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Talking With Gia Bay about Sci-Fi Thriller Series “Chaser”

Interview with actress Gia Bay about starring in a love triangle, chemistry on screen, and the idea of re-editing her own life.

By FierceScribePublished 25 days ago 4 min read
Gia Bay stars in "Chaser"

This edition of Talking With focuses on actress Gia Bay, who is stuck in a re-edited world and a love triangle starring in the new sci-fi thriller streaming series, “Chaser.”

Created by Daniel Roemer and executive produced by Jeremy Howe, Matthew Helderman, and Luke Taylor of Buffalo 8. Gia stars alongside Russ Russo and Daniel de Weldon in the 8-episode show which is available now on Amazon’s Prime Video.

“Chaser” reveals film editor Eddi Sebastian's ho-hum life and love obsession with Anabel Ruysch (Gia Bay). Without warning, he discovers the unique ability to re-edit the last 24 hours of his life. Can he take command of Anabel and steer his life in a new direction, or will it spin out of control?

Gia is recognized by audiences as Chozanne Lopez on the hit CBS series, Diggstown, as well as the English voice of Sara in Netflix’s Skylines, and several voices in Rising High.

To learn more, we are Talking With Gia Bay:

Why did you want to be part of the series ‘Chase’?

GIA BAY: During that period, I found myself auditioning for several projects. The role of Anabel came across as just another audition until I delved into the script. I was immediately captivated by the world Daniel Roemer had crafted and Anabel. In the audition, Daniel read the role of Eddi, and as we discussed Anabel and Eddi, his vulnerability shone through. It was evident that he deeply cared about his characters and the story. I left the audition room with a strong desire to be directed by him and I trusted how this would go creatively.

What can you tell us about Anabel Ruysch?

GB: Anabel's dynamic with Eddi struck a chord with me. Their relationship had a childlike quality that resonated deeply. Anabel craved the safety and innocence that Eddi provided, contrasted sharply by Gar, her current partner, who was the opposite. Gar resembled a father figure he also held her dreams hostage and used them to get her. Anabel felt a void, chasing her career aspirations, unable to attain them without the attention of these two men who were, in turn, vying for her affection. It was a complex game of cat and mouse, with her dreams hanging in the balance as well as the feelings and emotions of all involved.

As an actor, what helped you the most in bringing Anabel to life?

GB: As an actor, I immersed myself in Anabel's life and circumstances, setting aside my own perspectives to understand her choices and decisions. I delved into the depths of her desire for her dreams and the potential cost of not achieving them.

Do you have a favorite scene from the series? And was it also your favorite to shoot?

GB: My favorite moments from the series were in the final episode. I won't spoil the ending for those who haven't seen it, but portraying Anabel's shift towards protecting Eddi rather than pursuing her own desires was a poignant moment. Additionally, the scene where Eddi gives her his most prized possession was heart-wrenching. While every scene was meaningful in its own right, these final moments left a lasting impact, signaling the end of the game.

The cast has great chemistry together. Is that something you discovered from the start, or did you do things to establish that?

GB: Thank you. I believe they did a great job with casting to get that chemistry. Upon arriving on set and meeting my fellow actors, I found them fully immersed in their characters and their commitment to their characters evident. Their openness to play in the world of the story and their dedication to the craft I feel allowed for that chemistry, mirroring the story itself.

What do you hope viewers to take away from watching?

GB: I hope viewers take away the importance of reflecting on their dreams and the paths they take to achieve them, learning from past experiences while moving forward with focus and determination.

Where do you start when preparing for a role; and does that change depending on the genre?

GB: My process always begins with a slow, thorough reading of the script, allowing myself to absorb every detail and emotion that I feel intuitively along the journey. When I feel it all begin to slowly become alive in me I begin with the homework. This is where I go through all the years of acting classes, notes, etc. and create the character and the life.

We must ask, if you could re-edit the last 24 hours in real life, would you?

GB: Re-edit the last 24 hours…well, there is always a place in me that is curious, but I trust the path my life is on and the lessons it is teaching me. If we always go back and edit, we take time away from actually living and we only have so much time. Otherwise, it could get addictive if you could actually go back and forth re-editing life.

Finally, is there anything else you’re working on we should know about?

GB: Currently, I'm diving into auditions once again, eager to see where the next project will take me. Additionally, I'm excited about a project I'm writing, based on a true story that holds personal significance. I believe it will resonate with others as we collectively navigate this whirlwind called life, once it’s released. Stay tuned for updates on my social media channels!

Keep up with Gia Bay on Instagram: @giabay and Facebook: /giabaygiabay


About the Creator


I write about entertainment and the inspiring people who create it. Interviews with actors and filmmakers revealing their latest projects and what influences them creatively.

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