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The Six Rs Approach to Azure App Modernization Strategy

Know the 6Rs of Azure application modernization strategy

By Ryan WilliamsonPublished 3 months ago 3 min read

In the ever-moving world of technology, change is perpetual and quick at that. This means businesses are left quite vulnerable to its currents -- well, that is, unless they actively evolve themselves. This is especially important for the applications that play a fundamental role in their operations. While these apps may have once been state-of-the-art solutions, they may now show signs of aging, such as outdated features, sluggish performance, and increased security risks. Suffice it to say that recognizing the need for modernization is one thing; knowing where to start and how to ensure effectiveness in such efforts can be quite overwhelming.

So, folks, in this blog, I shall endeavor to provide a roadmap of sorts with the 6Rs of Azure application modernization strategy. We will first discuss what Azure application modernization is and then move on to a structured discussion about the 6Rs framework of Azure app modernization.

What is Azure Application Modernization?

It is the process of revitalizing a current app hosted on Microsoft's Azure cloud platform. To what end? Well, the idea is to ensure that these refreshed apps align with a company's present business requirements. Modernization encompasses different strategies, such as transferring apps from on-premises servers to the cloud, optimizing code to enhance performance and security, etc.

6Rs of Azure Application Modernization: An Overview

  • Rehost: Rehosting, also known as Lift and Shift, is the quickest and most straightforward approach for Azure app modernization. You see, this approach involves migrating the current app right to the Azure cloud environment, and that too, without major changes to the code. This method ensures speedy migration and is well-suited for apps that need scalability and cost-effectiveness.
  • Replatform: It is another key approach to Azure application modernization, involves shifting the existing app to Azure while potentially re-tuning the underlying infrastructure. This might mean changing from traditional virtual machines to Azure App Service, a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering. Replatforming offers advantages like versatility and automated patching, though it may also require some code changes to guarantee integration with the new environment.
  • Refactor: This strategy involves an extensive assessment of the app's codebase, focusing on enhancements such as performance optimization, better security measures, etc. As part of this approach, the code undergoes precise adjustments to address these areas of improvement while still maintaining the core functionality. Refactoring is advantageous for applications that function effectively but need improvement in performance, security, etc.
  • Re-architect: This app modernization approach entails an extensive transformation of the app by fundamentally redesigning its architecture to ensure it benefits from the entire potential of the Azure cloud platform. This could involve using modern architectural paradigms such as microservices, serverless functions, containerization, etc. While re-architecting delivers massive benefits in scalability, agility, and cost efficiency, it does also necessitate major development efforts and a comprehensive grasp of cloud-native principles.
  • Rebuild: When you choose to rebuild an app, it would be beneficial only when the existing app is either outdated or severely deficient in basic features. As the name suggests, this approach involves starting afresh, using modern tools, frameworks, programming languages, and cloud-native development methodologies.
  • Replace: In some situations, the best path to modernization may involve completely replacing your application, especially if a SaaS solution can meet the company's needs. However, this approach demands careful evaluation of the existing data and potential hurdles in data migration.

Final Words

Folks, eventually, the choice of which "R" strategy to use when modernizing your Azure app will depend on your careful evaluation of your company's specific situation and needs. Make sure to consider factors such as budget, technical expertise, desired outcomes, etc.


About the Creator

Ryan Williamson

A professional & security-oriented programmer having more than 6 years of experience in designing, implementing, testing & supporting mobile apps developed. Being techno geek, I love to read & share about the latest updates in technology.

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