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How to get to Hua Hin

Discover some sound tips on how to get to this irresistible town

By Gabriel AnthonyPublished 6 months ago 3 min read
Ian Gratton from Sutton-n-Craven, North Yorkshire, England, Hua Hin railway station (8289439958), CC BY 2.0

A small coastal town lying about 200 km south of Bangkok, Hua Hun holds a lot of charm for beach lovers making visitors as well as loads of residents from Bangkok use this as a weekend getaway. Apart from the beaches and associated watersports, the picturesque landscape and historical attractions entice visitors. There are various options for visitors to get to Hua Hin considering where you are travelling from etc. Discover some sound tips on how to get to this irresistible town.

Travelling by Air

Although there is an airstrip in Hua Hin, it is used for private flights that arrive in Hua Hin. There are no scheduled flights from other parts of Thailand to Hua Hin at present. Therefore, other options by road or rail must be used.

Travelling by taxi from Bangkok

Visitors choose to arrive at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport, as it is the main city with an international airport closest to Hua Hin. They may also opt to spend a few days in Bangkok and proceed to Hua Hin too. For these visitors using an airport taxi to get to Hua Hin is a good choice although it comes at a price. As Taxis are not metered out of the city limits agree on the fare before you board the taxi. This taxi journey takes about 3 hours approximately considering the traffic on the way.

These airport taxi services are relied on by most visitors using hotels in Hua Hin as they arrive at the hotel faster thereby saving on the time spent on the road. These rides are air-conditioned and comfortable, hence mostly preferred when visitors come in a group or as a family.

Airport Bus Service

A private operator provides direct bus services between Suvarnabhumi Airport and Hua Hin and is another option for visitors arriving from Bangkok to get to the downtown area. This service is even used by visitors who have already stayed a few days in Bangkok to visit Hua Hin as getting to the airport to board the airport bus is easy using the Skytrain and Metro services in the capital city.

The rate for this service is much lower than the taxi fare and the service can be booked at their counter at the airport or booked ahead online. (using the Bell Travel Service website) The ride by Airport Bus is a comfortable one taking approximately 3 hours and is used by many solo visitors and couples using hotels like Anantara Hua Hin. The journey terminates at Hua Hin Airport. A free shuttle service using a mini-van is provided to Central Hua Hin near the clock tower, alternately visitors can use the mini-van to get a drop at the hotel at a charge.

Using Rail Service

Rail service offers a great opportunity to appreciate the landscape that you pass through on your way from Bangkok to Hua Hin which is picturesque, and the railway station is in the centre of the town near the Clock Tower which gives easy access to hotels. As the travel time is longer (approximately 5 hours) this mode must be used if you are spending quite a few days in Hua Hin and are not in a rush as the ride provides a unique countryside experience for the price paid.

Although there are regular ordinary rail services between Bangkok and Hua Hin which are quite cheap, they may not be comfortable for some visitors, as the carriages are not air-conditioned, and no seat reservation is possible you need to obtain the ticket when you come for the journey.

The special express rail services between the two cities are sought after by some visitors as the seat number is assigned as you book, the carriages are air-conditioned, and the snacks and water provided by the trolley service are included in the train fare you pay.

Using regular Bus Service

Most of the buses plying this route from Bangkok operate from the Southern Bus Terminal in Bangkok and regular services are operated every half an hour throughout the day. The journey time is approximately 3 hours, the buses are air-conditioned, and the fares are cheap making the service attractive for visitors spending longer periods in Thailand to move between Bangkok and Hua Hin. The buses arrive at the town centre near the Clock Tower making it convenient for visitors.


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