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Friends Were There When I Needed Them!

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By Denise E LindquistPublished 7 months ago 5 min read
Top Story - November 2023
Friends Were There When I Needed Them!
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Friends that offered a helping hand and offered cures for cancer are too many to mention. Here are a few for this story.

The first thing I think of is when I came out of a respiratory code and was coming off of a respirator, I felt like I was being tortured. The mask over my face, a loud noise coming from near me, and then being strapped down in the bed. As I woke I was scared, until I heard a familiar voice of an old friend.

There were three old friends in the room, my daughter, and my husband. Only I didn't know it was my husband. I thought I was still married to my ex-husband, even though we had been divorced for 14 years by this time.

My daughter says it was the respiratory therapist, who looked just like him. Then my ex-husband was a respiratory therapist and that is why I was confused. That thought didn't last long when I remembered my husband. From the code, I do have gaps in my memory of our life though.

I should have put the following in my cancer book but I forgot I had it. This was sent to me shortly after I finished chemotherapy treatment for the non-Hodgkins lymphoma I was diagnosed with. It will go in my book on aging.

Anonymous Friend

Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2013 11:12 PM

To: Lindquist, Denise C (DHS)

Subject: Cancer remedy.

Hi there,

Sorry to hear you have cancer, please try this remedy, it will not hurt in fact two folks told me that it worked for them after I gave them this recipe.

Look it up, google baking soda and cancer, it is baking soda and maple syrup heated together.

Mix 2 tablespoons baking soda with 5 tablespoons dark maple syrup and heat them together.

Do not use aluminum pan, heat it so it bonds together and take a a tablespoon in the morning and one in the night for two weeks straight, then skip a week then do it again.

I know it sounds too simple, but cancer cells do not like an acidity environment. Baking soda neutralizes your cell balance, cancer cells do not like baking soda, so you mix it with maple syrup because cancer cells love sugar. When it attacks the maple syrup you fool it to take the baking soda. Please try it and take care of yourself and let me know if it works for you.

There has not been an opportunity for me to try this cure as my cancer has not returned. Sometimes I think it is back and then an appointment tells me it is not back. No signs at least.

By Bluebird Provisions on Unsplash

Chaga, our Ojibwe word for this known cancer medicine translates to feel-good medicine.

I had a friend and a neighbor, who stopped by with Chaga when I had just completed chemotherapy. I was told that it is probably not a good idea to take Chaga if you have an autoimmune issue. I do as I have alopecia and rosacea.

So, I gave it to a cousin who had cancer and wasn’t going to get treatment. Without treatment, he was considered terminal. He used the Chaga. He lived for several more years and died this year.

I also gave my brother-in-law Chaga, who had lung cancer. They had him on cancer pills and his tumor was not shrinking and continued to grow. The Chaga appeared to stop the growth and then Keytruda was a new drug for lung cancer and together with the Chaga, the tumors started to shrink.

My husband's brother died but with no signs of cancer. He was cancer-free for 5 or more years before he died. The Chaga I gave him was in a tincture, unlike the raw form and tea bags that I was given. I was told the tincture, as drops under the tongue, work the best!

Then, there is my friend Linda Zeller. Also known as the ‘Cancer Lady’. Linda follows the Gerson method of cancer treatment. And she has found a few other things along the way.

When she was diagnosed with cancer many years ago, she decided she would not take chemotherapy and instead research other methods of cancer treatment.

Because she was familiar with the traditional people in Red Lake and grew up around them, she thought there would be some herbal medicines that could be used.

She then found Gerson. He had a juicing protocol and cut out most meat products, and sugar. Along with the juicing people were asked to take a coffee enema as the liver would have trouble processing all of the juicing.

There is a cabbage soup that is eaten regularly, maybe even daily, that includes other vegetables.

When I visit Linda, I get treatments on a few of her machines. And I get juices every hour to assist with the machines' work.

Linda helps me to balance my hormones. She said, most women with cancer have high estrogen. I took the test and that was true for me and it has probably been true since my 30s.

I had terrible PMS and the topical cream I was told to use was a natural progesterone supplement, called Happy PMS. I noticed that it helped my memory as well.

