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Redemption Of Drowning 4

4Collaboration/ Chapter4/with Denise E Lindquist and Mother Combs

By Mariann CarrollPublished 5 months ago Updated 5 months ago 3 min read
Redemption Of Drowning 4
Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

Redemption of Drowning, Chapter 4

Written By: Mariann Carroll, Mother Combs, Denise E Lindquist and Randy Wayne Jellison-Knocks

Paul Willaims got stranded on an island but has no idea how he got there. He has a feeling he is not in his own body. In his isolation, he thought of his family. Are they looking for him?

So Paul gathered items he thought he would need to build him a fishing rod. But when he went to use the knife his wife, Judy had given him, he found that all he had was a ratty Buck knife in his pocket. That’s when he noticed that he was wearing jeans instead of the pants he customarily wore. But it was when he saw the cheap gold ring on his finger in place of the beautiful wedding ring that his wife had given him that he freaked out.

“What the fuck is going on here!!” He screamed at no one in particular. He was here on this island with someone else's belongings.

He knew he had to leave the island; the sooner, the better. So, while he concentrated on survival, he planned to escape from his prison. He set up a signal fire on the beach, prepared it to be lit at a moment's notice, and began work on a raft to sail off the coast with if it came down to it.

He worked as long as there was light to work, then he would sit on the beach and watch for the lights of ships, hoping to see one in the distance. Then he would sleep and get up the next morning and start again. He did this for days, not knowing exactly how long he was on the island before he finished his raft.

When the raft was completed, he looked for something to use for paddles and was pleased with his luck. He found two plastic paddles washed ashore that would be perfect for him. So he decided that he would spend the day looking for food to get off this island with tomorrow.

When he was home and rested, he planned on looking up his ex-girlfriend, Teresa, and thanking her for all the survival skills she had taught him when they were dating. He found that this whole escapade was making him miss her all the more, and he wished he’d married her instead.

He must look for some food. Paul thought of his relationship with Teresa. He thought of how she taught him how to fish without a fishing rod. She was an amazing woman. Why did she pick that other guy?

Oh, he knew why. That guy had been such a hot mess. No one liked him. She felt sorry for him, thought she might be able to save him from himself. He wasn't even particularly good looking. But she went so far as to marry him. He grumbled over how well that worked out.

Paul walked to the water and found a fish trap someone put in the water. Was it him? In the trap there was a large fish. That fish will make a good meal and maybe he can smoke the rest for another meal. How long had he been here was his question and will get back home?


When Danny got home looking like Paul Williams. It confused the hell out of Terese. She starting thinking of the relationship she had with the real Paul Williams. He was good nature and kind.

Danny had to come along and ruin her attraction she had for Paul. Danny was great at using words without any action behind them.

The real Paul was more showing his caring ways with action. He would always make sure Teresa was well taken care of. If it was cold he would put the heater on in his truck. He would let her used his coat even if he would be cold. He would remember special dates and bring little cute gifts, that Teresa mention she liked.

Teresa still have the Bonsai tree that Paul give her seven years ago as a apartment warming present. When they first dated, Teresa mentioned she always wanted a miniature tree. Paul bought a book on how to take care of it.

Paul and Teresa had lots fond memories of going camping together. That was when Teresa thought Paul fishing.

“Hello Teresa , back to earth woman!!!” The Danny snapping his fingers trying to get Teresa attention who was in her own thoughts.

Special thanks goes out to Sharon, Denise and Randy for Collaborating with me on this story prompt. Chapter 4 was made possible by their writing expertise.

Stay tune for the next Chapter in the coming days. I never know who will be collaborating with this Redemption Of Drowning prompt story. I am so grateful for all these kind writers who made my dream come true. 🥰🥰🥰


About the Creator

Mariann Carroll

Proactive for positive change.Born in the City of Chicago ,Illinois.

