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Writing is like pooping

I struggle with both šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

By Ariel JosephPublished 4 months ago ā€¢ 4 min read
Top Story - January 2024
Writing is like pooping
Photo by annie pm on Unsplash

Throughout my life I've occasionally had issues with staying "regular."

TMI, I know, but per my last article, I'm embracing cringe so there you go. Sometimes I can't shit.

Constipation is actually very common. It's probably happened to you too.

According to WebMD, my favorite place to go when I have a minor problem but really want it to ruin my day, around 2.5 million people visit their doctor each year due to constipation.

2.5 million! Imagine that number if it included everyone who canā€™t afford to see a doctor for not being able to shit!

Well anyways, thanks to constipation I have researched how to naturally get myself pooping ā€œregularly" more times than I think is strictly necessary. And I came across some tips for getting things moving that I thought were particularly interesting.

First and foremost: when the urge hits, go!

According to this tip, it's important to go when you need to go, especially if you struggle with constipation. When your body finally blesses you with the actual urge to poo, by God let it poo. If you don't you'll regret it when the feeling is gone, never to return.

I've also heard that when you have time to poop, just sit and wait 15 minutes to see if anything happens.

I think this tip is more about trying to get your body to relax and do what it naturally knows to do.

Then, Iā€™ve heard that if after youā€™ve waited you just simply can't go, don't force it, it will just make you more stressed, and strain your body.

Similar to when people say if you can't sleep it's actually better to get up and leave the room then lay there and try to force yourself to sleep, you don't want to associate the bathroom with stress and straining. So if after you've given it time it's not happening, move on to something else for a while.

All that to say that I think writing is like pooping.

Jumping in when you feel the urge is essential if you want it to feel organic.

If you wait too long, you might just lose it altogether.

Giving yourself a second with the blank page before just completely throwing in the towel is important to keeping the environment relaxed and remembering you know how to do this, you want to do this, you were born to do this, writing comes naturally to you.

But, if youā€™re anything like me, when all else fails, you find yourself resorting to some tried and true, although maybe problematic methods to get things flowing.

My personal favorite for a long time.

Drink it out.

The next morning I'm sure to find shit on the page, and stomach cramps leading to shit in the bowl.

Is the shit on the page good? No, but it's there.

Not a particularly safe, or gentle method, but it guarantees a result, even if a less than ideal one.

Drink some caffeine.

Coffee makes me poop. Coffee also makes me think for some reason I can finish a novel in 24 hours. I wonā€™t. Instead I will just keep consuming cup after cup until Iā€™m shaking and feeling really productive despite actually not accomplishing anything at all.

Another method I donā€™t recommend relying on.

(Although that being said you will have to pry the coffee from my cold, dead hands. I am not switching to tea, or whatever the freaking mud water is that YouTube ads keep suggesting to me.)

I don't have any great aspirations for my writing in 2024, but after a long lull of no writing at all I've decided that my only real hope is that I can start treating my writing the way I would, in an ideal world, treat my pooping.

I want to write when I feel inspired, about whatever I want.

I want to not think twice about if it's good, or what I wanted it to be, or how it will be received.

Yā€™all are lovely, but you arenā€™t the reason I write.

I write because similar to how I feel when I havenā€™t pooā€™ed, I feel stuck, heavy, and uncomfortable when I have something to say and donā€™t write.

I know this goal isnā€™t super specific but thatā€™s kind of the point.

For once in my life I want to devote an entire year to embracing my intuition and just letting things happen when they want to, rather than trying to strategically control every aspect of my life.

I really donā€™t know how I never made the correlation until this morning as I strainedā€¦for words.

But writing for me is so much like pooping.

I go days feeling nothing and wonder if something is wrong with me? Should I seek advice from someone?

Then suddenly!

I get the urge, but then, Iā€™m in a public place. How could I possibly, here?

So I wait, and then itā€™s gone, and the process repeats.


Until months go by and at best Iā€™ve released small nuggets at a time.

Pieces of thoughts, but never anything substantial enough to feel good about. Nothing's ever quite finished and Iā€™m never left feeling like Iā€™ve really got it all out.

This year will be different, or so I aspire.

Iā€™m typing this in my notes app on the subway currently. Public be damned! I will do this right here on the train and you canā€™t stop me!

I want to treat writing the way they say you should treat pooping. I want to be confident and comfortable enough to answer when inspiration calls, no matter what, and maybe someday I will be confident and comfortable enough to answer when nature calls too.

