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Another Factor That Separates Sages From Masters

Why Sages Stand Out

By Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.Published about a month ago 4 min read
Top Story - April 2024

Read to the End to Help "Change The World" with our Earth Week Impact Launch Initiative!


In my article The 8 Stages to a Quality Career, I detailed each of the steps one must go through to advance to the highest levels in any Industry.

The vast majority of people never make it past the Mastery Phase.

Part of the Reason this occurs is that the Mastery Phase is all about mastering what already "is".

Most people are trained for large portions of their lives to only make it to the Mastery Phase.

When people say that Universities only train people to be "good employees", they are essentially saying the same thing.

Universities typically teach people to be Masters and give them all the tools and strategies to do so.

However, there is a gigantic difference in the skills and mindsets required to go from being a Master to truly becoming a Sage.

See, in the process of becoming a Sage, there is a necessary component that completely Changes the Game.

It revolves around Creativity and Innovation.

Masters are great at doing what already exists, or what some call "Maintaining the Status Quo".

But Sages have to Create and Innovate the "Future".

They must Challenge and Break the Status Quo.

It is a significantly different set of skills and difficulties to attain that status of Sage.

Now, a Master can always choose to begin the path toward becoming a Sage, but most do not make it.

Why is that?

Well, it is about more than just Learning the Skills and Mindsets of the Sage.

Anyone could learn the Skills and Mindsets, but there is a difference between "Knowing" and "Doing".

Then, it isn't just about "Doing", and this is "Really" where the difference becomes highlighted between a Master and a Sage.

On top of "Doing", a Sage can "Do" what they do, regardless of Circumstances.

See, part of what holds Masters back is that their Creativity and Innovation attempts are restricted.

They may have a certain part of the day that they always try to fit their Creative and Innovative pursuits into.

They may have a specific Ritual or Process that they "must" Follow to get into the right Mindset and Skillset.

Now, don't get me wrong, having a Ritual and Process is a great way to "begin" the Path toward becoming a Sage, and in many ways, they are necessary to build the correct Skills.

You must be "Intentional" if you want to become a Sage.

But eventually, the Skills and Mindset must become "who" you are, and the Rituals and Processes eventually become Limiters to Sagehood.

See, a Sage is not Limited when it comes to their Creativity and Innovation.

They figure out how to "turn it on" when it is necessary.

It may not happen 100% of the time, due to various factors of Psychophysiology, but they can do it with Extreme Consistency.

The best Sages can do it 90%+ of the time.

When various Factors of Life pop up, a Master will Shrink Back to the Status Quo and say they just can't get in the "Right State".

But to the Sage, it almost becomes a game.

They "Know" that Life will attack "how" they do their work, and "that" becomes an Opportunity for the Sage.

They understand that in those moments the Masters will fall back, which gives the Sage the ability to make Leaps and Bounds forward with next to No Competition.

When the Master worries about "if" they will be able to do something, the Sage "Knows" their Opportunity to Shine is "Now".

For instance, a Master will worry about "if" they can accomplish their work when a Trip comes up.

Generally, they do not accomplish the work at the end of the day.

A Sage thinks about "where" they will get it done, and then "Do" it, regardless of "Any" circumstances.

Even in the "Least" Likely Situations, a Sage will get it Done.

A Sage doesn't need to be at their "Best" to be Creative and Innovative.

They Turn It On and Create the Situations to Win.

When this happens, a Master "must" admit that they aren't there yet, and this is also usually where a Master settles.

They don't see how the Sage continues to push ahead, and so remain content at being Masters.

This only makes the Sage stand out more, because others begin to wonder in awe how the Sage continues to Push Ahead.

What throws everyone else "Off their Game" only makes the Sage Better.

The longer this continues, the further Sages separate themselves.


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It's time to say, "I Can Change The World!"

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About the Creator

Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.

Creator of the Multi-Award-Winning Category "Legendary Leadership" | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | The Legendary Leadership Coach, Digital Writer (500+ Articles), & Speaker


[email protected]

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  • The Chinese Characters Stories15 days ago

    Worth to be on the top! The title actually can straightly catch readers' eyes!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • Daniel Mozaya19 days ago

    A wise or experienced individual, often referred to as a "sage," would often question the necessity or relevance of a task before undertaking it. This kind of critical thinking is an essential part of decision-making and problem-solving. By asking "Is this even the task that needs to be done?", a sage is encouraging others to consider the bigger picture, the long-term implications, and the overall value of the task at hand. This can help to avoid wasting time and resources on tasks that may not contribute significantly to the desired outcome or may even be counterproductive. This kind of questioning can also foster creativity and innovation, as it prompts individuals to think outside the box and explore alternative approaches to achieving their goals. It's an important reminder that sometimes the most effective solution isn't the most obvious or traditional one. In essence, asking "Is this even the task that needs to be done?" is a powerful reminder to always consider the purpose and impact of our actions, and to prioritize our time and energy accordingly.

  • D. D. Leeabout a month ago

    Sage status…loading. Lol. I feel like I have the mindset of a sage when it comes to writing. Congrats on Top Story!

  • Anna about a month ago

    Congrats on Top Story!

  • Belleabout a month ago

    Congratulations on your top story!

  • L.C. Schäferabout a month ago

    Well done on TS!

  • Hannah Mooreabout a month ago

    I wonder if sometimes the sage would be asking "is this even the task that needs to be done?" Much of the time.

  • Esala Gunathilakeabout a month ago

    Congratulations on your top story.

  • Natasha Collazoabout a month ago

    Congrats Cody!

  • K. Wisendanger about a month ago

    This is awesome advice! It is the truth. I learned a lot reading this article.

  • Lana V Lynxabout a month ago

    Back here to congratulate you on Top Story!

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout a month ago

    Back to say congratulations on your Top Story! 🎉💖🎊🎉💖🎊

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout a month ago

    A Sage thinks about "where" they will get it done, and then "Do" it, regardless of "Any" circumstances. I feel that is the mindset that we should have for everything that we do in life!

  • Lana V Lynxabout a month ago

    Excellent article, Cody, as always. I will keep the concept of Sage in mind now, and how to achieve that level. Very well put.

  • Emily Binkleyabout a month ago

    Great job explaining sage. It's important for people to adapt to life and use their creativity along with critical thinking. I found this enlightening. ✨

  • Ameer Bibiabout a month ago

    You explained it very well that how to go from being good at your job to being really creative. The Earth Day promotion is a nice addition, showing care for the environment.

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