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A Dear Don Letter

A screed to the Donald.

By Skyler SaundersPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Dear Donnie Trump,

The reality show known as your Presidency has been canceled after just one season. Bummer, I know. But your out-of-touch, unprincipled, cognitively hollow, intellectually inept, morally flaccid approach to governing the United States of America has reached its end.

You have lost the popular vote twice and are number one (yay?) as the sole president in the US to be impeached twice. Twice. That’s like the success of your Trump University. You expected to find an achievement but only fell flat into a pile of bovine fecal matter.

As far as your Administration’s complete fumbling of COVID-19, you have had hundreds of thousands of deaths under your watch. But were those people just lost votes to you? Anyway, you considered it a hoax, and that bleach and a special light would knock out the virus. Then you caught it yourself! Did the household cleaner and ultraviolet light do wonders for you or did you receive drugs that people not in your position don’t get?

Donnie, I’ve got to say it’s been one hell of a ride with you at the wheel. It was like traveling on the highway at two hundred miles per hour...backwards. But I must commend you. Your rhetoric came just close to full-blown racism.

In Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017, you said that there were “very fine people on both sides.” You could have just said that some c— and n— were just battling each other or properly that those on the left and right represented the worst in assembly in both camps. Damn, Donnie! That was smooth.

During the electoral debates you told your base, the Proud Boys, to “stand back and stand by.” Were you just holding their leash until a future date?

In the January 6th 2021 insurrection, you said that you “loved” those who terrorized your fellow statesmen and women. You don’t seem like the biggest champion of women, especially. Did you rejoice at Nancy Pelosi’s fright?

In this Presidency of Irony, you showed no slouching in your ability to turn your twiddle fingers into Twitter fingers. Then, Amazon, Facebook, and other blue-chip stock companies banned you from expressing yourself. This, of course is not censorship, only you and your constituents hold the power to censor. It is a government thing, okay? Just in case you missed it, you have been silenced through private organizations that you used and supported. Heavy is the hand….

Donnie, I’ve got to hand it to you. You did provide plenty of comedians to say that you’re too easy a target and not the best material for their work. Although up and comers like Sarah Cooper found comedic platinum and diamonds in your bizarre brand of governing, I think that more people will enjoy poking fun at your elected successor.

I mean you got beat by someone who is spending and plans to spend money in Mary and George Bailey style. And yes you were beat. You can attempt to evade the fact that you lost re-election but you cannot evade the consequences of such an evasion.

Donnie, don’t worry. You’ll be back out on the ninth hole sulking in the fact you’re no longer president and blaming everyone from Dr. Anthony Fauci to Mike Pence for your troubles.

Everything you touched was not all bad. You cut taxes for some of the most productive among us and moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. You also took the country out of the Paris Climate Accord. All good stuff. That’s about it, Donnie. As president, you struck me as someone ruled by his emotions and couldn’t quite convey any proactive or positive perspective. You should stop this ride with a crumpled up red hat that reads, “Make Trump Impeached Again” (MTIA). Good riddance.


Living “Loser” United States Marine Corps Lance Corporal (Retired) Skyler Easton Saunders


About the Creator

Skyler Saunders

I’ve been writing since I was five-years-old. I didn’t have an audience until I was nine. If you enjoy my work feel free to like but also never hesitate to share. Thank you for your patronage. Take care.


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