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How to pull off a cozy hygge wardrobe

Stay warm, look comfy

By TestPublished 5 months ago 3 min read
How to pull off a cozy hygge wardrobe
Photo by allison christine on Unsplash

It's nearly mid-January and we Michiganders are finally getting some serious snowfall. As I watch the white flakes fall from the sky a chill comes over me. Yuck, I hate being cold. That's where hygge comes in handy. And, if you're not in the know ...

What is Hygge?

Hygge, which is pronounced "hoo-ga," comes from the Danish and Norwegian folks. What does it mean in English? Well, there's no translation for it, but it is all about finding comfort, being cozy, and enjoying contentment in the simple things life gives us.

Hygge is about everything -- from the atmosphere of your living space to what you're putting on and in your body. Candles are a big part of hygge, as are warm drinks, cozy blankets, and ambient lighting. While we want you to enjoy the warmth of a cozy home, this story is all about making your body comfortable in hygge-inspired fashions, so that even if you have to go out in the cold and snow, you can do it in warmth and coziness.

Keeping Your Feet Warm

By Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Indoors or out, warm feet are everything. In fact, when you're cold, putting on warm socks and a hat are two of the best ways to regulate your body temp and stay toasty. I'm not suggesting you wear a hat in your home, but you should most definitely invest in some warm socks and slippers.

I love fleece-lined "reading" socks and lined slippers with rubber soles (so I can wear them out to the mailbox when it's not wet or snowing outside). If you visit the hospital for overnight stays, hold onto the socks they give you there as well -- they're nice and warm and they have those no-slip dots on them!

Investing in Cozy Bottoms

By Shashi Chaturvedula on Unsplash

Whether you want to don those popular grey sweatpants or something else, cozy pants are a must. Now, cozy pants can differ for each of us, so I am leaving this one up to you, the individual reading this.

Here, however, are some cozy pant suggestions (aside from sweats): yoga pants, lounge pants, lined leggings, and even loose shorts. Any looser-fitting pants can be comfortable. If you want the warmth, pick lined pants or thicker fabrics.

Add Those Toasty Layers

By Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

Layers are perfect for a hygge wardrobe, and there are all sorts of things you can layer. If you need to leave the house, don't ditch your lounge pants, just put a skirt over them.

As for the upper layers, I absolutely LOVE oversized sweaters and zipper hoodies. Of course, if you're more of a pullover hoodie or sweatshirt person, go for it. This is all about your comfort and coziness, don't forget that! This is the perfect chance to wear the bulkiest sweaters and sweatshirts you own -- the ones you usually leave hanging because they make you feel like you're wearing a tent. That tent is warm, put it on!

Heat Those Hands Up

By Dan Gold on Unsplash

I have arthritis in my hands and I spend a lot of time on my computer and my phone. Because of this, I own quite a collection of fingerless gloves. There are so many styles out there that you can find something that fits your aesthetic easily.

Why fingerless? They leave your fingers free for all you need to accomplish. You can also find mittens that fold back into fingerless gloves, so you can go from working at home to running to the grocery without changing your gloves.


If you want to feel the comfort of hygge, the real trick is being comfortable. If you're not leaving the house, feel free to stay in your jammies all day. If you have to leave in the chilly weather, leave those jammies on as an extra layer -- who's gonna know?!


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