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My Only Heroine.

Maybe don't read this if you're not a woman.

By ChloePublished 3 months ago 3 min read
My Only Heroine.
Photo by Josh Applegate on Unsplash

i looked at the new challenge open for women.

it says "highlight a heroine who has inspired you."

it lists people like harriet tubman.

maybe rosa parks?

or... i don't know, ella fitzgerald?

i'm not even sure what she did, but she sure was famous.

but what about people like Mary?

the very woman who bore Jesus Himself?

the woman who as meek and kind and did as the Lord told her? who had not doubt? who submitted to her husband? who gave birth to Christ without refusal? who was free from sin? who was taken up into Heaven before she ever died? to whom Roman Catholics ask divinely to pray for them?

nope. no mention of her.

Not one mention of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who in an impossible way gave birth to the Savior of the world. Nada. She doesn't matter, apparently. She's not a heroine to anyone. Of course, I forgot. Meek women don't get recognized by anyone. Not women who have accomplished something so impossible that half the world does not recognize them. Nope. Because Mary, the absolute Mother of God, to whom we can ask to intercess to the Lord for us, was just another "oppressed character" of "the olden ages."

Yep. Totally. She was "oppressed."

Just like Rahab, who was totally oppressed when she hid the spies in her house to protect them, and so utterly completely "oppressed" when the spies decided to protect her and her family from the incoming army. Yes. Very oppressed.

I'm not putting down actual oppression of women that has taken place during the past centuries, but women in the Bible were not as underdog-like and impractical as us modern people think.

Why can't we look up to Mary, or Rahab, or Mary Magdalene, who was saved from demonic possession by Jesus Himself? No, no, we can't look up to them, because then we would just be being too humble, and women are meant to absolutely show off everything about themselves and then get mad when people look at him like they're crazy.

Keep in mind that I'm being sarcastic here. (if you hadn't realized that by now, you should probably leave.)

Now, I would write about looking up to the Blessed Virgin Mary as an entry (because I myself am a young woman) for this challenge, but I know first and foremost that I would not win, because I am not the type of Christian that wins Challenges, especially when referring to my own beliefs in my writings. Christians don't win anything anymore. There are very few places where all beliefs are accepted.

I don't think that Vocal is one of them.

Maybe not. Maybe it's just me. But I'm not so sure anymore.

I just hope to God that there may be someone, anyone, who has more courage than me and writes about having Mary as a heroine to look up to, to follow in her footsteps. I don't think I'm quite that brave just yet.

I never tend to rant about my beliefs or explain them at all on Vocal, since apparently there is a rule against spreading "dogma." Since I'm not as intelligent in my father in the theological regard, all I can say that is that this is probably the one time that I will ever mention anything about my faith... mostly because I may just actually get kicked off of Vocal for saying what I've said. But I happened to be inspired by another lady who spoke up for her own religion, which... isn't really being a Christian, I guess, since she was constantly cursing everyone out... but still. I suppose you can take inspiration from those kinds of people, too, since they're much braver than us quiet folk.

Anyway, Mary is my heroine. She is who I look up to. I'm not entirely willing to argue with this, but I will take opinions... maybe.

I tend to be petty, occasionally, when referring to some things, so forgive me if my tantrum happened to upset you-- really, do. I'm only so young. And even though I look up to Mary, I'm not very good at being like her just yet.



About the Creator


she’s back.

a prodigious writer at 14, she has just completed a 100,000+ word book and is looking for publishers.

super opinionated.

writes free-verse about annoying people.

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