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What Is Love ?

What Is Love ?

By SHOZIB RAIHANPublished about a month ago 3 min read
What Is Love ?
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Love means living in someone's good. What does it mean to live well? Very easy! It means, to want his good, to see his good, that he may live well, to desire it from the heart, to wish for his welfare, to show his good points to the eye; Even, to be able to accept the person as he is. Being able to accept him even if he puts the whole world aside.

To love someone means, whether we find that person in this life or not, to love him; Make him feel good in your presence. All your love for a person who doesn't feel good thinking about you or feeling good in your presence is worthless. Yes, this is love. Let's say, someone we love, we have a love relationship with him. At some point we broke up, then love is lost!? Is the person you love ever lost from life? No, it is not possible at all. Because when we love Him, when we say it with the purest faith, it comes from the heart. That thing is a holy feeling, a pure feeling.

Love is the strongest feeling in this world. Whether we get him or not, there is no reason to lose that love. I love him but I feel a kind of strength in me and because of this strength I keep myself well, I want him well, I like to see him well. Even, she is not with me, she may be with some other man, but if she is good with that man, I like to see that too. The person who is with him, then we wish that person well, we wish that person prosperity. If that man is good, he can keep my love good. So I want that person to be well too.

Love is a selfless thing, an innocent feeling. There is no demand here. It is good if you find the person you love, but if you don't find it, love definitely lasts. Maybe, love doesn't last, relationship doesn't last; But love endures. One who is once loved, never thinks of harming him, never has any bad thoughts about him. So love is always fresh, always present.

I loved someone; Eight years ago today. In fact, it was not correct to say "loved"; Had to say: I love someone. Because in these eight years I have never had contact with him, have not spoken. But I still wish him well from the bottom of my heart. When I pray, her words come to my mind and I want her to be well, her body to be healthy, her mind to be healthy, her life to be beautiful---these things work in me and in all those who truly love. works The person who doesn't know I love him, I pray for him every day! I could never express my love for fear of misunderstanding because I love him. The person I love does not love me, that can also be accepted; But it is very difficult to accept that the person I love misunderstands me.

This love thing is an intense, sometimes mild emotional feeling, nothing more. Love has nothing to do with whether I found him there or not. Even, from his side...I love him even if I get love, I love him even if I don't---that kind of thing. If it happens that I did not find anyone, and the love for him is lost, then in that case it is not love. It's just love.

Not all relationships are love. Love is a little higher, a little higher. Love never depends on timing, demand, calculation, presence-absence. Love is a pure feeling of the heart, which automatically lives in pure feeling forever. Even if you don't find someone, your love for him never ends, never gets lost. It persists. Remembering his words, the mind smiles, the lips smile, the eyes smile, and that smile for a long time spreads deep tranquility in all the senses.


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