in our warped sense of financial gain, we see money and material goods as some kind of anti-spiritual evil. Gaining material wealth doesn't mean you have to lose your soul. It does mean you can take care of your family without stress, and it ensures you can contribute to the people and causes that mean the most to you.

Money doesn't = happiness

This is one that seemingly gets thrown quickly in the face of anyone who aspires to material comfort. A lot of people believe that money doesn't make you happy, but that's not entirely true. While money itself won't make you happy, what it will do is give you the opportunity, time, and power to pursue the things that do make you happy. Yeah. You can't eat money, and it won't keep you warm, but it will allow you to buy those things. More importantly, it will allow you to pursue whatever you want, be that art or traveling or nothing at all.

You can't (or shouldn't) make money doing what you love

Says who? This is one of the silliest and most self-limiting beliefs we have about money, and it's one that causes us to close the door on a number of opportunities that might have otherwise made us A) happy and B) a lot of money. When you're really attracted to something, it's a sign it might be something you're good at. When you're good at something, there's money in it…and joy too.

You're not worthy of wealth

Though we're living smack dab in the middle of a technological and social revolution, we often leave ourselves stuck in estates of the past. One of the most common ways we shut the door on money, is by chaining ourselves to the belief we are not worthy of, or able to, make the kind of money we need to thrive. This, of course, isn't true. It's a belief that causes us to stay frozen and turn down really fantastic opportunities that bring with them the level of money you believe you need to live the life you want. (Hint: there's no wrong answer.)

More money, more problems

A lot of us carry many nonsensical and borderline insane superstitious thoughts around money and one of those is that it equates to stress or trouble. While having a lot of dough can lead to a much fuller life, it doesn't take control or cause things to become bigger or more frantic than they are right now. Think about it. How much stress and trouble do you face on a daily basis now? Do you really think an extra $100K in the bank would make it worse? You might feel silly if you really investigate that thought (more on that below).

Wanting money makes you greedy

For some reason, many of us associate a desire for money with a certain shallowness or greed. That's a strange one when you break it down, as money is little more than any other necessary physical good in this world. We don't find it strange to want toilet paper or a good pair of socks or a good jacket. That's why it's important to see money for what it really is so you can stop distancing yourself from it at every possible turn.

The best ways to change your relationship with material wealth.

The good news (as always) is that you can take steps to improve your relationship with money immediately. Starting today, you can shift your mindsets and your behaviors so that you create actions that help you create more material wealth in your life - across the board. Interested? These are the 6 steps you need to take to get started:

  1. Learn to quiet your mind: Those scarcity thoughts are strong. If you don't learn to silence them, they'll silence your opportunities.
  2. Question the negative thoughts: Where does your fear of scarcity come from? Where is rooted and what are examples of those who have overcome the same odds?
  3. Center your faith: You have to create serious faith in yourself. Enough to take action toward wealth, even when you doubt yourself.
  4. Bust the busted thinking: Overcome your scarcity thoughts by acting in spite of them, and creating the success you doubt you can achieve.
  5. Price up your efforts: What is your time really worth? Focus on the tasks that meet that worth and delegate the rest (as hard as that may feel).
  6. Rechannel the energy: Create active exercises that fly in the face of your scarcity hangups. These exercises keep you on track and confront your imposter syndrome when it strikes.

Creating wealth starts with creating the mindset you need to thrive. Only by shifting our thoughts around money can we inspire the action we need to take to get our hands on it. Want to learn more about these techniques? You're in luck. I break all of the above down in *extreme* detail here - giving you the clarity you need to start taking these actions in your life today.


True material wealth isn't only for those who are born into it. You can create it for yourself. Everyday actions, big and small, are what make the difference in manifesting this wealth and providing a future that you and your family can comfortably build on. That wealth can't be created, however, until you set the foundations and align your desire to be wealthy with the actions you take toward that wealth.

It's time to confront your scarcity and hangups and start creating your own new standard of living. Believe it in this moment or not, no matter who you are, you have to the power and skill to make it happen. Invest that faith in yourself and the road you're on. One step at a time is better than taking no steps at all.

© E.B. Johnson 2023

E.B. Johnson is a writer, NLP coach, and podcaster who helps people cognitively reframe their experiences for greater life satisfaction.

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About the Creator

E.B. Johnson

I like to write about the things that interest me.

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  • L.C. Schäfer10 months ago

    I am made entirely of scarcity hangups, stitched together with doubt, shame, and a healthy splash of Imposter Syndrome.

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