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Creation and the universe are not same thing.

Did God create creation and physics the universe?

By Peter RosePublished 3 months ago 4 min read

Creation and the universe are not same thing.

Did God create creation and physics the universe?

By definition God created creation; and so, became God. What sort of entity this creator is raises a question way beyond present human understanding. But how was the universe started and why? How is it driven? Science seems to have answers about how, but not why. Nor does science as yet fully explain where, whatever started the big bang, came from nor what drives the continued existence of the known physical universe. Dark matter and the behaviour of quantum particles are not fully explained, Much speculation exists about black holes, but at this moment (March 2024) no firm certainty and verifiable universally accepted facts have been announced.

Creation is not just about physical stuff, which is why creation has to be viewed separately from the physical universe. There is also a question to be asked about the apparent natural rules that govern physics. Where did these rules come from? Did God create creation and then create the rules and laws which physical matter has to obey? In doing this did God set in motion the big bang and the physical generation of all that we see, and feel? Is there a “spiritual universe”? Could this be the heaven talked about in several religious? If so, it may not have the same physical laws as the known universe.

Many people, followers of many different religions, Pray to God for help with human, physical and earthbound problems. If creation and the physical universe are considered separate “events” then Prayers to God need be to give thanks, or to ask for help, over ethereal or spiritual, matters not earthbound ones.

If humans need a divine entity for physical earthbound issues, then Gaia is the obvious candidate.

Prayers to God need empty mind, no earthly material thoughts; while Prayers to Gaia are for earthly physical matters. If life exists on other planets, then that life will have a different “God of the physical”, but same God of creation.

We do not know the truth about the nature of God, we humans are very limited in our ability to comprehend the scope of the infinite. We have science that can explain the how and sometimes the when, We, quite rightly and properly strive to understand the physical world, the universe, but we are not equipped to go beyond the physical. We need to keep exploring and expanding our knowledge. We are part of the physical universe, and we have a duty to keep searching for physical truth. We humans need to reach out into the stars, to expand our understanding, to keep finding if there are other physical realities that we as yet, know nothing about. We are part of the physical universe, for all we know at the moment, a very important part. Our very existence, our evolution and development may be to further the physical. But we should never deny the existence of the non-physical.

In many thousands of years’ time there may be a union of physical and non-physical, there may come a true enlightenment, but it is a long way distant for now. There is speculation about such things as parallel universes co-existing with our own, there seems to have been an awareness, since humans first evolved, of the existence of a “spiritual” element to life. An ethereal and non-physical aspect of existence. Many humans have claimed some form of direct communication with this ethereal element. Some have been charlatans, seeking earthy material wealth by pretending to communicate. Some have a genuine belief and connection. A few, a very few, have brought teachings, messages from non-human, ethereal sources, almost always these teachings have been about peaceful co-existence, they are about rules for human life that preclude greed, selfishness, and the use of violence to force others to change. Just about all of these teachings have been usurped, taken over, by other humans who are not in direct receipt of ethereal guidance. These usurpers have twisted and distorted the teachings for their own earthly ends. This seems to have been a pattern that we should recognise, and it should tell us to stick to science and the physical world and wait until humans evolve much more before trying to join the physical to the ethereal.

The question of boundaries has to be considered. Are such things as luck, fortune, chance, to be considered as physical or ethereal? God or Gaia ? The consequences of decisions are obviously physical but what guides the original decision ? Where does free will enter this? There are some who believe, with some justification, that as the human brain is physical, all thoughts and decisions that we make, are also to be considered as physical. That means that such decisions have no ethereal input at all. But what of “intuition”? that knowing without evidence? Intuition is defined as knowledge or belief obtained neither by reason nor perception, an instinctive knowledge. By that definition we have to consider that intuition is ethereal, from God not from science. When we buy a lottery ticket, we are committing a physical act with material causes and consequences, usually this consequence is that we lose our money but occasionally we win. We have no control over which numbers win, we only control the numbers we enter. So, is the winning or losing ethereal? If we do not enter, we do not win and that is completely physical. But if the numbers come out right and we win a large amount, the odds on this happening are so vast that it can not be physics. Is it the will of God or Gaia? The winnings are physical, the use of the money is also physical, the effects of winning are earthbound. So, is it Gaia or God we should thank for our win? Which one should we seek guidance, (about how to spend the money) from? The answers to these questions need a person way above my paygrade, but we should all attempt to think about it and not blindly accept the rulings of others.

sciencespiritualityhumanityfact or fiction

About the Creator

Peter Rose

Collections of "my" vocal essays with additions, are available as printed books ASIN 197680615 and 1980878536 also some fictional works and some e books available at Amazon;-



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