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Sixteen Political Types

political typology

By ANTICHRIST SUPERSTARPublished 12 months ago Updated 11 months ago 7 min read


1. ILSP (Individualist, Left-wing, Self-governing/libertarian, Populist):

ILSP represents a political type characterized by a combination of individualistic and libertarian principles, a left-wing ideological stance, a belief in self-governance, and a populist orientation. Figures like Yuval Noah Harari, George Orwell, Oksana Zabuzhko, Courtney Love, Lou Reed, David Lynch, Mircea Cărtărescu, Michel Gondry, Charles Ives, Roland Orzabal, Tulsi Gabbard, Sylvester Yarychevsky, Georges Bataille, Sergei Dovlatov, Jim Carrey, Krzysztof Komeda, Sylvia Plath, and Diogenes of Sinope align with this type to varying degrees. They emphasize personal freedom, artistic expression, social justice, and a desire to challenge established power structures. They generally advocate for individual autonomy, grassroots participation, and championing the rights and concerns of the common people.

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2. ILSE (Individualist, Left-wing, Self-governing/libertarian, Elitist):

ILSE (Individualist, Left-wing, Self-governing, Elitist) represents a political type characterized by a combination of individualistic values, a left-wing ideological stance, a belief in self-governance, and an elitist orientation. Figures like Virginia Woolf, Frida Kahlo, Arthur Schopenhauer, George Bernard Shaw, Eduard Bernstein, Roman Polanski, Marilyn Manson, Lars von Trier, Trent Reznor, Michael Harrington, and Sarah Slean align with this type to varying degrees. They often emphasize personal freedom, artistic expression, and progressive social values, while also maintaining a sense of intellectual and cultural superiority.

3. CLSE (Collectivist, Left-wing, Self-governing/libertarian, Elitist):

The CLSE (Collectivist, Left-wing, Self-governing/libertarian, Elitist) political type encompasses individuals who advocate for collective, social, and economic justice, while also valuing individual autonomy and personal freedom. Figures like Sadhguru, Joe Biden, Vaush, Destiny, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bill Weintraub (Man2Man Alliance), and Justin Trudeau align with this type. They emphasize the importance of addressing systemic inequalities and upliftment of marginalized groups, often promoting progressive policies and social reforms. They believe in the empowerment of individuals through self-governance and self-realization, aiming to create a society where all individuals can thrive. While occupying positions of authority and influence, they advocate for a more inclusive and equitable society, seeking to balance elitist leadership with the collective well-being of the people.

By Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

4. CLSP (Collectivist, Left-wing, Self-governing/libertarian, Populist):

CLSP (Collectivist, Left-wing, Self-governing/libertarian, Populist) represents a political type characterized by a combination of collectivist and left-wing principles, a belief in self-governance and individual freedoms, and a populist orientation. Figures like Mahatma Gandhi, Kyle Kulinski, Gore Vidal, Alice Walker, Voltaire, Victor Hugo, Leo Tolstoy, Erich Fromm, Ivan Franko, Subcomandante Marcos (former leader of Zapatista Army of National Liberation), Chapo Trap House, and Jagmeet Singh align with this type. They advocate for social justice, equality, and the rights of the common people. They emphasize the importance of community, grassroots movements, and participatory democracy. While some may lean more towards self-governance and libertarian ideals than others, they all share a common commitment to empowering the masses and challenging established institutions to achieve social change.


5. IRAP (Individualist, Right-wing, Authoritarian, Populist):

The IRAP political type, encompassing Individualist, Right-wing, Authoritarian, and Populist tendencies, finds representation in figures such as Ron DeSantis, Richard Wagner, Eduard Limonov, Xenophon, Chris Christie, Tucker Carlson, Leopoldo Lugones, and Kanye West. These individuals embody a combination of individualistic and right-wing principles while advocating for strong authority and appealing to the sentiments of the common people. They often emphasize the preservation of cultural identity, traditional values, and a strong sense of national or community belonging.

