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Rac·ism Hidden As Pa·tri·ot·ism

The hypocrisy of racism that is now a political party and weaved into patriotism

By IwriteMywrongsPublished 9 months ago 4 min read
Authors Photo ©️TB Obwoge 2023 All Rights Reserved

Sunday, 1 October 2023

By: TB Obwoge

During the last few years of the Trump administration White supremacists had been having the best times of their lives. Being openly racist is not a deal breaker, unless you say something or do something extremely stupid….wait that’s not a deal breaker either for racists. The felt emboldened into thinking there would be a 2nd term.

Even at the beginning of Trump's term it was clear that the United States was headed back to the dark ages. Here we are now rounding the end of a Biden term, as he tries to run for second term as the oldest American president in history. Racism has not gotten better and with everyday there are more documented incidents of racism.

Elon Musk's Twitter X or whatever that platform is to be called these days, is helping in the spread of hate speech. Introducing TikTok and there you have a world wind of hate speech platforms. I was violated for replying to someone with a clown emoji, while I've seen people threaten others lives and post some of the most racist things I've ever seen. Comments remain.

The unimaginable things that have come out of the mouth of the former 45th American president. They've rarely lost him the support of the “So-Called”, Conservative, Christian, White Americans.

Not one thing in the life of Donald Trump has shown him as a Christian man. NOTHING!

A man that’s had three wives, cheated on everyone of those wives, a man that has committed fraud & perjury. That had landed him into a court of law, a man that was accused of rape by one of his former wife.

A man that is accused of rape of a minor child, a man that has refused to pay workers even after they have completed work for him.

He's facing so many criminal charges that I've lost count!

An anti union man, that has no shame in hating people for the color of their skin, with a history of such racism. All these things should’ve excluded a person like Trump from ever entering into an American election.

In the United States numerous videos surfacing on social media sites of people being openly racist & harassing non-Whites has gotten a number of White Americans fired. Social media has a long standing reach and this is what the world thinks of American citizens.

No country in the world should have it’s highest office occupied by a racist, yet in America there are millions waiting for the chance to re-elect their racist President. This is an act of betrayal for anyone in a country founded on freedom, despite the first few hundred years that contradicted giving that freedom to non-whites and women.

The founding fathers even though also a bunch of enslaving, racists would be biting at their bits to throw anyone like Donald Trump out of the American White House. His (Trump’s) presidency is exactly what they DID NOT WANT for America.

Authors Photo ©️TB Obwoge 2023 All Rights Reserved

Native Americans being attacked, people actually considering them not American citizens under Trump. This is insanity.

Here we are speeding into 2024 and still one of the most underserved populations in the country are Native Americans. There are now entire groups of social media influencers that make thousands of dollars, calling out racists in the US. What has this place become?

Has anyone noticed the decline around the world? Especially after the decline in the US?

It's now spread beyond Trump, it's an entire group of people that seem to want to break from the 2 parties to create a 3rd party, their own racist party. All cloaked in the name of patriotism. This is no longer about politics but the color of peoples skin, the American government is

Those who have no knowledge of the American Constitution will never understand the things that Donald Trump has done & is continuing to do that go against the rules set forth within the document. There are free copies of the constitution within offices of congress persons as well as state & house representatives all over America.

How has the Republican Party now become this way, how has race been made the primary concern of their form of politics?

Republican problems on race add up

Republican efforts to enhance their appeal with minority voters suffered a series of setbacks this week when a pair of GOP lawmakers made racially explosive comments, stirring immediate condemnation from civil rights groups and threatening to muddy the party’s message of big-tent inclusivity.

House Republican leaders have spent much of the year highlighting the party’s advances in recruiting women and people from minority groups, linking a diverse slate of candidates to their success in flipping control of the lower chamber last year. And they retain high hopes of expanding on those gains in the 2024 elections.

But that image-shaping campaign was dealt a hard blow this week when Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) and Rep. Eli Crane (R-Ariz.) gave voice to bigoted sentiments, prompting rebukes from Republican leaders and sparking warnings from some rank-and-file members that the party’s efforts to attract more people from minority groups just got more difficult.

“It makes it very tough,” Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) said. “We want to be a big tent; we want to have diversity in our party; and it makes it difficult to do that when those types of comments are made.”

Tuberville stirred a firestorm of controversy Monday, when he told CNN that white nationalists — a group defined as “militant white people who espouse white supremacy and advocate enforced racial segregation,” according to Merriam-Webster — are not inherently racist.

“That’s your opinion,” he told host Kaitlan Collins, adding that a white nationalist “is an American.”

Source: The Hill

Thank you for reading 🙏🏽 Please consider buying a coffee for Lacey’s House efforts in Gender Equality & Children’s Rights as it tries to move international.

©️TB Obwoge 2023 All Rights Reserved


About the Creator


I'm the president of a nonprofit. I've lived in 3 countries, I love to travel, take photos and help children and women around the world! One day I pray an end to Child Marriages, Rape and a start to equal Education for ALL children 🙏🏽

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