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I Moved in With My Bride On Our 2nd Date

Why Are We Bullshittin’?

By Jason ProvencioPublished about a year ago 5 min read

I’ve mentioned a few times in my writing how fast Mai and I moved forward when we first started dating. After missing our initial window of dating once we met in August of 2011, we wasted no time later in the year in December.

She got a bit of cold feet that August. She canceled the plans that we had and told me her kids were sick. While I believed her initially, I also took it as a sign that perhaps she wasn’t interested or ready to date someone. So I started dating another lady from August until late November.

When I exited that situation after finding some very red flags along with love letters she was writing a fella in prison (true story), I decided to be done with dating and just focus on raising my young daughter. That lasted less than two weeks when I moved in with Mai on our second date.

No, I was not a Hobosexual. I did not fuck for free housing. Let me explain how this happened.

After I dated Polly Prison-Lover and discovered her emotional cheating on me by writing a sex offender living in jail, I decided to quit trying to find a decent relationship. I figured I’d just hang out with friends and if hanging out led to boning, so be it.

So I sent this message to Mai the day after I dumped my ex:

We started chatting back and forth after our missed connection four months prior and hit it off right away. We made each other laugh constantly and I knew I wanted to hang out with her if she was receptive to the idea.

She was. I invited her over on December 9th, and we watched the first and last 15 minutes of Get Him to the Greek together. Christ almighty, she was something. She came over wearing this outfit and I couldn’t believe my luck. This lady seemed to like me as much as I was into her.

After the movie was over and we took the Walk of Pride past my roommates in the living room of our place, I hugged and kissed her goodbye at her car. I looked into her beautiful eyes and asked her what she was doing the next day.

“I have my kids tomorrow,” she answered.

I wasn’t shook. I knew how to play this one. My heart kicked my brain out of the way and I heard myself say:

“Well, I have my daughter tomorrow as well. She’s close to your kids’ age, maybe I should make my regionally famous Provencio’s spaghetti dinner and they could have a play date while we hang out!”

Oof. She was going to pepper spray me. Perhaps a taser. I had it coming.

“That sounds nice,” was her surprising answer. Evidently, spaghetti was her son’s favorite dinner. Date #2 was set. I was stoked. I hoped she was as well.

Saturday came and I went shopping for spaghetti ingredients. I loaded up my saucepan, noodle pot, and spices and headed out to pick up Avery before going over to Mai’s place.

The kids met and instantly started playing together, as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders tend to do. Mai and I got to know each other more in her kitchen while I made that first family dinner together. It was nice to chit-chat more than we were able to the night before.

We sat down to dinner and all enjoyed some delicious food. The Boy commented on how hot the spaghetti was. He said it was good but really spicy.

“Oh, you’ll get used to that,” I told him, smiling at Mai. Somehow we both just KNEW.

The kids kept playing after dinner and I had planned to pull the plug at some point to return to our apartment. But they were having a blast and Mai and I were busy playing Googly-Eyes and Grab-Ass together. Finally, I suggested something everyone seemed thrilled about.

“All right, Kiddos! Who wants to have a SLEEP-OVER?”

My heart punched my brain square in the nuts, at this point. The kids said, “YEAHHHHHH!” Mai said, “YEAHHHHHH!” My dick said “YEAHHHHHH!” and high-fived my heart, then flipped my brain the middle finger.

At some point, it got pretty late for small children to be up and Mai mentioned that since her separation from their dad over a year ago, they’d been sleeping in her big king bed with her every night. This posed a problem, in her mind.

“Oh, hey. Let me handle this. I’m a Realtor, I have training for evictions,” I assured her. I hadn’t come this far, 4 miles across town, to NOT get naked.

I rounded the sleepy but still fun-having children up and said, “Ok! Who wants to have the sleepover in their own big bed?” The big one in the guest room was the perfect size for three small children. They were excited about the situation and Project Child Relocation was a success.

We all made breakfast the next morning and I didn’t take my cooking stuff back to my apartment. We hung out the next night, Mai made dinner, and the kids had a blast once again. We never ended up spending another night apart afterward.

I slowly started to bring a few things over to Mai’s house most days for the next month. I asked her after about the 4th or 5th day if she needed a night off from hanging out. I didn’t want her to think I was some creepy guy who just expected to move in, even though things were going wonderfully.

She thought it over for a second and said, “No. I really like you being here. And this is crazy because this has never happened to me with anyone else. I feel comfortable and safe with you. Like we’ve been friends for much longer than we have.”

That was good enough for me. My brain breathed its dying breaths before finally giving up. She was right. We felt as though we were best friends more so than even lovers. Our kids really seemed to like each other and each of us. Why were we bullshittin’? Let’s do this thing.

Over 11 years later, we’re all still having a blast. The kids are all super close and the girls are each other’s closest friends. We think of each others’ children as equals to our own biological ones, and they love and appreciate each of us as much as their own bio parents.

And even my brain has come around. He realized a long time ago that this was meant to be. Though I don’t generally recommend moving in with the person you’re seeing on the second date, sometimes you really luck out. &:^)


About the Creator

Jason Provencio

78x Top Writer on Medium. I love blogging about family, politics, relationships, humor, and writing. Read my blog here! &:^)


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  • Rick Henry Christopher about a year ago

    Great story... I loved it... Join us on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/vocalplusassist/?ref=share

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