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Miniature Mind Musings #8:

Life Versus Un-Life — It’s Truly A Thing

By The Dani WriterPublished about a month ago 3 min read
Top Story - May 2024
Photo by Daniel Torobekov on Pexels

Recently, I spoke with a family member who I struggled to catch up with for a longer timespan than I would’ve liked and what struck me was how societal templates filled in on successive days routinely suck our time into a vacuum of seemingly infernal deficiency.

How ‘regular’ life got so complex and involved that it’s hard to find space in our lives for the people and things we WANT to spend time around and doing is top-tier level puzzlement, primarily because many of us have oodles of individual choice.

I thought to myself, “How crazy is that?”

Now I’m thinking, “Someone else gotta see this and feel as incensed as I do!”

What a damaging way to live.

Photo by Mahdi Bafande on Unsplash

I ended up discussing this with said family member and recalled how many indigenous tribes (upon initial contact) thought humans like us bizarre.

And we are bizarre.

We wash clothes daily/weekly, yet our drawers and closets overflow with excess items to wear. We buy large quantities of food but only consume it faster so it doesn’t last long. We don’t take care of our bodies and exercise enough (or at all) then get upset when they don’t work well and develop illness or injury.

Why aren’t human beings listed under the dictionary definition of dysfunction?

We can wake up after having enough sleep but still be exhausted because the societal stencil we’ve been given had an insidiousness about it that made us glorify productivity and organization with time management to the exclusion of the infinite parts of ourselves that have been asphyxiating inside this wretched routine.

As a young child, I remember swimming once in deep water with armbands, off a popular neighborhood dock. I doggy-paddled like gangbusters to get around until a man from the dock called out,

“You don’t have to paddle like that. Just relax.”

And I did.

Overwhelmed with amazement I was, that I could just float, suspended with no exertion whatsoever.

Deep water had always elicited the same behavioral response in me.

Fear…my feet can’t touch the bottom.

Logic (or rather physics) never entered my thought process.

Recalled lessons can be a godsend.

Photo by Julie Blake Edison on Unsplash

My past weeks/months have been too busy for me to nurture my spirit in the way that I am used to doing. As a result, I’ve made conscious decisions for immediate change.

Yes, the groceries needed buying, the house cleaning, the emails responding, and the errands running. But what happens, if for the time being…I do none of them?

Will everyone starve today?

Rats materialize out of thin air en masse right now?

Contacts tell me to jump off the partnership bridge of no return since I failed to reply this instant?

My existence end in a fiery inferno because I neglected to post that package today?

When life feels like day-after-day in never-ending succession of tasks and you just need to catch your breath, not only can you. You are allowed.

You must.

I did.

Photo by Håkon Grimstad on Unsplash

Me: This is one of the BEST games of “Simon Says” you will ever play. Breathe and live from your soul, “The Dani Writer says.” Always.

You: *In deep reflection and re-evaluation of this day/week/month/year*

“Oooooh!” and “Aaahh!” moments…


I am very appreciative that you read this story! I put a great deal of effort and time into it, so that means so much to me. You are more than welcome to read additional writing on my profile.

Your support helps to fuel my passion for writing. Please be encouraged to heart/comment/subscribe/tip/give shout-outs/share on social media with author credit, and/or kofi-me if you’d like because it truly warms my heart.

Originally published in the Honest Perspective on Medium

wellnessmental healthlifestylehumanityhealthadvice

About the Creator

The Dani Writer

Explores words to create worlds with poetry, nonfiction, and fiction. Writes content that permeates then revises and edits the heck out of it. Interests: Freelance, consultations, networking, rulebook-ripping. UK-based





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  • Brenda Fluharty22 days ago

    It's not easy to balance things out. We must learn how to let go of tasks not being done.

  • L.C. Schäfer22 days ago

    But sometimes you DO gotta paddle. I never seem to get the balance right!

  • Natasha Collazo26 days ago

    Congrats 🎉

  • Congratulations on your top story.

  • Praise Frank30 days ago

    A much needed reminder thanks for sharing.. Didn't think I would find people I know on Vocal too haha.. Haven't really used this one.

  • Ameer Bibiabout a month ago

    A well written article about a thought I have in my brain since a long time but unable to express it. And now I am glad to read that you narrated it much better. We are just working, eating or cleaning for next moment, for tomorrow for evening. And when evening will come I will start to think about go to bed early for tomorrow morning and yes we got lots of clothing stuff, and out of which some dresses we never wear, can we make life simple by charity and giving.

  • Lamar Wigginsabout a month ago

    Like they say, "The truth will set you free" and there's plenty of truth in your article. Feels like a weight has been lifted after reading it! Thank you.

  • JBazabout a month ago

    That was the breath of fresh air I needed today. A reminder to slow the F$%k down. I have removed myself from most social platforms and rarely go on face book. ( I did not join it until 2021) You hit the right points and I thank you for writing this. Congratulations on a well deserved Top Story

  • Cathy holmesabout a month ago

    Wonderful article. Weird how taking a break can sometimes feel like a chore in itself. Like, get up Cathy. You have things to do. It's hard to ignore the voice. Congrats on the TS.

  • Some great life observations here, excellent work

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout a month ago

    Back to say congratulations on your Top Story! 🎉💖🎊🎉💖🎊

  • Oneg In The Arcticabout a month ago

    Gosh, what truth you dropped on the page here for us. Learning to rest against the tide is so foreign to many of us in a world where the tide is non-stop influx and overwhelming. What if we just float? Will we survive? Will we survive long? Long enough? Do we just get a boat or a floatie? And if we can't afford it? Gosh so much going on now

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout a month ago

    Dysfunction is the perfect word for us, lol. It's always good to take a break from the vicious cycle we call life. Else, we'd get burnt out!

  • Babs Iversonabout a month ago

    We don't have to be constantly doing and being productive. Sometimes it's best to do nothing!!! Loved your story and advice!💕❤️❤️

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