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Should I Stay or Should I Go?

My Journey as a Vocal Media Writer

By Alice B. Schellinger. Published 7 months ago 3 min read
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Photo by Jonathan Cosens Photography on Unsplash

Indecision is a powerful force that can leave us feeling torn between two paths, unsure of which one to take. As a writer on Vocal Media, I've been grappling with this very dilemma. Over time, my journey on this platform has been one of self-discovery and growth, yet I've also felt the pull towards exploring new horizons and shifting my focus. In this blog post, I'll delve into my experiences as a Vocal Media writer, my personal growth, and the decision-making process as I ponder whether to stay or go.

Finding My Voice:

I started my journal as a Vocal writer in 2018. I wrote very minimally then and mostly kept to short stories and poetry. I wasn't as prolific of a writer as I believe myself to be now, and over time, I found myself gravitating away from the platform due to life circumstances.

Through my time on Vocal Media, especially over the last few months, I have found my voice as a writer. No pun intended, but it's true. The platform has provided me with a unique space to express my thoughts, ideas, and creativity. It allowed me to reach a diverse audience and receive valuable feedback, which, in turn, helped me evolve as a writer. I've grown more confident in my abilities and have been motivated to work harder to become a better writer, exploring other avenues such as film reviews, book reviews, and submitting work to challenges. Having the platform and space for this exploration has also been a catalyst for my choice to stay.

The Pull Towards a New Platform:

Despite the growth and self-discovery I've experienced on Vocal, I've found myself questioning whether it's still the right place for me. Lately, I haven't felt the same pull to write on this platform as I did in the past. This is not a reflection of Vocal's quality but more about how my interests and priorities have shifted. I've been considering migrating my writings to a new platform that aligns better with my current creative direction.

My Personal Blog:

One of the alternatives that have been calling out to me is the idea of focusing more on my personal blog, SchellingtonGrin Speaks, which is an extension of my overall brand and podcast under the SchellingtonGrin name. While Vocal Media has been a fantastic platform to reach a broader audience, my personal blog offers a space that is entirely my own. It allows me to explore and share content that aligns closely with my current interests, passions, and values. This level of control is appealing, and it has me pondering the shift. I can also share my thoughts on my blog in real-time without having to wait for a submission to be approved, or pondering if the submission was approved for the beauty of the content or simply because it met the word count requirements and platform requirements. I also don't have to fear any rejection of my content, or my content views only counting because people with actual vocal accounts have read my story submissions.

Balancing Life's Priorities:

Life is a dynamic and ever-changing journey, and sometimes, other aspects of it take precedence. In my case, certain areas of my life have demanded more attention and dedication, leaving me with less time to devote to writing. The question arises: should I continue trying to balance it all on Vocal Media, or should I prioritize other aspects of my life for the time being?

The Decision:

So, should I stay or should I go? This question is not one to be taken lightly, and it's okay to be uncertain. Ultimately, it's a decision only I can make. As I ponder the future of my writing journey, I must consider what truly makes me happy, what aligns with my current passions, and where I see my writing heading. Perhaps, the answer lies in finding a balance, staying on Vocal Media but writing only certain types of content, or perhaps it's time to embrace a new platform and focus on my personal blog, my in-the-works novel, and my other creative avenues.


Indecision is a natural part of life, and in my case, it's about the direction of my writing journey. Vocal Media has played a significant role in my growth as a writer, but my interests and priorities have evolved. As I contemplate whether to stay or go, the key is to remain open to change, embrace uncertainty, and choose the path that aligns most closely with my creative vision and happiness. Whether I decide to stay, go, or find a compromise, the journey of self-discovery continues, and I am grateful for the experiences and growth that Vocal Media has provided me along the way.

If you'd like to support me elsewhere, you can find my podcast on Spotify here.

You can also support me by following my personal BlogSpot blog hyperlinked above.

Thank you for all the love and support.


About the Creator

Alice B. Schellinger.

Hostess of the SchellingtonGrin Podcast. Writer of poems, short stories, articles, and reviews. Support the SchellingtonGrin Podcast on Spotify and connect with me here and on other socials to be part of the Community

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