Multi race .Studied in a foreign country .Fluent in several languages .

fascinated by diversity.A Romantic and a dreamer.Interest in healthy living

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  • The Invisible Writer3 months ago

    This story just keeps twisting and turning

  • Thavien Yliaster5 months ago

    Paul's in Danny's body. How come the first thing nobody in the series does is notice their hands, arms, legs, and feet? Paul was keen to notice the pants that he's wearing, but why not take a good look at his body to see if he's different. Especially since he woke up on an island, a general assessment would be wise. Here's where inconsistencies through me for a loop. Paul starts gathering items after noticing he's not wearing the same pants. Why doesn't he notice the ring on his finger, the color of his hands and arms, or the size of his fingers and palms and wrists and arms as he's gathering items? Heck, if he's gathering items he'd probably see his own shoes or feet by now and notice that something's not write. Yet, like Danny, it takes him forever to notice. Then again, I guess that is a consistent theme with this story, over its chapters. It's almost as if Danny and Paul have been given this personal lack of self-awareness. You'd figured that Paul would at least look into the water and see his own reflection noticing that he was different, or be able to see a bit of his reflection in his wedding ring that's not the ring Judy gave him. Where were Danny and Paul fishing? Saltwater or Freshwater? I'd find it hard to believe that Paul's surviving on a saltwater island out in the ocean, especially if there's no way for him to get freshwater. Unless it was raining a bit frequently Paul would've dehydrated and fast. Humans typically only last 3 days before dehydration takes its turn for the worst. It's well established that Teresa taught Paul a bunch if survival skills, in particular to fishing. Yet, why is Paul's first inclination to visit Teresa, a married woman, when Paul can go home to his own wife? Wouldn't most married men want to visit their wife and family before they go and visit an estranged ex-lover/girlfriend/boyfriend? If Paul's been out and away, I'm gonna have to assume that his loins are burning up a storm, just waiting to get back to his wife. Most sailors tend to. Heck, just look at the baby boom after WW2. "HONEY, I'M HOME!" Though. To their credit, they also didn't have as many TV programs back then. Back to Paul, he knows that Teresa's also married to Danny, that Paul knows is a piece of work. So, why would Paul even want to throw himself into a mix of potential trouble with another husband that he knows about but based upon this story it seems that he has never personally met? Based upon the story, we've also not seen any reason why Paul would want to see Teresa before Judy. Judy did buy Paul a nice fancy wedding ring after all. From what's been provided it just makes sense to me that Paul would go and rest up with his wife 1st, and maybe call up Teresa to go out to brunch or something. Also, Teresa trying to fix a guy is a tale as old as time. Instead of appreciating the diamond that she has she'd rather try to make shine what she thinks is this diamond in the rough that's barely even onyx, Danny's probably just a lump of coal and no amount of pressure applied would ever make him become a better person. He's lost countless jobs, has a proceeding reputation for abusing Teresa, and is just shown to be a piece of work in general. I'mma say that Teresa doesn't need Danny's supporting raising their child, as he'd probably traumatize their child, but that Teresa only needs Danny to pay child support. I wonder how bad Paul and Judy's relationship is if Paul's first thought is visiting Teresa. What kind of choppy waters has Paul been sailing that'll make him go back to chase a woman that didn't recognize him for the value that he is, had, before she left him for Danny? I get wanting to thank her, but Paul's got so many barriers that spell out red flags. Heck, is he even sure that Teresa wants to see him again? Everybody here has some red flags in one way or another.

  • Tiffany Gordon 5 months ago

    Fabulous work as usual everyone! Can't wait 4 the next one!

  • Thanks for the invite to participate, Mariann! I'm enjoying this story a whole lot.

  • Ah okay, so Paul is stranded on an island in Danny's body and Danny is back home with Teresa in Paul's body. I wonder what would happen next. Can't wait!

  • Clyde E. Dawkins5 months ago

    Loved this so much!!

  • Mother Combs5 months ago

    This has been fun <3

  • L.C. Schäfer5 months ago

    So glad we got a nosey at what Paul was up to! He seems like a resourceful chap.

  • Babs Iverson5 months ago

    Fabulous chapter!!! ❤️❤️💕

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