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Plane travel

By Andrea Corwin Published 7 months ago 6 min read
(c) Andrea Corwin

This is about a recent airplane flight across the nation.

We have TSA pre-check, so we headed to that security line once we dropped our bags off. A woman who was perhaps five feet tall, a bit further up in the line, kept stopping and giving the Hawaiian hang loose sign to someone not near us.

We had paid for premium class to get a bit more legroom - what it provided for the extra money was a slightly larger seat and a few inches more space.

Cast of Characters:

The beginning of the flight was fine, with four flight attendants, three women and one man. I noticed a strand of pearls outside the buttoned-at-the-neck uniform blouse and matching earrings that one female attendant wore. The second female wore large black chandelier earrings and was quite cheery. The third female was younger and very nice when serving our beverages, laughing if I made a joke. The lead flight attendant, let's call him Big Bill (BB) since he was tall and beefy, made a joke about where we were flying to. Haha, he got the laugh he desired. It is my assumption he was the lead since he spoke over the intercom and spent most of his time in First Class (FC).

Apparently, someone didn't show up for FC, so people who had been "on the list" were in the rows in front of us. One man with a long ponytail almost got moved up. However, the man in front of us informed the crew he was first on the move-up list and showed them on his phone. BB apologized to Pony Tail, and Man In Front moved up. I found it odd that the man next to him didn't move to the aisle seat since it was open; I would have, but perhaps he is the type that, once settled in, is not moving. BB explained they don't know where the "move-ups" are sitting, just that there are some.

A heavy-set woman in a teeshirt tried to go to FC to use the washroom, but BB let her know the restroom was full and she would have to go to the back, which I guess she did. A few hours later, she went up to FC for a restroom break and again later. BB wasn't there to stop her. A woman behind us went up there also. When it was time for us to use the restroom, the young flight attendant said we should go to the back. OK. I need to stretch my legs anyway.

The woman giving the Hang Loose (HL) sign was with a friend in the row right behind First Class (FC). They never quieted down, chatting loudly the whole way and laughing. Big Bill (BB) liked them. He liked them a lot. My husband said they probably flew with him and worked with him. No, I don't think so. Once BB finished serving his clients in FC, he pulled the web curtain back and began his long conversations with them; one was in the window seat, and the HL woman was in the middle. Not sure if the aisle lady was with them or not, but it seemed not.

BB began by telling them they wouldn't get First Class food, but he wanted to show them the "menu" so they could see what they wouldn't get. HaHa. He asked where they were going, filling them in on the entire area and where to eat and drink. That was nice of BB; they took in all his suggestions. When First Class was finished eating, he brought them an FC meal. Wow, BB, so nice of you!!

The man across the aisle was getting a Bloody Mary and putting something in that didn't look like vodka. In the row in front of him was a heavy-set man in dress slacks and shirt with noise-canceling headphones. I elbowed my husband and said, "Look out." I nodded toward the man, sitting in the aisle seat, holding a can of Bloody Mary juice in his left hand, fully asleep. I just knew he was going to spill his drink, and a minute later, he did. His aisle mate gave him napkins, and he kept wiping as much as he could. Then I watched in horror as he picked up his coffee cup, brought it to his lips, and it squirted out all over the front of him. He continued wiping his clothes, trying to get the crew to come over, but I think they were buckled in. He kept falling asleep, which made me wonder if he had narcolepsy. He woke up later in the flight, got another soda, and then fell asleep with the can in his hand.

More Noises

We are hours into the flight with the dry cabin air, all the odors from people and food, all the noise from people talking loudly, and the women in the front laughing with BB and each other. Then I heard crackling noises, like a potato chip bag opening. I was getting edgy and looked at my husband. "Are they rustling a chip bag?" He shrugged and smiled. I imagine myself stepping in front of them, ripping the bag out of their hand, and shouting, "No chips for you! No more noise!"

It wasn't the rustling of a bag. The sound was a super fast shuffle of most likely a new deck of cards. Over and over - whpppppt! thawwwwwptt!

I hadn't brought my noise-canceling headphones because they are bulky.


I didn't wear a mask and now realize it is a good idea to block out odors that are displeasing to my overly sensitive sniffer.

Flying gets you to the destination faster than other methods.

Trade-offs might include cost, heavy traffic to the airport, arising before the sun, bad coffee on the plane, dirty washrooms, long lines to board the plane, noisy passengers, and smelly feet - WAIT, let me stop right there and interject a story within my story.

My daughter flew for work one time and suddenly smelled a revolting odor. She said she kept smelling a sour vinegar smell, and at one point, she felt something touch her left arm! She was sitting in the window seat on the plane's left side. She looked to see what touched her and quickly moved because a passenger's bare foot was there, and then started considering what to say and working up the courage. He moved his foot back and didn’t put it up there again. The nasty, sour smell punished her for the rest of the flight, wafting in and out.

By Alicia Christin Gerald on Unsplash


In 2011, we were flying back from Tanzania - an 18-19 hour flight, not including layovers. We were in a huge plane and ended up in the middle portion with five seats. A family, possibly Dutch, sat down in the row ahead of us. The father was on the aisle, and his son was in front of me. The son was maybe seventeen, tall and lanky. We were exhausted from our trip and ready to be home. Our flight had begun elsewhere, and this was a quick stop to pick up more passengers, this family included. The kid in front of me kept putting his seat back and up, back and up. All right! I had enough, and I stuck my arm straight out and pushed the back of his seat upright. Stunned, he turned to look, as did his father, and my husband leaned forward, glaring at both of them, daring them to say anything. (He is charming and friendly but can also be very intimidating.) The kid didn't adjust his seat again.

By shawnanggg on Unsplash

I don't mind if someone leans back a little. I think it is inconsiderate when someone lies all the way back; no matter if they "paid" for the seat," it is rude - it is shared space and everyone is uncomfortable. I am still astounded that I shoved his seat upright so forcefully. I will say something to people or give them looks, extremely hostile looks to get my point across. However, that is the first time for an action of that sort. So tired, I reacted, which in essence, said, "don't mess with me!"

My question is, who raised ignorant and rude people? Weren't they taught manners at some point? Is anyone with me here?


Back to trade-offs - oh, never mind, I won't list anymore. Flying isn't always fun, but it can definitely get you to the destination quicker.

✈️ 🗺️

humanityhumorfamily travelairlines

About the Creator

Andrea Corwin

🐘Wildlife 🌳 Environment 🥋3rd°

Pieces I fabricate, without A.I. © 2024 Andrea O. Corwin


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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran7 months ago

    Omgggg! I cringed so bad when you said that guy's foot was touching her arm! That's sooo gross! People really need to mind their manners!

  • Mother Combs7 months ago

    I've never flown in a large plane before.

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