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My vocal goals

for 2024 and beyond

By Jeremy WhitePublished 5 months ago 3 min read
My vocal goals
Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

My first and most important goal to me is to get a top story. That has been my goal from the start. It doesn't matter to me whether it is a fiction or non-fiction story. I have a feeling it will be a nonfiction story. I have several non-fiction stories written that are in the style of other top stories. I just have to type and publish them. I would love the exposure people get for having a top story. I know I am a good writer. I have stories that have done well. I just can't figure out how to get a top story.

My second goal is to place in a challenge. I would be happy with a runner up win. I did win a free year of Vocal when they had that contest. The funny thing about that submission is that it was the first story I ever wrote not just for Vocal but ever. I think it will be either something nonfiction or a poem that I place for. The dream would be to get a fiction place in a challenge.

My third goal is to be more involved. By this I mean reading more stories and commenting on them. I have been really bad about this. My goal is not only read the top stories but to read people's stories that are like mine. I have stories that have a few hundred reads and some that have no reads. I want to be the person that gives them a read and an encouraging comment. My goal is to read at least ten stories or poems a month.

My fourth goal is to publish at least one poem and one story or article a month. I want to get back to my roots, which are poems. I didn't start writing stories and articles until I got on Vocal. This may be a hard one because I usually only write poems when something happens, or I need to get something off my chest, or I need to be emotional. I do have one poem written and a bunch of articles written. Maybe that should be another goal to actually type and publish everything I have written.

My fifth goal is to reach at least 750 views. This should be easy if I am publishing at least one poem and one story or article a month. I am 54 views away. I am hoping to get a top story that helps me reach this goal.

Another will be to win each of the weekly challenges at least once. I think me being more active and engaged will help with this goal.

My last goal will be the hardest one for me. I want to get at least one view on every story and poem I have published. Not sure how to do that on the older stories. I can try to put them in a challenge, but I do not know where I could post them to get views. I could try the discord channel.

Another goal is to enter more challenges. I would like to enter the ones that are difficult to me. Like most of the poem challenges. I would like to enter at least one challenge a month. Hopefully it will be more.

A bonus goal will be to publish in different categories. There are so many, and it will help me write different kinds of stories. There are some categories that I think would really challenge me. One of those would be the Filthy category. Some I don't think I would be able to write for is Marriage, maybe Potent because I have never done any drugs, and Styled because I have none.


About the Creator

Jeremy White

I am from a small town. I have grown up surrounded by woods. I love to Write. I started out with poems. I did not start writing stories until I joined vocal. Writing stories is really fun. I have a Bachelors in Psychology.

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  • Babs Iverson5 months ago

    Fantastic goals!!! Left a heart ♥

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