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The #1 Best Foods To Eat Every Day For Good Health And Longer Life

The Diet That Helps You Live A Healthier Life.

By Vijay MistryPublished 2 months ago 3 min read

The majority of us aspire to live a long and healthy life. While certain elements are absolutely beyond our control, such as our genetics, other factors, such as our food choices, can also play a role in whether we live to see our 100th birthday.

In fact, researchers discovered that 20-year-olds who began eating more fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains while restricting processed foods extended their lives by 10-13 years. According to the same study published in PLOS Medicine, those who started eating a healthier diet at the age of 60 could add eight or nine years to their lives.

Following the Mediterranean dietary pattern—which emphasizes olive oil, nuts, seeds, legumes, fish, and produce—has been linked to an increase in life expectancy, attributable to the anti-inflammatory properties of this diet. As a result, the concepts of this diet are frequently touted as a "fountain of youth."

However, if a person prefers to focus on specific food choices rather than learning about full dietary patterns, there are a number of options that can help lengthen a person's life when consumed regularly.

Why Nuts Are The Best Food To Eat Every Day For A Longer Life

A daily portion of nuts is one of the top options when it comes to suitable meals that can help support the objective of living a longer life.

From walnuts to almonds to the delightfully snackable pistachio, nuts are the perfect superfood. Nuts are high in healthy fats, antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and plant-based protein, and they provide your body with a variety of nutrients.

Including certain nuts in your diet has more benefits than just the taste. If you eat nuts on a regular basis, you can expect to see results like lower cholesterol, better blood sugar control, and even weight loss (especially if you are overweight or have obesity).

And, as an added benefit, consuming certain nuts on a daily basis may literally help you live a longer life.

The Studies

Researchers conducted a meta-analysis of 20 trials and found that increasing nut intake by 28 grams per day was associated with a 22% reduction in the risk of dying prematurely from any cause. There was also a lower chance of early death from respiratory disorders, diabetes, neurological disease, infectious disease, and kidney disease, according to the findings.

Other research found that consuming a daily handful of nuts reduced the risk of early death by 20% over a 30-year period compared to those who didn't.

Researchers conducted a meta-analysis of 20 trials and found that increasing nut intake by 28 grams per day was associated with a 22% reduction in the risk of dying prematurely from any cause. There was also a lower chance of early death from respiratory disorders, diabetes, neurological disease, infectious disease, and kidney disease, according to the findings.

Other research found that consuming a daily handful of nuts reduced the risk of early death by 20% over a 30-year period compared to those who didn't.

When it comes to walnuts, a big observational study using data gathered over a 20-year period found that consuming at least five servings of walnuts per week is connected to a lower risk of early death—even in persons who ate a "suboptimal" diet. Participants had a 9 percent lower risk of early death for every 0.5 serving increase in walnut consumption per day, according to the findings.

Other nuts, such as almonds and pistachios, have been shown to provide longevity advantages.

How To Add More Nuts To Your Diet

Nuts are an excellent food to focus on if you want to add years to your life because they are simple to incorporate into your diet. While other "superfoods" can be difficult to incorporate into a hectic lifestyle, nuts are easily transportable and make a tasty addition to salads, oats, yogurt parfaits, and a variety of other recipes.

Not a fan of crunch? Nut butters, such as walnut, almond, and even pistachio butter, can supply your body with the same vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients as whole nuts do.

While eating a handful of nuts every day won't give you eternal youth, incorporating these crunchy morsels into your diet, combined with physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight, and controlling stress, may help you live to be 100.


About the Creator

Vijay Mistry

I am an Internet Marketer, Video and Affiliate Marketer. I promote sell digital products online. I like sharing meaningful content online in different niches which adds value for the viewer.

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