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Winter Woes: Troubleshooting BMW Heating System Issues From Certified Mechanics in St Marys

BMW Heating System Issues

By Royalty Auto ServicePublished 9 months ago 3 min read

There are certain parts in your BMW whose usage is limited to specific periods and one such part is the heating system which is mostly used to beat the winter chill & make the interiors of your cabin comfortable. But what if your heating system malfunctions when you need it the most during the biting cold?

There is nothing to worry about as we are going to discuss some tips shared with us by the certified mechanics in St Marys which will help you troubleshoot your heating system issues.

Add Some Coolant

Most drivers are surprised dot hear that the problems with the functioning of the heating system in their BMW might be caused due to inadequate levels of coolant in the car. The coolant not only prevents the engine of your car from overheating by circulating through it but also helps in the functioning of the heating system.

The heat absorbed by the coolant when it circulates through the engine is the primary source of warm air that you receive when you turn on the heater of your car. Most of the time it is seen that low levels of coolant fail to provide you with the desired warm air when you turn on the heater of your vehicle.

Moreover, if there is a problem with the circulation of coolant throughout the engine, then also you will witness problems with the functioning of the heating system because unless the coolant is heated enough it won’t provide you with warm air. That is why you must inspect the coolant level & if it is low, then you need to top it up.

Tackle Issues with the Heater Core

The heater core is one of the most important parts of the heating system in your high-end BMW. The majority of times it is seen that issues with the functioning of the heater core are the most common reason behind malfunctioning of the heating system in your BMW.

There are several issues that can play spoilsport with the working of your heater core starting from the coolant being unable to enter the heater core to air from the blower motor finding it difficult to reach the heater core. Furthermore, there are instances where clogging of the heater core tubing also leads to malfunctioning of the heating system.

The heater of your car is made up of brass or aluminium tubing and this tubing helps in transporting the hot coolant to your heater core where fans help in dissipating the heat from the heated coolant. If you find that there is an adequate level of coolant in your car, then it is the heater core that is faulty.

Now, dealing with problems in the heater core requires adequate knowledge & you must get in touch with a BMW specialist who can help inspect the heater core & fix it accordingly.

Addressing Leaks

Another leading cause behind the malfunctioning of the heating system in your BMW is related to leaks in the car. The heating system works in tandem with many other parts of your car like the radiator & the water pump which helps in the circulation of the coolant.

Now, many drivers are baffled to learn that problems with the radiator or water pump do have a bearing on the functioning of the heating system of their BMW. Well, it all comes down to the efficient circulation of the coolant in your car.

Most of the time leaks in the hoses connecting the radiator or the heater core let the coolant escape out of the vehicle. Most of the time drivers come across puddling of coolant or water underneath their car & if it happens during the failure of the heating system, then there is a leak somewhere in your BMW that needs to be identified by an ASE-certified mechanic & fixed immediately.

Inspect the Thermostat

The thermostat often causes the heating system to fail unexpectedly without any warning. The thermostat needs to function properly for the coolant to pass through it. However, if the thermostat remains stuck open or stuck close, then you will experience problems in your heating system.

Moreover, diagnosing problems with the thermostat is not at all an easy task & you shouldn’t attempt it on your own because you might end up causing additional damage. You need to rope in a qualified technician to address issues with your faulty thermostat.


The above-discussed factors are some of the ways to tackle the malfunctioning of the heating system in your BMW. The problems with the functioning of the heating system of your high-end car can be prevented to a great extent if you are proactive in maintaining your BMW as per the manufacturer-recommended maintenance schedule of the car.


About the Creator

Royalty Auto Service

At Royalty Auto Service, we are taking care of your car and perform routine maintenance with our certified technicians. All of our technicians are providing complete maintenance of all car models such as, hybrid models & European models.

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