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Fall in Love with Luvvie: Luvvie Ajayi Jones

How did a young chocolate skin girl raise up in the world?

By Skyler SaundersPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

When you have people like drama-series creator, and showrunner Shonda Rhimes as a supporter and champion of your work, you’ve done something right.

Starting off strong

Luvvie started contributing to a blog in 2003. Within a few months, her work had attracted Rhimes’ attention. In time, Luvvie would build her her own site and become a New York Times best-selling author. She had used her own mind to increase her personal power in the world.

The motivation that took Luvvie from the blog, to the site, to a potential comedy show produced by Rhimes’ company Shondaland,was self-interest.

It was this self-interest that also drove Luvvie to her spectacular success. She has been able to chart her own course in a universe that sometimes throws up obstacles to achievement by black women.

Making ‘her’story

As the first writer to be invited to the National Museum of African American History and Culture, her event sold out in a short time.

By setting an example that black women can do anything, not because they’re black, or women, but because they possess the get-up-and-go to get things done the right way she keeps evolving. Luvvie is an example of a human being with the will to achieve without trampling anyone else. In fact, she was almost trampled on in the press. A news writer had plagiarized her work and refused to admit he was wrong about it.

Now, Luvvie could have fumed and done something irrational. Instead, she plowed forward with her ideas and came out this situation as a savvy businesswoman.

The time Luvvie has to contribute to the “manual” style books demonstrates know-how in the field of empowerment and aligning oneself with worthy ideas. She has repeatedly used her personal power to compose her life intentionally, like a symphony. The beautiful music the world hears conveys the message “I’ve got this.”

It takes an individual

In a culture wrought with crises, she seems to overcome these maladies in the body of society with coolness and aplomb. She advocates for everyone to use their whole minds to advance themselves. It takes an individual, not a village for young people to grow up and achieve their dreams.

Luvvie constructs a framework for the creator to luxuriate in his or her own opportunities, to build on their abilities, and make their lives better. She wants a world free from fear and danger. If one faces peril, she wants them to have the courage to face such hazards. Luvvie wishes to view a world devoid of the rancor and ugliness that seems to permeate through the culture.

With her products of the mind (site, books, podcast) she has carved out a lane to generate considerable income for herself while creating a platform to a cause that she cares about in this life.

Philosopher Dr. Leonard Peikoff said “To save the world is the simplest thing in the world. All one has to do is think.” Luvvie has figured this out. She has used her brainpower to help change her own world and make it all the brighter.

A full and rich existence

When she took the leap from blog, to site, to books and speaking engagements, she had to recognize her own worth. She had to assess her own placement in the world and to value herself before anyone else could. Declaring oneself worthy of life is the starting point for a full and rich existence.

What Luvvie continues to do is show herself to be able to double or even triple her worth based on her own ideals. She has been able to advance in this life due to her resiliency and supreme effort. May she forever go down as one of the most productive individuals in any field.


About the Creator

Skyler Saunders

I’ve been writing since I was five-years-old. I didn’t have a wide audience until I was nine. If you enjoy my work feel free to like but also never hesitate to share. Thank you for your patronage. Take care.


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