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Women Empowerment & Gender Justice: Addressing the Equality Challenges

Understanding the social, economic, and political barriers that hinder women's empowerment and gender justice is crucial.

By Vijay MistryPublished 2 months ago • 5 min read
Women Empowerment & Gender Justice: Addressing the Equality Challenges
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

The Challenges of Gender Equality

Most of us take for granted that we live in a society that values gender equality and social justice. But the truth is, women still face many challenges when it comes to being treated equally to men in both their personal and work lives, from being paid less than men for doing the same job to facing an overall lack of respect and dignity based on gender alone. To combat this inequality and bring about true gender equality, women must come together and create spaces where they can share their experiences without fear of judgment or ridicule so that they can learn from each other’s mistakes and come up with solutions together.

Gender inequality is an issue in most regions across the world

Gender equality and social justice. Although women have made great strides in recent decades, violence against women and girls remains widespread. Girls continue to be valued less than boys, and when it comes to education, employment opportunities, and health services, girls are too often last in line for help. Gender inequality prevents progress for all societies by denying everyone equal rights. No one should accept it; no one can afford it. For gender equality and social justice—it’s time for action! We need gender-sensitive development policies that recognize how men and women are affected differently by poverty, conflict, disasters, and other shocks. We need new laws that protect women from discrimination in marriage and inheritance rights, as well as from harmful practices such as female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). And we need better access to healthcare including family planning services so that every woman has control over her own body.

With these changes we will see stronger economies where more people have jobs and decent work conditions; better democracies where more people can participate fully in public life; healthier families where parents choose whether they want sons or daughters; safer societies where fewer children live with fear or experience violence or exploitation.

Gender equality can be achieved by addressing social, political, economic, and cultural aspects

within a household, within institutions (governmental and private), and society at large. Gender equality is not just about achieving women’s rights—it’s also about social justice, by addressing gender-based discrimination, oppression, and violence. Gender equality will only be achieved when all aspects are addressed in an integrated manner.

Achieving gender equality requires that we address these four aspects:

Within a household, gender equality is achieved when both women and men have equal rights and responsibilities in all spheres—economic, social, political, and cultural. This includes having access to resources (such as education, and health care), as well as decision-making power within households. Gender inequality can be particularly apparent in rural areas where women are often responsible for taking care of children and doing domestic work while also working outside of their homes (for example, farming). In many countries with high levels of gender inequality in rural areas, men may hold more decision-making power than women even if they don’t work outside their homes.

Gender discrimination begins in childhood

In most countries around the world, girls are still less likely to be enrolled in school than boys. The gender gap narrows as children get older, but remains present: In 2011, 80 million more boys than girls were enrolled in primary school, and 56 million more boys than girls were enrolled in secondary school. Although many countries have made progress towards gender parity in enrollment rates, education statistics indicate that a high number of adolescent girls drop out or do not enroll at all due to social norms and cultural practices.

Education plays a key role

Education is extremely important when it comes to empowering women. The more educated a woman is, the less likely she will be affected by gender inequality. This is true both in developed and developing countries. More educated women are more likely to obtain employment outside of their homes, which often gives them higher social status than women who stay at home with children. They are also more likely to have access to information about their rights as citizens. Educating girls is one of the most effective ways we can help fight gender inequality around the world.

Economic issues also play a key role

In developing countries, economic inequality is rampant and drives gender-based violence. Inequality in power and wealth drives gender-based violence. In places where women have little to no access to resources, they are more vulnerable to gender-based violence, including sexual harassment and rape. Often, women cannot leave their households because they have few or no financial resources of their own—this may be especially true if they are married to an abusive man who controls all of his family’s money.

Cultural factors need to be considered

One cultural factor that’s often overlooked in gender equality efforts is that men have a different life expectancy than women. This gap is significant in countries like Bangladesh, where it’s 40 years; India, where it’s 36 years; and Indonesia, where it’s 14 years. In Bangladesh and India alone, these cultural factors cause an economic disparity between men and women worth $908 billion and $100 billion respectively. Recognizing these imbalances is key to bridging them.

Violence against women needs to be addressed

Violence against women is a form of gender-based violence that results in or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, or psychological harm or suffering to women. It is understood as a human rights violation. Violence against women can take many forms: from domestic violence and abuse; rape; honor crimes; trafficking in women and forced prostitution; sexual harassment at work and school denial of property rights and lack of access to resources. Violence against women impacts its victims in a variety of ways.

Gender equality cannot be achieved overnight

Achieving gender equality requires time, effort, and a strategic approach. Here are some ways you can help bring about social justice for women in your community.

1.Encourage girls to pursue careers that have traditionally been male-dominated, such as engineering or construction work. Gender stereotyping is often a major factor in deterring girls from pursuing these fields; however, by encouraging girls to follow their dreams regardless of gender norms, they will be better prepared to face gender discrimination later on in life.

2. Promote healthy body image among young women by emphasizing that all bodies are beautiful regardless of size or shape.

In Conclusion

Men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. However, in reality, gender equality is a complex matter. Gender inequality is a global problem that exists not only between men and women but also within each gender itself. Therefore, it is important to raise awareness of gender issues both socially and politically to achieve gender equality around the world. We need to challenge gender stereotypes, educate our children about gender equality, and empower women by giving them equal opportunities as men. Only then can we create a better future for everyone regardless of their gender.

Men's PerspectivesWisdomIssuesInspirationEmpowermentCulture

About the Creator

Vijay Mistry

I am an Internet Marketer, Video and Affiliate Marketer. I promote sell digital products online. I like sharing meaningful content online in different niches which adds value for the viewer.

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