6. IRAE (Individualist, Right-wing, Authoritarian, Elitist):

The IRAE political type, encompassing Individualist, Right-wing, Authoritarian, and Elitist elements, finds representation in figures such as Azealia Banks, Julius Evola, Yukio Mishima, George S. Patton, Friedrich Nietzsche, Bronze Age Pervert, Leni Riefenstahl, Martin Heidegger, Ezra Pound, Salvador Dalí, Emmanuel Macron, and Clarence Thomas. These individuals embrace individualistic and right-wing ideologies while advocating for strong authority and hierarchical structures. They often prioritize the preservation of traditional values and the pursuit of excellence, emphasizing the role of elite individuals in guiding society. It's worth noting that political categorizations can be nuanced, and individuals may display a range of beliefs and actions that may not neatly align with a single category.

By Steve Barker on Unsplash

7. CRAE (Collectivist, Right-wing, Authoritarian, Elitist):

CRAE (Collectivist, Right-wing, Authoritarian, Elitist) represents a political type characterized by a combination of collectivist and nationalist principles, a right-wing ideological stance, an emphasis on strong authority, and an elitist orientation. Figures like George W. Bush, Vladimir Putin, Augusto Pinochet, Rudyard Kipling, Richard Spencer, Carl Schmitt, Aristotle and Benito Mussolini align with this type to varying degrees. They often advocate for a hierarchical society where power is concentrated in the hands of a privileged few, promote nationalist agendas, and support authoritarian measures to maintain control and order.

By Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash

8. CRAP (Collectivist, Right-wing, Authoritarian, Populist):

CRAP (Collectivist, Right-wing, Authoritarian, Populist) represents a political type characterized by a combination of collectivist and nationalist principles, a right-wing ideological stance, an emphasis on strong authority, and a populist orientation. Figures like Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Ann Coulter, Steve Bannon, Alexander Dugin, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Adolf Hitler, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Mike Peinovich, Nick Fuentes, Matteo Salvini, Rodrigo Duterte, Zakhar Prilepin, and Viktor Orbán align with this type to varying degrees. They promote a vision of society centered around a shared national identity, often advocate for authoritarian measures to maintain order and control, and tap into populist sentiments by speaking to the concerns of the common people while challenging established institutions. It's important to note that while these individuals may exhibit traits of CRAP, the degrees to which they align with this type can vary, and there may be differences in their specific policy positions and approaches.

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9. IRSP (Individualist, Right-wing, Self-governing/libertarian, Populist):

IRSP (Individualist, Right-wing, Self-governing/libertarian, Populist) represents a political type characterized by a combination of individualistic and libertarian principles, a right-wing ideological stance, a belief in self-governance, and a populist orientation. Figures like Billy Corgan, Merle Haggard, Jack Kerouac, Candace Owens, Norman Rockwell, Lauren Southern, Donald Trump, Johnny Cash, Styxhexenhammer666, The Rageaholic/Razörfist, Alex Jones, Barry Goldwater, Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, Andrew Klavan, Thomas Jefferson, and Maxime Bernier align with this type to varying degrees. They emphasize individual freedoms, limited government intervention, and often express a desire to champion the concerns and grievances of the common people against perceived elites and established institutions.

10. IRSE (Individualist, Right-wing, Self-governing/libertarian, Elitist):

IRSE (Individualist, Right-wing, Self-governing/libertarian, Elitist) represents a political type characterized by a combination of individualistic and libertarian principles, a right-wing ideological stance, a belief in self-governance, and a tendency towards elitism. People like Friedrich Hayek, Elon Musk, Jonah Goldberg, Ludwig von Mises, Ayn Rand, Pierre Poilievre, Ben Shapiro, Nuance Bro, Peter Thiel, Vladimir Nabokov, Somerset Maugham, J. J. McCullough, Milton Friedman, Mikhail Bulgakov, and Yaron Brook align with this type to varying degrees. They emphasize individual freedoms, limited government intervention, and the pursuit of self-interest, often favoring free-market capitalism. Their elitist tendencies can manifest through an emphasis on meritocracy and a belief in the superiority of certain intellectual or business elites.

