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Stay Alive: Follow The Ted Bundy Rule in Public

Stay safe following this one rule

By True Crime WriterPublished 23 days ago 3 min read
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Stayin’ alive isn’t for the weak, especially if you’re a vagina-holder. Someone seems to always lurk in the background ready to pounce the second after they spot a vulnerability in someone. Women are easy targets. We are generally perceived to be weaker than men, more compassionate, and more trusting.

Men who objectify vagina-holders for their sexual gratification may not understand that no means no. Some psychopaths even resort to violence when faced with rejection.

Some men are straight-up off their rockers. Ted Bundy, for example.

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Serial Killer Ted Bundy

If you’re the one-in-a-million person who isn’t familiar with Bundy, he was an American serial killer, rapist, and necrophile who killed at least 30 women during the 1970s.

Per 1970s white woman standards, Bundy was considered attractive. He could charm the socks off a woman and sell them back to her as mittens. Bundy was a law student with a promising future, a man as smooth as butter with the ladies, although a troubled soul and a psychotic mind lurked inside him.

After his capture, Bundy hinted to homicide detective Robert Kappell that he killed at least one person in 1972 and another in 1973, although his first confirmed murder was that of Linda Ann Healy, a Washington college student, in 1974.

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Bundy lured many of his 30+ victims from public places like college campuses and shopping enters under the guise of being injured and in need of help. His charismatic charm and devilishly good looks likely helped him lure women back to his rigged Volkswagon Beetle as much as the cast he wore on his arm and injury sob story. Bundy gained his victims' trust and then pounced.

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The Ted Bundy Rule

Bundy played on women’s emotions, and it worked well over and over and over and over again. Criminals can be smooth talkers with the right words sitting on the edge of their tongues, which explains why using the Ted Bundy Rule” is so important.

A TikTok'er using the name @the.self.defense.girl uploads short video tips designed to help women stay safe in public. Her video titled "The Ted Bundy Rule" has benefited her followers and may help keep you safe in public.

No matter how nice or helpful we want to be to others, protecting ourselves should always be the priority.

Men are more likely to ask other men for help if they find themselves in a situation they can’t handle. In the Ted Bundy Rule video, she explains how women should keep this in mind if someone approaches them for help in public.

Why would a man with car trouble ask a lone woman for help, especially if other men are around?

How to Stay Safe in Public

Don’t become hypersensitive and assume every stranger you meet is out to harm you after watching the video. Lots of good, genuine, trustworthy people run around this world, and we all need someone, sometimes.

Consider other factors when deciding how you will proceed if a strange man encounters you in public, particularly one who asks for help of any type.

  • Trust Your Instincts: Trust your instincts. If something seems off about a person or situation, even when you can’t put a finger on what feels strange, assume the worst, avoid the person or situation, and stay alive! It’s better to be safe than sorry.
  • Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Pay attention to the people and activities happening around you.
  • Put Your Phone Away: Many people wrongly assume they should pretend to be on their phones to divert would-be crime, but this is the worst advice. To be aware of your surroundings, put the phone away.
  • Avoid Isolated Areas: Travel in well-lit, heavily populated areas to reduce the risk someone with ulterior motives will approach you since people are more likely to see the encounter.
  • It’s Better With Two: Travel with at least one friend or group of friends, if possible.
  • What's the 4-1-1?: Let friends and family know where you are going, who you are going with, and your expected return time. They can track you down if you aren't back when you should be.

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About the Creator

True Crime Writer

The best of the worst true crime, history, strange and Unusual stories. Graphic material. Intended for a mature audience ONLY.

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