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Vocal's Alchemy: Turning Engagement into Writing Gold

3 pitfalls to dodge for optimal success on Vocal

By Rui AlvesPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
Vocal's Alchemy: Turning Engagement into Writing Gold
Photo by Carl Cerstrand on Unsplash

I've been writing on Vocal for the last three years. I've made my rounds across the platform, joined the Vocal Ambassador Program in May 2021, and by now I've lost count of my top stories.

Furthermore, I know a thing or two about management and, specifically, time management, having worked for almost five years with international European Commission-funded projects.

Timing is king!

Here are three pitfalls you should avoid while writing on Vocal:

Waiting for Vocal to roll your boulder up a hill

Sisyphus is a well-known figure from Greek mythology who came to the ultimate comeuppance when Zeus dealt him the endless punishment of rolling a boulder up a mountain only to see it roll back when you are near the top.

Before I joined Vocal, my writing journey was somewhat similar to the everlasting labor of poor old Sisyphus. I would roll out stories as in any other given month and hope for the best outcome at the end of the month. Then I would go back to the bottom of the hill and start rolling it up again.

Much different from Zeus, Vocal is a benevolent God that will reward you for laboring up the mountain. The reward will be directly proportional to the size of the boulder and the amount of effort you put in along the way. Notwithstanding the platform's generosity, you can't expect Vocal to carry the boulder up that hill for you.

Curation is no longer the cornucopia it once was. Hence, it would help if you are adamant throughout the process, as it doesn't stop when you click publish. 

A new game starts from that moment on, and it has a unique set of rules and catches. Time to bring forward the content marketing know-how:

Engagement is King!

Leaving it to the last minute

Procrastination, on the other hand, is a pitfall that writers should avoid. The allure of starting an assignment later rather than sooner can seem tempting, but it often leads to unnecessary stress and compromised quality. 

Writing requires time for ideation, research, drafting, and revising. Rushing through these stages due to procrastination can hinder the depth of thought and creativity that go into a well-crafted piece.

Maintaining a disciplined and tight writing schedule is essential for honing your craft and consistently producing quality content. Writing, like any skill, thrives on practice and routine.

Furthermore, a structured writing schedule ensures that sufficient time is allocated for each stage of the writing process, from brainstorming and research to drafting and editing.

Doing this not only enhances the overall quality of the work but also fosters a sense of professional growth and accomplishment, leading to a higher level of satisfaction in the writer's journey.

Being judgmental toward others

Last but not least, please stop staring at yourself through the work of others and vice versa.

I feel there's a certain pattern of malignancy on the rise within some inner circles. There's one thing I will always rise against, and that's being judgmental toward the work of others.

If I don't have anything positive to say about myself, I promise you this. I will never look through the work of others with an evil eye to score that extra penny by serving 600 words to a handful of zealots. 

Vocal is a platform built on empathy and altruism; these are cornerstones of our journey here, as we all rely on one another as a community.

Hence, I ask you; please stay away from any form of hate speech, this is not the Vocal way, and we shouldn't promote or tolerate any narrative that focuses on hate.

We have no business being judgmental, looking down our noses at others when we are probably crossing the same lines here and there, maybe even more often than we think.

Bonus tip

I once had a clear strategy for success. I would write about a potpourri of topics because, by doing this, I thought I'd increase my chances of going viral.

A writer's strategy for success plays a pivotal role in shaping their output. While the notion of covering a wide range of topics in hopes of achieving virality might sound appealing, it can actually dilute the writer's voice and impact.

Successful writing is often rooted in a genuine interest in and expertise in a particular subject. Dabbling in various topics might attract fleeting attention, but building a dedicated readership requires consistency and depth. 

Focusing on areas that resonate with your readers not only allows for deeper exploration but also establishes a sense of authenticity that resonates with readers seeking insightful content.

Closing thoughts

It's time to do more and engage more if you want to upscale our game right now.

Be relational. Vocal offers a broad set of tools to engage with others. Few platforms out there have this level of social interaction. Hence, please read the stories, but also give away those hearts, and engage. This helps everyone! You want to leave little white pebbles behind so that we can follow each other along the way.

Be yourself. Get in touch with your inner self and find the flame that fuels your unique voice. It would help if you became one with your stories to build your second-life writing identity.

Be kind. Love is indeed the fifth element, and no random act of kindness goes to waste in the endless circle of karma. The law of karma states that for every action, there is a corresponding effect; hence, you can't break the ripple, but you can strive to charge what's coming your way positively.


About the Creator

Rui Alves

Hi, I'm Rui Alves, a teacher, army veteran & digital pathfinder. Author, alchemist of sound & Gen-AI artist.

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Comments (3)

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  • Mother Combs10 months ago

    very helpful tips

  • ema10 months ago

    Thanks for your helpful tips!

  • Judey Kalchik 10 months ago

    I like the image of leaving little white pebbles behind through hearts and comments. A literary Hansel and Gretl to find our way to each other.

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