By Crystal Mapes on Unsplash

11. CRSE (Collectivist, Right-wing, Self-governing/libertarian, Elitist):

The CRSE political type, encompassing Collectivist, Right-wing, Self-governing/libertarian, and Elitist elements, includes notable figures such as Socrates, John Stuart Mill, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, and Charles Alan Murray. While individuals within this category may demonstrate varying degrees of these traits, they generally emphasize collectivist values combined with a right-wing perspective, support self-governance and libertarian principles, and often display an elitist attitude towards societal and intellectual matters.

By Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash

12. CRSP (Collectivist, Right-wing, Self-governing/libertarian, Populist):

The CRSP political type, encompassing Collectivist, Right-wing, Self-governing/libertarian, and Populist elements, represents a diverse range of individuals, including Lew Rockwell, Milo Yiannopoulos, Vox Day, E.E. Cummings, Stefan Molyneux, and Murray Rothbard. While each figure may exhibit some aspects of this political type, it is important to note that political ideologies are multifaceted, and individuals may not neatly fit into a single category. However, these individuals generally emphasize the importance of collective identity and values aligned with right-wing principles, advocate for individual freedom and limited government intervention, and often appeal to populist sentiments.


13. ILAP (Individualist, Left-wing, Authoritarian, Populist):

The ILAP political type, comprising Individualist, Left-wing, Authoritarian, and Populist elements, includes influential figures such as Ernest Hemingway, Caleb Maupin, Diego Rivera, Bob Dylan, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and José María Ramos Mejía. These individuals embody a blend of individualistic and left-wing values, advocating for social justice, collective action, and equal distribution of resources while maintaining an authoritarian stance in implementing their agenda. They often appeal to the sentiments of the common people and seek to address their grievances against existing power structures.

14. ILAE (Individualist, Left-wing, Authoritarian, Elitist):

The ILAE political type, encompassing Individualist, Left-wing, Authoritarian, and Elitist elements, includes prominent figures such as Leon Trotsky, Immanuel Kant, Deng Xiaoping, Yury Olesha, and Heraclitus. These individuals exhibit a combination of individualistic and left-wing principles, advocating for societal equality and progress while also embracing an authoritarian approach to achieve their goals. They often assert the superiority of their intellectual or ideological elite in shaping and guiding society. However, it's important to note that political categorizations can be nuanced, and not all aspects of this classification may perfectly apply to each individual mentioned.

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15. CLAE (Collectivist, Left-wing, Authoritarian, Elitist):

The CLAE political type, encompassing Collectivist, Left-wing, Authoritarian, and Elitist elements, finds representation in figures such as Barack Obama, Plato, Woodrow Wilson, Joseph Stalin, Bertolt Brecht, Robert Mugabe, Mao Zedong, and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. These individuals espouse collectivist and left-wing ideals, advocating for social equality and transformation. While they may present themselves as champions of the working class and the marginalized, they also emphasize the need for strong centralized authority and hierarchical structures to enforce their vision.

By Polina Kuzovkova on Unsplash

16. CLAP (Collectivist, Left-wing, Authoritarian, Populist):

The CLAP political type, comprising Collectivist, Left-wing, Authoritarian, and Populist elements, encompasses notable figures such as Malcolm X, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Pablo Neruda, Maximilien Robespierre, Maxim Gorky, Lyndon B. Johnson, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Karl Marx, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Muammar Gaddafi, Slavoj Žižek, George Grosz, Infrared (InfraHaz), Vladimir Lenin, Jackson Hinkle, and Aleksandra Pakhmutova. These individuals embody a collectivist and left-wing ideology, emphasizing social equality, workers' rights, and challenging established power structures. They often advocate for strong centralized authority to enact their vision of social and economic transformation and aim to champion the interests and aspirations of the common people.


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"the marginal people of the former Soviet states are being ground up in Ukraine...A front can be an especially great way of getting rid of troublesome peoples."

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