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White House Denounces 'Dangerous and Extreme' Holocaust Comments on Fox News

The White House expressed strong condemnation towards Fox News on Tuesday.

By Zeeshan MayPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

The White House expressed strong condemnation towards Fox News on Tuesday, in response to remarks made by one of its top hosts regarding the Holocaust. The comments were labeled as a "terrible, dangerous, and extreme lie" that deeply "disrespects the memory of the millions who suffered under Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime."

The controversial statements were made by prime time host Greg Gutfeld during a discussion on "The Five" about Florida's new Black history standards, which now include teaching students about the skills slaves developed for their own benefit. Jessica Tarlov, a liberal-leaning co-host on the show, openly criticized the new history standards and questioned whether similar arguments would ever be made in relation to the Holocaust.

Tarlov, who identified herself as Jewish, asked whether anyone would claim that there were benefits for Jews during the Holocaust, such as learning a strong work ethic or acquiring new skills while in concentration camps.

Gutfeld responded by mentioning the book "Man's Search for Meaning," authored by psychiatrist Viktor Frankl, who himself survived the Holocaust and documented the atrocities endured in concentration camps. In his book, Frankl highlighted how individuals can find meaning and cope with suffering even in the most horrific circumstances.

Gutfeld argued that survival in concentration camps required having useful skills, emphasizing the importance of utility in staying alive. However, this statement sparked immediate criticism, including from the Auschwitz Memorial, which emphasized that being skilled or useful did not spare Jewish people from the horrors of the gas chambers.

By Ian MacDonald on Unsplash

In the wake of the controversy, the White House publicly criticized Fox News for not condemning Gutfeld's comments. Andrew Bates, the deputy White House press secretary, expressed that the network's silence on the matter was an "obscenity." He further emphasized that defending such a terrible lie insulted the memory of both the millions of Americans who suffered from slavery and the millions who suffered under the Holocaust. Bates asserted that there was unequivocally nothing good about either slavery or the Holocaust, and that the American people deserved truth and the freedom to learn, rejecting any notion of book bans and deception.

Despite requests for comment, Fox News did not respond through their spokesperson. The network has been under scrutiny in recent years for promoting extreme rhetoric, with the Anti-Defamation League sharply criticizing the network for mainstreaming fringe ideas. During Donald Trump's presidency, Fox News was accused of propagating right-wing propaganda and conspiracy theories, including spreading dangerous falsehoods about the legitimacy of the 2020 election.

Notably, Fox News recently unveiled a revamped prime time lineup, featuring a bloc of pro-Trump hosts, with Gutfeld taking the helm at the 10 p.m. ET hour, following the unexpected firing of Tucker Carlson earlier in the year. These events have raised concerns about the network's role in disseminating divisive content and misinformation.

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Zeeshan May

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