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A Guide to the Key Stages in Digital Product Engineering Lifecycle

In Depth Guide on Digital Product Lifecycle

By Ryan WilliamsonPublished 3 months ago 4 min read

How can organizations develop unique digital solutions or transform innovative product ideas into viable and workable digital products? Digital product engineering aims to create digital products such as service platforms, software programs, and mobile applications, which can be achieved by using agile development methods. These methods allow companies to deliver products and enable regular testing and iteration that is based on user feedback.

In this article, I will explore the key phases in the digital product engineering cycle that enable the development and creation of unique digital solutions.

Phases of Digital Product Engineering:

  • Ideation: This is the first and key phase of digital product engineering development, where the product idea is conceptualized. Ideation is a creative phase in the product development process and it's the starting point where there is a possibility that the idea will get converted into the product. The phase centers around collaboration and creativity where experts weigh in with multiple innovative solutions. This phase sets the foundation for the other stages by thoroughly understanding the problem the product will solve and its potential solutions. This is the phase where a business can team up with a company offering software product engineering services to envisage the product, document it, and finalize the product requirement by ensuring that all functional and non-functional needs are met.
  • Design: The next phase in digital product engineering development is the design stage. The concept is translated into a tangible and functional design by creating detailed specifications, drawings, and models of the product. The focus of this stage is on two important parts of the product that are user-facing. The phase focuses on the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). The user interface focuses on the visual aspect of the product, such as color and layout, that gives the product a distinct look. The user experience is used to emphasize the product’s functionality and usability, enabling a seamless and intuitive user experience. At this stage, wireframes, prototypes, and mockups help the developers visualize and test the product design. Feedback and iteration are used to improve the product design and lay the foundation for the development and testing phases.
  • Development: The development phase follows the ideation and design stages, where the actual coding and creation of the product starts, using the designs and specifications that have been set in the design phase. The product is created by writing code, creating databases, and developing the interfaces. Product development involves iteration and revisions that enable the product to be built, refined, and evolved. Developers often use various development methodologies like Agile or Waterfall as needed. The development phase comes to an end once the product requirement and functionality match and the product becomes ready for the testing phase.
  • Testing: The next key stage in product development is the testing phase. This phase aims to ensure that the product works as per design and meets all the requirements. Unit testing, integration, system, and user acceptance tests are carried out in this phase. Unit testing tests for the functionality of individual components, while integration testing checks whether all components of the product work together. System testing ensures that the product meets its defined parameters and requirements. The end users are involved in testing the product in real-world scenarios to ensure that the product meets user expectations and requirements. Errors and bugs that are identified during this phase are rectified before the product is released onto the market. This phase ensures that the product quality is maintained for a positive user experience.
  • Quality control: Quality control (QC) is a part of each stage of digital product engineering. QC ensures that the product is as per defined standards at every stage. At the ideation and design phases, QC involves reviewing and validating product design. At the same time, in the development stage, it is used to review code and static code analysis, helping ensure that the code is efficient and free of errors. QC ensures the product is developed as designed for performance, security, and usability. In the development stage, QC ensures that the product is installed and configured correctly in the user environment. QC ensures that the product developed and delivered is of high quality and meets user requirements.
  • Launch: This is the final stage of product development. The digital product has been developed, passed through various stages, and is now ready to be launched in the market. Final steps such as product packaging, setting up distribution channels, and promotional and marketing strategies are taken to ensure product launch success. This is a critical phase in digital product engineering development as it defines the first impression of the product in the market. The phase requires planning and execution that ensures that the product is accepted by the end users and can compete successfully. Once the product is launched, user feedback and monitoring of its performance are essential for future updates and improvement.

Final Words

Digital product engineering offers a structured and systemic approach to developing products that offer value to businesses and their customers. Each phase is interconnected and plays a key role in ensuring the product’s successful development, deployment, and launch. The key phases of digital product development ensure that there is a clear understanding of product requirements, its design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance. These key phases enable companies to reach the goal of creating digital products that sync with business objectives and provide exceptional user experience.


About the Creator

Ryan Williamson

A professional & security-oriented programmer having more than 6 years of experience in designing, implementing, testing & supporting mobile apps developed. Being techno geek, I love to read & share about the latest updates in technology.

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