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Through Eleanor's Emerald Eyes

Through Eleanor's Emerald Eyes

By ANNA CORALPublished 14 days ago 3 min read

Olivia, with her signature emerald green glasses perched on her nose, squinted through the dusty attic window. Rain lashed against the panes, a perfect accompaniment to the unsettling discovery she'd just made. Nestled amongst moth-eaten shawls and chipped teacups lay a leather-bound journal, its clasp partially undone. The delicate script on the flyleaf sent shivers down her spine – "Eleanor Davies, 1922."

Eleanor Davies, Olivia's great-grandmother, had vanished without a trace 80 years ago. Family lore painted her as a free spirit who'd simply run off, but Olivia wasn't so sure. Now, with this diary in hand, a flicker of hope ignited within her.

The first entries were mundane – tea parties, walks in the park. But as Olivia delved deeper, a disquiet settled in her stomach. Eleanor wrote about cryptic messages being left around the house, whispers in the wind, and a growing fear of someone watching her. Then, abruptly, the entries stopped. The last one, dated a week before Eleanor's disappearance, held just a single, chilling sentence: "They know I'm onto them."

Determined to unravel the truth, Olivia pocketed the journal and descended the creaking stairs. Her parents, engrossed in the evening news, barely glanced up. "Going for another walk?" her mother mumbled, eyes glued to the TV.

"Just exploring the attic some more," Olivia replied, a sly smile playing on her lips.

The next day, armed with a flashlight and a magnifying glass, Olivia revisited the attic. She scoured every corner, her heart pounding with anticipation. Finally, behind a loose floorboard, she found a hidden compartment. Inside lay a worn map, its edges singed and a cryptic symbol scrawled in the center.

The map led to a secluded clearing deep within the woods bordering their property. As Olivia emerged from the dense foliage, she stumbled upon an abandoned stone structure, half-buried by moss and neglect. Her breath hitched – a symbol identical to the one on the map was etched above the doorway.

With a hesitant push, the heavy door creaked open. Inside, the air hung thick with dust and the smell of damp earth. Cobwebs draped from the rafters, and a single shaft of light shone through a crack in the ceiling, illuminating a dusty desk. Papers were scattered across it, yellowed with age.

Olivia sifted through the documents, her pulse quickening. They were Eleanor's notes – research on local folklore, legends of hidden portals, and whispers of a secret society. One document, titled "The Guardians of the Veil," sent a jolt through her. It spoke of a group protecting a hidden dimension, safeguarding a secret they believed too dangerous for the world.

Then, a sudden noise jolted Olivia out of her investigation. A figure emerged from the shadows, an imposing silhouette cloaked in dark robes. In their hand, they clutched a gleaming silver pendant, the very symbol from the map and Eleanor's journal.

"Who are you?" Olivia demanded, her voice trembling slightly.

The figure chuckled, a dry, hollow sound. "Someone who has been waiting for you, Miss Davies." Their voice distorted itself, making it impossible to discern their gender or age. "You shouldn't be here."

With a newfound sense of bravery, Olivia held her ground. "You knew about Eleanor. Are you responsible for her disappearance?"

The figure remained silent, their eyes, two pools of darkness, fixed on her. Just then, a glint of sunlight caught the pendant in their hand. It reflected off the surface, revealing a hidden compartment. Inside, nestled in a bed of crimson velvet, lay a familiar emerald green object – Olivia's glasses.

The realization struck Olivia like a bolt of lightning. Eleanor hadn't run away. She'd been taken, perhaps because she'd discovered the Guardians' secret. And now, they had Olivia, too.

But before the cloaked figure could make another move, Olivia sprang into action. She remembered seeing a loose brick in the wall earlier. With a surge of adrenaline, she yanked it free, revealing a hidden passage. Without a second thought, she dove through the opening, the muffled shouts of the figure echoing behind her.

Olivia emerged from the passage into the heart of the woods, her heart pounding. She knew she couldn't outrun them forever, but she had bought herself some time. Clutching Eleanor's diary and her own glasses, a newfound determination coursed through her veins. She would uncover the truth about the Guardians and find her great-grandmother, no matter the cost. The mystery that had haunted her family for generations was a challenge she was now determined to solve.


About the Creator


I am a writer at vocal.

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