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My Favorite Season Of The Year

I live in a place with four distinct seasons most years.

By Denise E LindquistPublished 2 months ago 3 min read
My Favorite Season Of The Year
Photo by Daniel Olah on Unsplash

What season do you enjoy the most and why? Rupi Kaur Gratitude Writing Prompts

In 2012 my husband retired and we moved up north and into farm country. We are not farmers. A small vegetable garden some years is as far as that goes and a few spots for flowers with both annuals and perennials. A farmer takes haybales from the field.

Summer is gorgeous, like all the beauty in gardens and nature. I enjoy how green it gets driving down the road. The leaves on the trees are full and just great. When you live in the country there is a lot of driving and enjoyment of the countryside.

My love is up north. I lived much of my life in rural Minnesota and prefer it. It is not all bright and lovely. I tease my husband saying we are swamp people and that he brought me to swamp country. Once all of this county was underwater I'm told.

Minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes after all. Just great in my mind. I love being by the water and in the water in the summer.

One thing about being swamp people is that it can mean too many mosquitos. And this year it is too early to be a high-fire area now but that is where we are as there is not enough water. The lakes and rivers are low. My father-in-law used to say, it will catch up. No worries.

Some of us are worried.

Our weather this year has been weird. Our year has been long fall, (last year it was a long winter) then short winter, spring, summer, short winter, spring, summer sometimes all in the same couple of weeks.

Summer is too short, I think. I'm sure school kids think that too.

Fall is beautiful here. When the leaves turn there are enough maple trees that are a gorgeous red color, then the other colors that go along. All shades of leaves turn and then fall to the ground, leaving the trees with their branches only.

It is a good thing we have so many different pines that don't change color. Fall is a favorite season too. We have Halloween and Thanksgiving, school starts and kids are back to school. Fall is not long enough.

How can I grumble about winter, as I think it is so beautiful with the frost on the trees? A winter wonderland picture is what is out the window in my world. Snowmen and women, snow sculptures, snowmobile riding. Hot chocolate is good in fall and winter in Minnesota.

My children and I used to look forward to downhill skiing. My favorite was in the evening overlooking Lake Superior, coming down a hill lined with evergreens on both sides. Just a nice snowplow down the hill watching the moon above the lake. Beautiful.

We are in spring now. It is so cool to watch the buds on the trees. To see so many critters in the ditch and running through the field or eating in the field. To watch as the grass is starting to turn green.

There was still an occasional clump of snow in the shaded areas. How can that be when the temperature has been in the 50s and 60s? The hubby has ridden his motorcycle for two different weeks already. It could have been done in the city as they are a good 10 degrees warmer.

We do work at the cemetery, cleaning and planting hardier plants that can be out on Memorial Day. Sometimes it is best to put out the artificial ones.

Our snowbird friends return to Minnesota in the Spring. It is fun catching up and spending time with some of them.

Then in the spring we look forward to warmer weather again to plant flowers around our house. We see plants start to grow that come up yearly. Spring begins the time for riding a motorcycle, camping, and being outdoors.

How do people choose a favorite season? If I had to it would have to be whatever season I am in and right now it is Spring. I guess I have to say that my favorite season is all of them for different reasons.

Writing ExercisePromptsLife

About the Creator

Denise E Lindquist

I am married with 7 children, 27 grands, and 12 great-grandchildren. I am a culture consultant part-time. I write A Poem a Day in February for 8 years now. I wrote 4 - 50,000 word stories in NaNoWriMo. I write on Vocal/Medium weekly.

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  • Flamance @ lit.about a month ago

    Wow this is so amazing job

  • Shirley Belk2 months ago

    Love reading your stories....I feel like I'm visiting you

  • Hahahhahaha I cannot choose a favourite season because here in Malaysia, it's hot all year round. 12 months of summer but sometimes there are rainy seasons. But that's about it. I enjoyed reading this!

  • Andrea Corwin 2 months ago

    An Illinois born here (but long time WA resident) - when. I moved to WA I joked that I never saw one lake driving across MN!!

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