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The 10 Worst Inmates From 'Orange is the New Black'

We had a lot of inmates we loved at Litchfield, but not everyone was our favorite to watch

By Jenika EnochPublished about a year ago 5 min read
'Orange is the New Black' [Netflix]

Orange is the New Black remains to be one of the most popular series in Netflix history despite being over since 2019. The prison comedy/drama series based off real-life ex-inmate, Piper Kerman, lasted on the streaming service for 7 seasons. Among those seasons we witnessed love, murder, riots, fights, betrayal, sex, and lots and lots of drama. You can't have all of those things without some characters you loved to hate, can you?

While most viewers can agree that a majority of Litchfield's inmates weren't necessarily the smartest, they had heart and found ways to serve their time without boredom. However, some inmates chose to spend their time being annoying, manipulative, violent, and downright bad.

Some inmates found better ways than others to be bad, so with this article we'll focus on the 10 worst inmates on Orange is the New Black. Yes, we said inmates so don't expect to see any guards or free spirits on this list - even though we all thoroughly hated Pornstache. Obviously I couldn't include everyone, so if you don't see your most hated Litchfield inmates, don't despair! There were so many memorable inmates it was hard to narrow it down to just these 10.

But, then again, we've got time to think of more. Eh?

10. Brook Soso

'Orange is the New Black' [Netflix]

Brook came into Litchfield in season 2 and was immediately shunned by the other inmates. Written off as being irritating, she managed to find her way through the sea of inmates and ultimately was prison-widowed when Poussey was murdered by a guard.

She wasn't necessarily the worst inmate and her crime was definitely non-violent, but she was one of the most hated by inmates and by fans.

9. Stella Carlin

'Orange is the New Black' [Netflix]

Let's face is, Stella was nothing more than lesbian eye candy. Her character development was practically nonexistent and the way she squeezed in between Alex and Piper immediately made her the target of fan hate.

Stella was just... an annoying liar. She was set up to be a villain with the way she stole Piper's money, but her unlikeable nature made her arc go unrealized. She was ultimately sent to maximum security where we never saw her again.

8. Barbara & Carol Denning

'Orange is the New Black' [Netflix]

What do we even have to say about Barb and Carol? These two women were the main antagonists of season 6 and it became very apparent that they singlehandedly ran the maximum security camp. But were either of them likeable? Absolutely not.

By the end of the season, it became apparent that everything surrounding their behavior came down to nothing but a sibling rivalry. A rivalry that was intensified over who said an unfunny, stolen joke first. In my opinion, both Barb and Carol could have been great characters, but they got in their own way and enabled other terrible inmates way too much.

7. Leanne Taylor

'Orange is the New Black' [Netflix]

Leanne started as a goofy, comical character back in season 1, but she quickly became one of the most consistent antagonists of the series. It was revealed that Leanne came from an Amish community, which explains how easy it was for her to follow a leader. First she was in Pennsatucky's religious group, then she was her own bully, and then she became the muscle of Norma's cult. At the end of the day, she was nothing but a bully and neither the inmates or fans liked her much.

Ultimately, Leanne was transferred to Cleveland after the Litchfield riot - where she had her finger shot off.

6. Dayanara "Daya" Diaz

'Orange is the New Black' [Netflix]

Right off the bat, Daya got herself into trouble. Immediately after arriving at Litchfield in season 1, she began a secret relationship with a guard, got pregnant, and then slept with another guard to frame him for her pregnancy. After the father of her prison baby skipped out, Daya's attitude went from bad to worse when she kickstarted the prison riot by shooting a guard.

After the riot was over, she reached a plea deal for murder and was sent to maximum security. From then, any likeablity she had was flushed down the toilet when she hooked up with a drug dealer (whom she kills) and got mixed into the Denning sister drama. It's a shame, because Daya could have been a really great character.

5. Madison 'Badison' Murphy

Madison is easily one of the most hated character in in the series' history - if not the most hated by viewers. She was definitely a writing success as she was a successful show villain, as well as pulling off being generally annoying.

Not only did "Badison" act like the worst, scariest person in the world, she truly believed she was. Her antics at Litchfield rubbed inmated and staff the wrong way and ultimately led to the warden transferring her to Missouri just to get her away from everyone.

4. Tiffany "Pennsatucky" Doggett

'Orange is the New Black' [Netflix]

While Pennsatucky had somewhat of a redemption arc near the end of the series, we can't forget how her character began. Back in season 1, she was the leader of a small religious movement and set her eyes on making Piper's life hell. She also insisted on shoving her extreme beliefs onto any other inmate or staff member that got in her way.

Penn mostly branched away from her ignorant religious convictions and sparked unlikely friendships in later seasons, but it was hard for fans to forget where she came from. Even her most sympathetic arcs, including sexual abuse, couldn't overcome her crazy beginning.

3. Dominga "Daddy" Duarte

'Orange is the New Black' [Netflix]

Daddy is another would be villan that just came across as annoying, desperate, and unlikeable. She was one of Barb's main minions that wound up contributing nothing but providing drugs to inmates. She even drugged her boss whenever she got too hot on her trail, just to get herself out of trouble.

Ultimately, fans didn't care when Daddy was killed by Daya. It came across as more of a "she had it coming" moment than anything else.

2. Piper Chapman

'Orange is the New Black' [Netflix]

What is there to really say about Piper. From the beginning, Piper is outlined to be the most white collar, privileged inmate. And that stereotype really stuck once viewers started seeing Piper's actions. She is easily the most self involved person on the show and while she acts like she wants to enact change, she really only wants to make herself feel better.

Add in how she handles her relationships with Alex, Stella, and Larry and hurricane Piper just never ceased to amaze with how selfish she was. I don't know if this was accurate or exaggerated, seeing how she's based off a real person, but I think all viewers hoped that the real Piper wasn't so... Piper.

1. Yvonne "Vee" Parker

'Orange is the New Black' [Netflix]

If true evil had a face, I'm sure we'd see Vee. She is easily the most hated character in the series and she's one of the only antagonists that managed to become a full-fledged villain. We only saw her for one season and it's probably for the best because I don't know if Litchfield could have handled more Vee.

Not only did she revert Taystee away from her family, but she brainwashed Crazy Eyes into being her #1 minion and tried to kill Red. She also was responsible for Janae being thrown in SHU multiple times and got the prison hooked on cigarettes and heroin. I think I speak for all viewers when I say three cheers for Rosa running over her with the prison van.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Frieda Berlin
  • Aleida Diaz
  • Gina Murphy
  • Norma Romano
  • The white supremacist crew

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About the Creator

Jenika Enoch

I love movies, music, sci-fi, and art. I'm a certified graphic designer and create my own art. Things that fuel me include equality, respect, and anything weird.

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