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The Biggest Theories (So Far) About 'Yellowjackets' Season 2

We're almost halfway through 'Yellowjackets' season 2 and are getting closer to answering some burning questions, but we still are wondering about some things.

By Jenika EnochPublished about a year ago 6 min read
'Yellowjackets' [Showtime]

Showtime's latest hit, Yellowjackets, is finally back for season 2, and viewers are almost smack dab into the middle of the events that have unfolded so far. Going into this season, we had a lot of burning questions regarding who people were, who survived, and what things meant. While we've received some answers. we have also been given even more questions and confusing plotlines to follow.

We are still thrust in between two timelines as the survivors of the 1996 crash are now a few months after the event, in the dead of winter, while the rest of the survivors are still navigating life 25 years later. The following questions and fan theories are as of this past week's episode, "Two Truths and a Lie" and will contain spoilers.

If you haven't been watching season 2 of Yellowjackets and don't want anything spoiled, come back after you're caught up!

**Final Warning**

This article contains spoilers for season 2 of Yellowjackets.

'Yellowjackets' [Showtime]

Someone is going down for Adam's murder

'Yellowjackets' [Showtime]

Season 2 has shown that the fling Shauna had with Adam isn't just going away. The cover up that involved Jeff, Taissa, Misty, and now Callie very obviously wasn't as secret as they wanted it to be. Not only is Officer Matt sniffing really close, but Walter has basically figured out Misty at least being involved.

Now that Jeff's friend Randy has been dragged into the situation, I think it's only a matter of time before someone goes down for it. The only question is, who is it going to be? Not only that, but who else is going to get killed in the process?

If I had to guess, I think either Jeff or Randy are going to go down for it. I don't think Shauna is going to be held accountable, and I don't think it is going to be tied to Misty or Taissa. If they get away with it completely, I think it could to come down to Officer Matt and/or Walter being killed off to keep the secret.

Two groups of survivors are about to form

'Yellowjackets' [Showtime]

It's no secret that the vast majority of the survivors have started following Lottie. Whether it's purely as a coping mechanism or that they actually believe in what she's saying still remains to be said, but the cat is out of the bag. The only main holdouts seem to be Shauna, Coach Ben, Natalie, and now Javi.

This leads me to believe the group is ultimately going to be separated into an "us vs. them" scenario. The only one that is really playing both sides is Taissa, so she will be an interesting factor in how everything pans out as the group moves into a more barbaric state. The wildcard could be Natalie, as Travis is into what Lottie is selling and she's purely interested in Travis.

Javi's drawing further indicates something underground

'Yellowjackets' [Showtime]

Lottie's vision from a few weeks ago that showed her going into some form of underground tunnel system didn't make a whole lot of sense as we saw it. But now that Javi is back, we got a bit of a glimpse into a potential underground system that the other survivors don't know about. The drawing that he showed Coach Ben indicated that the "mother tree" roots lead underground could not just prove that Lottie's vision had some validity, but also (potentially) how Javi survived after running away.

Javi also seems to know something that we don't know yet about whatever force or entity is influencing the group. Him staying silent could simply be him traumatized from being alone in the wilderness, but it could also mean that he's seen whatever influenced the girls and he's terrified.

Crystal is going to be the next meal for the survivors

'Yellowjackets' [Showtime]

I mean... this really goes without saying. Now that Misty has made it seem like she and Crystal got separated when the storm blew in, it would be easy for anyone to assume that she lost her way and fell off a cliff. Similar to Jackie, the cold will have preserved her body well enough for consumption, and I have no doubt that she will be their next meal. Especially if the woods were able to influence them to eat Jackie, I don't see it hesitating to do that again.

The long-questioned "pit girl" is going to be Mari

'Yellowjackets' [Showtime]

Since the Yellowjackets pilot episode, viewers have been dying to know who exactly the "pit girl" is. With season 2, we have been introduced to more supporting characters who also survived the crash, and one of them is Mari. Her overall physical appearance fits what we saw of the girl running for her life, and she is feasibly one that could survive almost to the end.

'Yellowjackets' [Showtime]

Supporting this theory is that we have heard or gotten no hints as to if Mari survived the wilderness. Sure, there are probably more survivors that went off-grid like Travis and Van, but I feel like by now we would have seen or heard about the others as adults. The way the show is written, it comes across that the only long-standing main characters are the only ones who made it home.

Lottie's blackouts are related to Travis' death

Taissa's sleepwalking blackouts have been a focal point of the show since season 1, and we have been left in the dark as to if this is something that affected her before the plane crash or not. But Lottie having similar episodes as an adult is a little too convenient - especially that Lottie is supposedly taking medication and was treated in an inpatient mental health facility. With things re-surfacing for Travis, Taissa, and Natalie, it definitely hints that if there is truly an entity or spirit that followed the survivors home that it is affecting all of them at once with similar symptoms.

Also, the fact that Taissa has now killed her dog and terrorized her family while in a trance... how do we know that Lottie wasn't in a similar trance when her "memory" of Travis' death came up? She might just be remembering it the way the told Natalie. What if Lottie actually killed him and just doesn't remember?

Misty is going to kill Walter

'Yellowjackets' [Showtime]

In my opinion, this trajectory is obvious. Walter already is theorizing that Misty is a serial killer and thinks she is the one who murdered Adam Martin. He started putting pieces together regarding her demeanor right form the start and seemed to be almost testing her in their interactions - not trying to pair up with her.

Now that the cops are closer with their suspicions regarding Shauna, the group is going to be desperate to pin anything on anyone or get rid of anyone else who is getting close to the truth. Walter being involved, even just for internet clout, definitely puts him in danger. Now that he's offended Misty directly, I don't think she'd have any reservations about getting rid of him.

Something unfortunate is coming for Shauna's baby

'Yellowjackets' [Showtime]

Again, the demise of Shauna's baby another obvious outcome that we know is coming. We just haven't been able to figure out exactly what could have happened. Yellowjackets actors have already claimed no one eats the baby, so I think it's safe to say baby cannibalism is a line even they won't cross. But that doesn't leave things like sacrifice, exposure, or natural causes off the table.

I think it's common knowledge that Callie couldn't possibly be the baby that Shauna is pregnant with because of the timing. She's simply just too young to be that baby, and it's been confirmed that Adam Martin wasn't related to Shauna in any way. Lottie keeps insisting the baby is a boy, and aside from possibly Officer Matt, there aren't really any men of the right age that would fit the timeline.

Unless there's some plot twist that Shauna's child is at Lottie's commune somewhere, I don't think the baby survives the wilderness. Between the most likely outcomes of exposure or natural causes, there is also a possibility that the baby is sacrificed as things progress. Whichever way it shakes out, I'm sure it's going to be a devastating loss for Shauna and the rest of the survivors.

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About the Creator

Jenika Enoch

I love movies, music, sci-fi, and art. I'm a certified graphic designer and create my own art. Things that fuel me include equality, respect, and anything weird.

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