I had some memory difficulties after the chemotherapy and respiratory code that was a part of my cancer experience.

Because I was struggling with my immune system after chemotherapy, Linda recommended Essiac tea. She said Native people showed a nurse named Caisse how to use it and she started treating cancer with it.

Linda said it would help my immune system and it does. If I cough or have a runny nose the essiac shuts that right down.

Linda also told me about a chi machine that I was using faithfully sometime after cancer treatment. The company talks about how the chi machine has you moving in a way similar to a fish.

With that movement, it oxygenates your blood and cancer doesn’t care for oxygenated blood. At least that is what I remember in a shorthand way.

Then there is the far infrared bed, which is similar to a tanning bed only it is more about the heat than the tan. Again the far infrared heat helps to get rid of cancer, and pain. Again, from what I remember in a shorthand way of talking about this machine.

There is the ERE machine also. I don’t know what ERE stands for. I just have gotten to the point that I trust Linda and I prefer to put off cancer for as long as I can.

Other Things that friends have told me about and I have done due to Cancer:

House plants that take the toxins out of the air.

Air purifiers.

Salt lamp.

Juice with fruit and vegetables.

No parabens, aluminum in cosmetics/deodorant, or other possible cancer-causing agents.

I don’t barbeque all year around like I used to.

Decrease in foods that contain known cancer-causing ingredients.

Use organic more and more.

Decrease sugar intake. Work on making it the 5th ingredient or less on a label.

Regular exercise is important and difficult to maintain for the past couple of years.

Stay on top of diabetes. Keep all medical appointments.

Watch for enlarged lymph nodes.

Decrease stress!

This is probably too much for one story! I am so grateful for the people in my life that have continued to support me through cancer and other trials in my lifetime. Thank you/Miigwech!


About the Creator

Denise E Lindquist

I am married with 7 children, 27 grands, and 12 great-grandchildren. I am a culture consultant part-time. I write A Poem a Day in February for 8 years now. I wrote 4 - 50,000 word stories in NaNoWriMo. I write on Vocal/Medium weekly.

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  • Ameer Bibi2 months ago

    Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 on top story by the curators and your story deserves to be among the top writings. Keep it up.

  • Tống Anh3 months ago

    HSE Extra Live ist ein faszinierender deutscher Fernsehsender, der eine breite Palette hochwertiger Programme bietet. Mit seinem vielfältigen Angebot an Unterhaltung, Bildung und Information zieht HSE Extra Live ein großes Publikum an. Die innovative Programmgestaltung und die hochwertige Produktion machen diesen Sender zu einer beliebten Wahl für Zuschauer jeden Alters. HSE Extra Live bietet einzigartige Inhalte, die sowohl informative als auch unterhaltsame Elemente enthalten. Durch die Vielfalt und Qualität seiner Sendungen hat sich HSE Extra Live als führender Fernsehsender in Deutschland etabliert und zieht regelmäßig eine große Anzahl von Zuschauern an. Besuchen Sie die Website von HSE Extra Live, um mehr über ihr fesselndes Programm zu erfahren. https://tvlivekostenlos.de/hse-extra-live-tv/

  • You are lucky. Some times friends are not there.I loved your job.

  • Tim Boxer6 months ago

    Thanks for sharing your experiences. Love that you have a big family, too!

  • Excellent and useful piece. Thanks for this

  • Test6 months ago

    Denise your hard work is paying off—keep it up, congratulations!

  • Lynda Spargur6 months ago

    Congrats on your top story!!!! Excellent writing. It's amazing the collection of friends we obtain as we get older. I cherish each and every one of them.

  • Babs Iverson6 months ago

    Great information & loved it!!! Congratulations on Top Story too!!!💕❤️❤️

  • Cathy holmes6 months ago

    Thank you for sharing and congrats on the TS

  • Test6 months ago

    Beneficial story for the peoples. I also enjoy and learn a lot. Congratulations on your top story

  • The baking soda thingy is very true. Cancer cells don't like alkaline environment. They can only love in acidic environments. I hope many people would benefit from this!

  • Mother Combs7 months ago


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