Stream of ConsciousnessChallenge

About the Creator

Ariel Joseph

I love to write pretty much everything and anything, except a profile page bio.

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Comments (22)

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  • Hannah Moore3 months ago

    This is an uncannily perfect analogy!

  • Anna 3 months ago

    Congrats on Top Story!šŸ„³

  • SalomĆ© Saffiri4 months ago

    a baiting paralell indeed. If writing is to one like pooping, then one gotta make sure what they put out isn't, ahem, poop.

  • M.4 months ago

    It's an interesting parallel, and funnily enough I wrote a substack about how creativity is much like... poop. You get a lot of ideas, most of them go nowhere, but it's just healthy to have them and they're good fertilizer.

  • šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ your title grabbed my attention, I don't think I have ever heard (or read) of/from someone that compares writing to pooping. Yet, it is probably the best and funniest comparison I have ever heard.

  • J.P. Williamson4 months ago

    Brilliant and so relatable! I too have struggled with writing and I'm trying to let it happen organically this year. I've never associated it with constipation, but what a wonderfully apt metaphor.

  • Scott Christenson4 months ago

    šŸ’© šŸ˜‚

  • L.C. SchƤfer4 months ago

    This is so relatable to me, all of it! I write on the notes app a lot. In the bus and in the bath. I wrote a wanky poem about creative constipation last year. I've written a couple of times about how writers need to write, like chinchillas need a sand bath and fish need to swim. And I think about this quote a lot: if you're not saying it, you're carrying it, and that shit gets heavy. šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜

  • Andrea Corwin 4 months ago

    I was laughing out loud while reading, so thanks for giving me cheer before bedtime!! Nice segues, loved it.

  • It's always what I say to people, only write what you want, when you want and only write for yourself. I don't think there's anything wrong with not writing anything for days at a time. If it's pooping, then yes, something very wrong, lol. Wish you all the best for both and congratulations on your Top Story!

  • Margaret Brennan4 months ago

    OMG! Hilarious. IBS (D or C) is a problem I also face. Hate to poop in a bathroom that isn't mine. Poop pourri is way too obvious. And yes, writing for me is the same. I need to carry a small booklet and pen with me so when the "urge" hits, I can "take care of business." OMG... I'm still laughing. This is GREAT.

  • Leslie Writes4 months ago

    šŸ¤£ This is a riot, but it makes so much sense. My favorite part - ā€œ I want to devote an entire year to embracing my intuition and just letting things happen when they want to, rather than trying to strategically control every aspect of my life.ā€ YES!

  • Hayley Matto4 months ago

    Fun way to paint this struggle(s). I to am trying to embrace the "moment it strikes" urge and word vomit into my notes app, napkin or whatever I have around me, this year. Awesome piece, congrats on TS!

  • Raymond G. Taylor4 months ago

    Great comparison to make. As with one, so with the other, go with the flow. Congrats on the TS

  • G. Douglas Kerr4 months ago

    Favorite line in the piece: "Is the shit on the page good? No, but it's there." I struggle with this regularly/regularity and love your take on it. Thank you for sharing.

  • Amethyst Champagne4 months ago

    I loved your story! And I can relate to both struggles.

  • Naomi Gold4 months ago

    This is why I love your writing so much. Your voice is so strong, clear, and original. No one else couldā€™ve wrote this. And I adore the analogy. Iā€™m someone who doesnā€™t get ā€˜backed upā€™ with writerā€™s block, and itā€™s because I do precisely what youā€™ve outlined here. This was insightful and fun, my favorite combination as a reader.

  • Suze Kay4 months ago

    Ariel, TMI warning: I also have a very shy colon, which makes travel a nightmare and also means I never poop in public spaces. (Funnily enough, my writing loves both!) Iā€™ve been habitually constipated for my whole life. In desperation, I turned to what I call ā€œpoop teaā€ which is tea with a laxative effect. Itā€™s been very helpful lol and is caffeine free! My fave is the horribly named ā€œskinny teaā€ from Davidā€™s tea. Wishing you an easy go with it, on the page and in the bowl lmao

  • Kendall Defoe 4 months ago

    Was it wise to read this with my first cup of coffee? Hmm... šŸ˜Ž

  • kp4 months ago

    ha! spectacularly done. i couldn't agree with you more; the gentle and compassionate approach to writing (or pooping) is best for the body and mind. keeping it relaxed is a challenge, but i'm excited to see the (written) results of your efforts. thanks for sharing this!

  • D. J. Reddall4 months ago

    This gives fresh salience to the concept of writer's block.

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